Chapter 41: This Junior Sister’s Wine Is Not Good

At night, there was a taciturn girl on the dining table in the courtyard of Piaoxuefeng.

Mu Jiuyan was on the side, waiting for him to open the envelope.

Lu Changqing took out the letter, and the beautiful handwriting came into view.

[Hee hee, good boy, are you shocked when you see the letter! 】

At the first line of words, the beautiful master’s detached temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

[Now, now that you have seen the letter, you must already know that being a teacher is not a journey down the mountain, but a mission. 】

[I was originally looking for clues to the Cangxu secret realm in the Northern Territory, but in a town near the secret realm, I found a genius. 】

[You guessed it, the girl I asked Anyi to return to is the new disciple of the teacher][She is your first serious sister, you have to take good care of her. 】

Lu Changqing rubbed her eyebrows, she couldn’t stand the way of writing letters like the beautiful master.

Read on.

[Don’t look at your junior girl’s dull look, her talent is not low, she has an indestructible sword body, she is scared, haha! 】

[Hey, if it weren’t for Zixiao’s enlightenment of Daoyu, she would still be a princess in Yunqiu Kingdom]

Mu Jiuyan frowned slightly and said, “Zixiao enlightened Daoyu?”

Lu Changqing glanced at the empress and said, “Master knows this thing?”

Mu Jiuyan nodded and said, “This is the treasure for comprehending the rhyme of Taoism, and it even helps Sage Realm.”

“I heard Xu Qiufeng (Holy Lord of Yaochi) say that this treasure once appeared in the Northern Territory. In order to find this thing, a force called the Jiuque Dynasty made a lot of noise.”

The female emperor glanced at Murong Ying and said, “You are the princess of Yunqiu Kingdom. Yunqiu Kingdom was destroyed because of Zixiao’s understanding of Daoyu?”

Murong Ying, who was biting her lip, showed a trace of sorrow in her eyes.

“Senior is right. It was this thing that attracted the army of the Nine Que dynasty and destroyed my country of Yunqiu.”

Mu Jiuyan thought: “Zixiao can only understand Daoyu, but it can only Ascension Dao Yun Dao, but not Ascension strength.”

“The people of the Jiuque dynasty, I’m afraid they want to use this thing to cultivate the arrogance in it, the purpose should be the secret realm!”

As the emperor who has lived for thousands of years, Mu Jiuyan quickly analyzed the reason why the Jiuque Dynasty did so.

Many forces are staring at the Cangxu secret realm, and it is too late to prepare ten years in advance.

Lu Changqing slowly shook his head and said, “Everyone is innocent and guilty.”

Suddenly frowned and said: “No, according to Master’s temperament, it is the best to protect shortcomings.”

“Since she knows this, with her ability to enter the Holy Realm, why is she afraid of a dynasty?”

Murongying on the side was silent.

But Mu Jiuyan saw it and sighed: “It’s not as simple as you think.”

“As far as I know, this nine-que dynasty has a deep history, and it already existed when this seat was Closed Door Training ten thousand years ago.”

“A Sage is invincible.”

“Besides, your master is responsible for the important task of being a teacher, how can you do anything casually at this time?”

Lu Changqing thought about it, too, Master also has her embarrassment.

It’s just that his younger sister is really suffering.

She sighed and put a piece of meat for Murong Ying.

“Junior sister, don’t worry, you have an indestructible sword body and excellent talents. When you grow up a dynasty, you can destroy it at your fingertips.”

The empress at the dinner table saw Lu Changqing picking vegetables for Murong Ying.

Could not help coughing.

He gestured for his empty rice bowl.

Lu Changqing laughed dumbfounded, so he had to pick up another spare rib and put it in the female emperor’s bowl.

“Master, how do you feel if you taste these ribs?”

The female emperor put the ribs into the corner of her mouth, her eyes lit up suddenly.

But it calmed down soon.

He said lightly: “Well, it’s OK.”

Lu Changqing pouted secretly.

[If it’s delicious, say it’s delicious, what to pretend to be! 】

Mu Jiuyan couldn’t help but blushed, ignoring Lu Changqing, silently picking up vegetables and grilling rice.

In the courtyard of Piaoxuefeng, two beauties, big and small, eat quietly.

However, Murong Ying ate less than the Empress.

After eating a small bowl of rice, he ran to the edge of the cliff, holding that primitive and decadent long sword in a daze.

And Mu Jiuyan is a giant to eat!

Lu Changqing wondered whether the empress deliberately used secret methods to digest the food in her stomach.

A big pot of ribs went into the belly of the empress.

After drinking and eating, Lu Changqing cleaned up the dishes.

Mu Jiuyan went back to the house to rest.

At the cliff on the mountainside, Murongying’s ponytail was shaken by the wind.

Her mood is a bit complicated.

From a princess of a country to a fleeing person who sleeps and sleeps in the wind.

This kind of gap is not something anyone can bear.

For these years, she has been living in nightmares every day, full of revenge, fleeing, and living.

