Chapter 503 was discovered

Lu Changqing gestured for everyone to lean back.

Xu Qing wanted to ask him if he was sure? But under the eyes of the enemy, he could not speak or speak as much as possible.

Lu Changqing began to try to crack the formation.

Xiao Muxue watched from the sidelines, she wanted to help, but all she could do now was to stand guard and always guard against what the enemy found.

You must know that the demon is changing, especially now it is dark, when the demon is turned into a cloud of black smoke, it is really not easy to be found.

Xiao Muxue also glanced at Lu Changqing from time to time to understand the speed of cracking the formation.

When Lu Changqing was devoting himself to studying formation, a strong light suddenly shone on him.

Lu Changqing’s first thought was that he was discovered.

Xu Qing and others were naturally surprised.

Immediately afterwards, a team of demon appeared and surrounded them.

Lu Changqing was forced to interrupt the cracking process.

Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

They stood up straight, Lu Changqing sighed as he looked at these demons, feeling that he was too ugly.

“The Demon Race does these things.”

Xu Qing also raised eyebrows. They were ready. As long as Lu Changqing gave an order, they would immediately start to clear the obstacles or return to the city. It depends on Lu Changqing’s meaning.

Lu Changqing cracked the formation and was interrupted, and there was a backlog of anger in his heart.

Sure enough, “It’s a bunch of villains, sneaking up.” A shrill voice sounded.

Lu Changqing waited to look towards the source of the sound, and saw a person wrapped in a cloud of black smoke, not so much a person as a ghost.

“Do you know whose site this is?” The half ghost made a sneer.

“If you interrupt my work, you deserve to die.” Lu Changqing couldn’t help but attacked the ghost.

The ghost stood there without moving, and the demon blocked Lu Changqing.

Xiao Muxue and others also joined the battle.

According to their judgment, there should be someone responsible for the formation here, and the half-human and half-demon guy in front of him is responsible for this formation.

Lu Changqing just wanted to make a quick fight, after all, if the delay is long, more demons will be attracted.

Xiao Muxue and others dealt with demon, and Lu Changqing went straight to the kid.

“You are not a demon, a person who is not human, I think you are very unpleasant.” Lu Changqing is not merciful, and his mind is full of the death of those immortal cultivators during the day.

0……Look for flowers…

I can’t wait to get rid of this kid.

The imp’s attack power is not very strong, but he can make Lu Changqing unable to hit no matter how much energy he uses, and the opponent will suddenly appear near him and attack him.


Lu Changqing thought of Baoshan, a disciple of the Mochizuki faction. It should be in this situation that he became dull and stupid when he was hit by his soul.

After being unable to hit one after another, the opponent became proud. “Are you mastering your skills? It disappoints me too much.

Lu Changqing sneered slightly and decided to burn him with fire.

The little ghost disappeared, and Lu Changqing stood there motionless, judging where the opponent would suddenly appear.

The little ghost appeared, and he appeared right in front of him, grinning and grinning at Lu Changqing.

Behind this smile is murderous intent.

He just caught Lu Changqing guessing and knocked him down.

Lu Changqing had prepared people for a long time, and at the moment when the other party appeared, a fire ignited.

Before the little devil made a move to him, he let out a scream. earth.

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