The 481st chapter recruits hopeless

The next day, Sect Leader personally arrived at the inn, and because the battle was a bit big, he also alarmed the Miao family.

Several Elders of the Miao family thought they were coming at Costin, and they winked at each other, saying that no matter what happened, they would keep Costin, so they were like a big enemy.

Sect Leader and others entered the inn. They originally wanted to go directly to Lu Changqing’s room, but they were greeted by Elder from the Miao family.

“Excuse me, everyone..

Suddenly, Miao Xi said, “They are here to get the Feng Shui compass.”

Miao’s Elder didn’t know what was going on, so Miao Xi told them what happened yesterday.

The Miao Elders now let go of their hearts.

Sect Leader looked at Lu Changqing, and saw that he was dignified, admiring him more and more sincerely.

Lu Changqing invited them into his 833 room.

After taking the seat, Sect Leader was still very surprised, how he was with the Miao family.

Lu Changqing just said briefly.

Sect Leader nodded, “Qi Elder went back yesterday and told me what had happened. I am very grateful for Mr. Lu’s great benevolence, and I am here to thank him in person today.”

Lu Changqing said hurriedly, “Sect Leader is polite, but it’s just a matter of effort.”

Sect Leader has also been thinking about how to understand his details, “Mr. Lu is very knowledgeable, I don’t know what school he comes from?”

Lu Changqing lowered his eyes and smiled, “Home in the world.

(ahci) Upon hearing this, Sect Leader was secretly happy.

Xiao Muxue on the side saw the clue and felt that Sect Leader must have some purpose.

Sect Leader also said, “I have a ruthless request, I don’t know if Mr. Lu can show his face?”

Lu Changqing was taken aback,” Sect Leader, please speak.

“That’s it.” Sect Leader said hesitatingly, “I heard that Lu Xianxian is also working on eradicating the demon. This is the same goal as our Mochizuki faction. If you can join our Mochizuki faction, it will definitely create a strong force for the demon. Blow.

Although he has no bottom in his heart, the Mochizuki faction is also a big faction. If Lu Changqing joins in, it will be a support for him.

This is Sect Leader’s only confidence.

Lu Changqing was embarrassed. With his personality, he was unwilling to join any sect, but the other party said it in person, how could he refuse?

Thank you “Sect Leader for your love. I am used to being free and don’t want to join any sects.”

Sect Leader is still not reconciled. “Joining the Mochizuki faction will not affect your life. Besides, you are dealing with the waste by yourself. After all, people are a little lonely. If you join this school, won’t you have a right hand?”

Seeing him so persistent, Lu Changqing was also speechless.

“Sect Leader’s kindness is accepted by heart, and it’s hard to follow one’s fate.”

Sect Leader wanted to say something, and then he thought about it.

“Since Mr. Lu is unwilling, I don’t want to force it, but in the matter of eradicating the demon, I hope we can still cooperate.”

“Of course.” Lu Changqing said, “It is our common goal to eradicate demons, and it is incumbent on us.

Sect Leader was a little disappointed, so he got up and said goodbye.

Lu Changqing handed the Feng Shui compass to Qi Elder.

When Qi Elder took over Feng Shui compass, he repeatedly claimed to be thankful.

Lu Changqing escorted them outside the inn. As soon as they said goodbye to each other, they saw a chaser approaching. Everywhere they went, passers-by avoided.

“Isn’t that a disciple of the same school?” Qi Elder recognized it at a glance.

Sect Leader was startled, and quickly called someone to pick him up.

The two disciples hurriedly greeted him, and one by one, they held up the man and came to Sect Leader.

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