Until recently, she fell into the trap of the Jiuque Dynasty.

I couldn’t escape anymore. I thought I would die in battle, but was saved by the passing master.

From her eyesight, it is natural to see that the master’s strength is not weak.

It is already a Sage, but facing the Jiuque Dynasty, a Sage is obviously not enough.

She did not ask Master to help her revenge.

If you can survive, Master will have done his best.

She can’t be embarrassed anymore.

Then he was sent to Yaochi.

She has heard of the name of the Southern Territory Sacred Land.

There are mostly female cultivators, among which there are countless masters.

Even Jiuque Sacred Land did not dare to provoke him.

For the first time, Murong Ying felt that she had hope for revenge.

As long as you practice hard by yourself and with your own talents, you will naturally have the opportunity to take revenge.

Her lifeless eyes became more colorful.

Start thinking about today’s things.

On Piaoxue Peak, she met the so-called big brother.

She is very good-looking, handsomer than all the men she has seen.

The people are also nice, and the cooking is delicious.

It just doesn’t look good at Cultivation Base.

The other one should be the senior of Yaochi.

At a glance, I can see Own’s physique and strong strength.

Maybe it’s Elder in the martial art?

Murongying was inexplicably vigilant in her heart. In front of the woman, she felt as if everything about her had been seen through.

Suddenly, a gentle voice came from my ear.

“Junior Sister?”

This title made Murongying feel a little strange.

She tried to get herself to speak, and screamed.

It’s just that the voice seems a little cold.


Well, this feeling is a bit strange, it’s as if I have an extra support inexplicably.

Just like the father and the emperor before.

It made her feel at ease.

Lu Changqing sat down beside her.

With a sigh, he patted her shoulder.

She trembled and instinctively wanted to hide.

Endured it again.

Then, Lu Changqing spoke slowly.

“Master said everything about you in the letter.”

Murong Ying nodded with a “hmm”.

“Of course, I am not sympathetic to you, I know you don’t need sympathy either.”

Lu Changqing smiled and saw Murong Ying raise her head, just to look at him.

“What Brother wants to tell you is, since you have entered Piaoxue Peak, then you are your own.”

“Your business is the master’s business, and it’s also the senior’s business.”

“We will not act for you and directly destroy the Jiuque Dynasty.”

“But we can wait for you to grow, and when you have the strength to take revenge, we don’t mind helping you support the field.”

“Help you to suppress some crazy little characters.”

“Shizun and senior brothers like to do things that make a fuss about going to the house and copy the house to show off the limelight.”

“So, peace of mind cultivation, don’t have too much pressure and thoughts.”

Lu Changqing slapped a bottle of wine, took a big sip, and then passed it over.


“Now, drink.”

Murongying stared at this senior who had only met in less than a day, and was stunned for a while.

The long eyelashes quivered, and then took the drink from Lu Changqing’s hand.


The drink ran down her slender neck, soaking her robe.

Lu Changqing looked at her, did not speak, the air was very quiet.

He knew that this was the sister’s emotions in her heart.

She is introverted and not good at expressing.

The wine slowly poured into the girl’s mouth, and after a while, the wine jar bottomed out.

Murong Ying exhaled a long breath and handed the wine jar to Lu Changqing.

Zhanyan smiled: “Brother, it’s finished, do you have any more?”

Lu Changqing was taken aback, looked at the ponytail girl who was as bright as the morning sun, and laughed loudly.

He knew that most of the depression in the second junior sister’s heart had disappeared.

“Yes, there are enough wine and water pipes.”

As he said, he stood up and went to the kitchen to fetch wine.

The moon is sparse, and the drinks on Piaoxue Peak are less than half of the night.

Murong Ying, with a red face, was already drunk, her drunken eyes hung on Lu Changqing’s neck, holding the wine jar high.

“Brother, come again, hiccup~ I can still drink!”

“Junior sister, you are drunk, come down first!” Lu Changqing felt helpless.

Murongying embroidered her eyebrows and said: “I…I am not drunk, I want the first sword repair of the day!”

Lu Changqing was helpless and hugged the second junior sister down.

“Good good, the world’s number one sword repairman.”

But who knows, just put her aside, this ponytail girl started to cry.


The ponytail girl hugged Lu Changqing’s thigh, her nose and tears were everywhere.

Lu Changqing couldn’t help holding his forehead. The drunk sister looked like a child who hadn’t grown up at all!

“Nothing, you get up first, and it’s cold in the ground.”

“I do not!”

“Get up!”

Murong Ying lay down on the ground and exclaimed, “I won’t get up!”

The other hand was still pulling Lu Changqing’s trousers tightly.

Under the cold wind, the corners of a certain Yaochi beautiful man’s eyes twitched slightly.

The moonlight fell on his chiseled cheeks, white as jade, and angry.

According to Lu Changqing’s recollection many years later, what he regretted most was to let the second junior sister drink alcohol.

This sister-in-law wine is really not good! *

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