Chapter 525 Return to Sacred Land

“Do you want to hear something interesting?” Lu Changqing asked, “Traveling around, although you will encounter some dangerous things, but you will also meet some people who are worthy of association. For people like you who are airborne , It is impossible to experience.

Bai Ruyan was also wondering in her heart, looking for some people to treat Lu Changqing as a god, and apparently his own appeared, which relieved the trap of the demons, but looking for some people, he was even more grateful to Lu Changqing.

She looked at Xiao Muxue again, even a little envious of her, being able to accompany Lu Changqing at all times.

“Hey, can you two hurry up? At this speed, when can you return to Sacred Land.”

Lu Changqing’s heart was indeed filled with loss, thinking in his heart, first return to Sacred Land, and then look for opportunities to travel elsewhere.

Maybe Holy Lord07 was worried about the danger he encountered at the Beast God Gate, so he recruited him to go back.

When Lu Changqing and others arrived at Sacred Land in Yaochi, Bai Ruyan said to them, “Come with me,

She originally thought that she would take them to see the Holy Lord, but she went to see Cheng Ya first.

In a palace, Cheng Ya seemed to be waiting for their arrival.

Seeing Lu Changqing and others coming, got up and walked towards them.

“Are you back?” Cheng Ya’s voice slowly sounded.

Without seeing the Holy Lord, Lu Changqing was a little confused, but still bite the bullet and saw her.

“Go down.” Cheng Ya said to Bai Ruyan.

Bai Ruyan agreed, then turned around and walked back.

“Don’t you feel too strange, why did I send Bai Ruyan to help you?

Lu Changqing was confused, “You asked her to call us back?”

“Yes.” Cheng Ya did not deny, “This is not what the Holy Lord meant.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“It’s very simple, for Xiaowan.”

Lu Changqing is more puzzled. Although Xiaowan is his fiancée, he has a special affection for Xiaowan. It seems that he has no love.


“Yes.” Cheng Ya said, “she is poisoned.”

Not only Lu Changqing was stunned, but Xiao Muxue was also stunned.

How could Xiaowan be poisoned? You know, this is Sacred Land in Yaochi, what kind of panacea is there?

“Then how is she now?” Xiao Muxue asked.

Cheng Ya and faced Lu Changqing, “You don’t want to know how she was poisoned, don’t you worry about her?”

Lu Changqing nodded, “Of course I am worried about her, I want to see her.

Cheng Ya nodded, and said to Xiao Muxue, “Your mission has been completed, go ahead.”

Xiao Muxue agreed, and when she turned around, she glanced over Lu Changqing, as if she wanted to express something and left.

Lu Changqing didn’t think much, so he wanted to see Xiao Wan first.

“Come with me.” Cheng Ya led the way.

Under her leadership, Lu Changqing came to the palace where Xiaowan lived.

In the magnificent palace, when they walked in, 867 Fairy, who was waiting, came out.

Cheng Ya waved her hand, motioned them to retreat, and walked directly into Xiaowan’s palace.

On a large carved bed, there was a woman lying on her back with a beautiful face, but her face was a little pale because she was in a coma.

Lu Changqing hurriedly walked over and took Xiao Wan’s hand to get her pulse.

Judging from the pulse condition, it was indeed in a coma because of poisoning.

Lu Changqing is puzzled, isn’t there a detoxification medicine in Sacred Land in Yaochi?

“What is the poison in her?” Lu Changqing asked.

Cheng Ya didn’t answer him right away, but turned faintly, seeming to have an unusual experience.

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