Chapter 53: Old woman, smelly not wanting face!

In the forbidden area of ​​Yaochi, Lu Changqing has a look of “embarrassed.”

This made the Yaochi Holy Lord on the side laugh.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, this Holy Lord did the same back then.”

All Elder suddenly cast strange glances.

Smelly not wanting face!

Mu Jiuyan slowly fell to Lu Changqing’s side, and said with a cold expression: “Cultivation requires abstinence and too much contact with female disciples in the door is not good for you.”

Lu Changqing secretly said in his heart.

[I am cultivating the avenue of mortals, and I talk about seven emotions and six desires, and I am not an old woman who is not wanted by you. 】

Mu Jiuyan’s beautiful face suddenly added a hint of gloom.

She really wanted to give this guy a violent beating!

Taking the most greedy Universe and Enlightening Daomu, he bullied himself so much in front of his master!

She is the Empress, Qingyou Empress!

The number one beauty in the Southern Territory pursued by countless Tianjiao back then, well!

Why are you angry with him?

Countless Elders also followed suit.

“Yes, Master is right.”

“Well, it is true, abstinence is the great way, you see that the dao companion in this seat is not ignorant of abstinence when you are young, and now it is difficult to even enter the holy realm.”

“Changqing, I don’t want to thank Master Qingyou for his teachings.”

Many Elders stroked their long beards and smiled.

Lu Changqing pouted secretly, a group of old ladies!

When everyone calmed down, Yaochi Holy Lord Xu Qiufeng approached with a smile.

“Evergreen, my nephew, I can’t think of the mountains and dews on weekdays, but it is a blockbuster in the Sect competition.”

“To be honest, even the old man never made it to the top.”

Because Lu Changqing’s master is equal to the Holy Lord.

So in the martial arts, his seniority is also very scary.

The words of the Holy Lord in Jade Lake made all the Elders react again.

His face suddenly changed!

Standing in front of them, there is a Daoyun who is not inferior to them, and even a Tianjiao who is still above them!

How long did he get started?

This is too enchanting, right?

Lu Changqing said with a dry smile: “It’s all good from the teacher.”

Everyone Elder’s eyes lit up as soon as this said.

Master Qingyou must have opened a small stove for him!

Look at the unknown disciples selected this time, four of them are from Piaoxue Peak!

What does this mean, this is the Fa passed on by the master!

The Elder nodded again and again: “Yes, yes, not arrogant or impetuous.”

“It can be seen that Master Qingyou must have passed your Secret Technique!”

“I don’t want to thank my Master for climbing the Dragon Enlightenment Tower to the top. This is an opportunity that others can’t ask for!”

“There is also that dark secret realm, young, and the future is limitless!”

Lu Changqing couldn’t help but feel complacent.

[I go, what does my own effort have to do with this old woman? 】

[Did this old woman help? 】

[Eat mine and drink mine every day, but also fierce me! 】

Mu Jiuyan’s face turned dark again.

What does it mean to have nothing to do with yourself?

Your master is still inherited from the Qingyou line, how can you have your master without me?

Master, how can you be without you?

You rebel!

Under the uproar of a group of Elders, Lu Changqing reluctantly turned to Mu Jiuyan.

“Thank you, Master Qingyou.”

However, what I thought silently in my heart was.

[Old woman, smelly not wanting face! 】


The smile on Mu Jiuyan’s face froze, and she couldn’t help clenching her fists.

Yaochi Holy Lord doubted: “What sound?”

Mu Jiuyan said solemnly: “It’s nothing, this seat just broke through a shackle.”

When Elder heard it, there was another burst of rainbow farts.

Until half an hour later, the Elders dispersed.

The Holy Lord of Jade Lake confirmed to the Empress, and Jade Lake went to the Cangxu secret realm half a year later.

Back at Piaoxuefeng, Lu Changqing first got along with the juniors for a while.

Bai Hanyan twittered a bunch of his feelings in the Pagoda of Panglong Enlightenment.

Murongying tied her ponytail and nodded vigorously.

Holy Maiden has a straight face, and is full of harassment about Lu Changqing’s molesting on the sixty-ninth floor.

As for Mu Jiuyan, after returning, he went directly to the room.

Of course, all the small gifts given by the Yaochi female repairmen were confiscated by the juniors.

Even the second younger sister took off Lu Changqing’s coat with a cold face.

Because it is full of rouge smell.

When she said: “Brother, this robe is a bit torn, I will mend it for you.” Lu Changqing was ready to burn the clothes.

For dinner that day, the preparations on Piaoxue Peak were exceptionally rich.

Bai Hanyan cooperated with Lu Changqing to improve the cooking efficiency a lot.

The second junior sister directly found the place where he hid the wine, which caused him a lot of headaches.

As a result, I drank too much that night, clamoring to worship the handle with the little junior sister and Holy Maiden.

Holy Maiden has always maintained the state of Taishang Avenue in motion.

Only when there was no one in the yard, Lu Changqing was sneak attacked and pecked on the cheek.

A “Mrs. Lu” made her completely break the defense.

He fled directly back to the house.

Only very rare, Mu Jiuyan did not show up for a long time tonight.

The wooden house was closed tightly, no one dared to bother.

Lu Changqing guessed that it might be because of Daxu and Emperor Pass.

Save a meal, write down a note, and put it at the door of her room.

After a while, Mu Jiuyan’s door opened, looking at the food on the ground, and the note on the side, shook his head slightly.

His eyes fell on Lu Changqing’s door, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

In the streamlined wooden house, Lu Changqing Lotus Position sits on a couch.

At this time, his left hand was an ordinary stone axe, which even seemed primitive and rough.

Above the right hand, there is a branch of branches, above which the brilliance is flowing, and there is a faintly elusive charm!

These two things are Lu Changqing’s biggest gains in the Pagoda of Panlong Enlightenment.

That stone axe was made from a mortal stone, helping him cut through the thorns and directly climb to the top of the jade pond!

And this cosmic enlightenment tree is always washing his Dao heart, making his Dao rhyme slow all the time Ascension!

It also resonates strongly with oneself!

It is a fetish!

Suddenly, Lu Changqing surged with a certain kind of enlightenment.

Involuntarily running from the mortal experience.

Stone axe and Qiankun Enlightenment Wood are shrouded by the Taoist rhyme of returning to nature.

Slowly flying into the air, each exuding similar Taoist rhymes, constantly pulling each other!

Three similar but different Taoist rhymes began to collide and blend.

Suddenly at a certain point, a wonderful balance was reached!

The original stone axe was transformed into a simple stone axe, and the forearm-long Qiankun Enlightenment wood was transformed into a wooden axe handle!

The two actually merged together, and became a simple axe!

There was a hint of shock in Lu Changqing’s eyes!

He is holding this brand new stone axe, although it still seems ordinary!

But he knew that this axe could carry his own, even several times the Dao Yun!

“I will call you Dao Axe from now on” Lu Changqing murmured

This axe will accompany myself for a long, long time…*

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