Chapter 44: The time has come, please ancestors!

Three months passed in a flash,

On Piaoxue Peak

The condition that Lu Changqing has not put forward for a long time has almost become the knot of the empress.

Every time she felt Lu Changqing’s gaze, she could hear the voice that made her vomit blood!

And Murong Ying’s Sword Technique became more and more terrifying.

Cultivation Base skyrocketed all the way!

Compared to when he first came to Piaoxue Peak, his eyes were brighter and more energetic.

Suddenly, there was a glow from the horizon, and a cold, arrogant breath covered the sky above the Jade Lake!

It seems to have crossed over with some will not belong to the world!

Too on the road!

It’s Holy Maiden!

Many people exclaimed, and their hearts are even more shocked, the rhyme of Holy Maiden is so strong!

It is indeed one of the best in Yaochi!

Mu Jiuyan felt it, and waved his hand to remove the Restrictions of Piaoxue Peak, allowing Xu Da Holy Maiden to fall on the mountainside platform.

Xiaguang landed, and a woman with a cold temperament wearing a bright zodiac robe came out from it.

The hair fell like a waterfall, the crown of Lotus flower on his head, and his proud figure could not even be covered by the broad Taoist robe.

But the aura on his body was several times stronger than San Yue!

The whole person has become indifferent.

Like everything in the world, nothing can move her.

“Master, the disciple is back.”

Holy Maiden of Yaochi slowly said.

Did not look at Lu Changqing at a glance.

Mu Jiuyan nodded, she was very satisfied with the changes in this Holy Maiden.

Quite a bit of her charm.

The moment Murong Ying, who was standing on the side, saw Holy Maiden, she couldn’t help but admire.

Apart from the Qingyou Empress, there is such a woman out of dust in the world?

Mu Jiuyan explained to Holy Maiden, Murongying’s identity did not say much.

Just to make it clear that this is Xiao Elder’s new apprentice.

Holy Maiden is not a talkative person, just nodding towards Murong Ying, it is considered to be acquaintance.

As for Lu Changqing, she was still ignored.

Until Holy Maiden returned to the own room and passed him.

A whispered “Mrs. Lu” made Holy Maiden’s figure tremble.

She raised her pretty eyes, and said solemnly, “Senior Brother Lu, don’t say anything like this again in the future.”

“You and I are not so related.”

Lu Changqing slumped and shook his head with a wry smile. It seems that Holy Maiden has achieved a lot in this practice, and even this is almost immune.

Xu Da Holy Maiden calmly walked into the room slowly.

At the moment the door was closed, the whole person leaned against the door, his face flushed, and he almost collapsed.

He lowered his head and murmured to himself, completely without the original holy and cold image.

“Senior Brother Lu, Senior Brother Lu, are you really my heart knot?”

Although her Taishang Dadao has been more diligent, her time with Lu Changqing in the world still cannot be forgotten.

Moreover, the higher her Cultivation Base, the deeper and clearer the memory of that episode.

Xu Yuan can detect that one day Lu Changqing will become her Heart’s Demon.

Approaching noon, Bai Hanyan came back with a meal.

The originally fair skin became a little dark, becoming that healthy wheat color.

The appearance is still cute and cute, but the breath on his body is as deep as the sea.

It seems like a giant beast is hidden in the body!

Lu Changqing is almost certain that the junior sister has mastered the way of both rigidity and softness!

“Brother, have dinner!”

This lunch, with the return of the two women, also seemed to be a lot of fun.

However, both the Empress and Holy Maiden belong to the less talkative category.

Most of the time, it was Lu Changqing adjusting the atmosphere and spending this ordinary day.

Early morning of the second day

The melodious Yaochi bells resounded impressively.

On Piaoxue Peak,

Lu Changqing looked at the Holy Lord of Yaochi and the group of Elders coming, very puzzled.

“The period of March has come, and the trial of Jade Lake begins today!”

“Please Qingyou Master, create an ancestral land, please ancestral tools!”

The voice of the Holy Lord in Yaochi came out loudly

The next moment, the aura on the female emperor standing on the top of the mountain suddenly changed!

Dao Yun at the emperor’s level will almost cover the entire Southern Territory!

It seems that the laws of heaven and earth are solidified at this moment!

There are more Mu Jiuyan at this time than usual, it is majestic and imposing!

It is the kind of Dao Yun that is superior to all beings, and I am invincible!

At this moment, even Lu Changqing couldn’t help being shocked.

This is the first time he has seen Mu Jiuyan show such a charm!

Even he had to admit that Mu Jiuyan was indeed a peerless female emperor!

“The time has come, I am quiet, please ancestors!”

The voice of the female emperor seemed to contain a certain law, slowly spreading over the Yaochi!

In the depths of Sacred Land, the forbidden area that had been closed for ten thousand years was opened suddenly at this moment!

The entire Jade Lake was trembling slowly, as if there was a supreme existence, who wanted to wake up!

The female emperor took the lead in the air, and Yaochi Holy Lord and others immediately followed.

Countless Yaochi disciples, with serious faces, burst into the air one after another!

Lu Changqing mingled among the crowd and saw a huge valley in the depths of Yaochi blooming like a flower bud!

The golden light is dazzling, revealing a vast lake!

Lu Changqing was surprised!

Could this be the root of the ancestral land of Yaochi Sacred Land!

This lake is called Yaochi! ?

In the clear lake water, I am afraid that it is the Yaochi Immortal Brew that can enlighten the Tao with a sip!

The earth buzzed, and a huge whirlpool slowly appeared in the center of the jade pond!

The entire Jade Pond was shining brightly, and a huge tower with the rendering of climbing dragons and numerous Taoist rhymes slowly floated up!


The huge tower is like a mountain, soaring into the sky straight into the sky!

Exudes infinite mystery!

Then he stood firmly on the top of Yaochi!

The tremor between heaven and earth disappeared immediately.

Instead, the intoxicating infinite aura in Yaochi!

Just take a breath and it feels like stepping into a fairyland, even Realm is loose!

Outside that huge pagoda, there seem to be several ghosts of real dragons coiling up!

A burst of dragons shook people’s hearts!

It seems that you have to follow this huge tower of the sky and go straight to the fairyland!

Mu Jiuyan stopped outside the forbidden area of ​​Yaochi like a flower bud blooming.

Standing on an extended stone petal, his eyes were deep.

Lu Changqing can only see the back of the empress from a distance, dressed in white, standing with her hands behind her back.

A domineering aura in the world is undoubtedly revealed!

The road they were talking about had turned into a huge canyon, the Empress stopped in front, and all the disciples naturally stopped.

They all looked up at the huge tower that rose into the sky with shocking colors.

It was the first time Lu Changqing saw such a scene, standing still, his shock was no weaker than these Yaochi disciples.

In that huge tower, he felt a terrifying power to the extreme!

Can even faintly and the female emperor side by side!

“What the hell is this?”

He couldn’t help whispering.

Holy Maiden on the side was also firmly attracted by the giant tower, even if she practiced too much on the road, she couldn’t calm her emotions at this moment.

On Lu Changqing’s side, his breathing was short, and his voice trembled: “This is my Yaochi ancestor, and created the great emperor for Yaochi—the emperor of the Western Queen.”

“Climbing Dragon Enlightenment Tower!”*

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