Chapter 380 Direct Showdown

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lingyangzi or Lu Changqing, as if to find something on the faces of the two of them.

“You despicable villain.” Xiao Muxue attacked him and accused him.

Ling Yangzi didn’t take it seriously, “If it weren’t for you to be a daddy, do you think I would let you go? Sit down, sit down.” He still looked like pitying Yu Yu.

Lu Changqing gently pulled her clothes down and motioned for her to sit down.

The woman in red on the side cast a gleeful glance at her.

Lingyangzi said to Lu Changqing again, “Don’t hide it, hand it over.

Lu Changqing met his gaze, and also made a slightly raised expression, although it seemed a bit far-fetched.

“What are you talking about? What emperor-level spirit beasts, those two are my spirit pets, you have seen them all, are they emperor-level spirit beasts?”

“I’m not talking about them. I know that the emperor spirit beast is in your hands. If you are willing to hand it over, I would consider letting you live, otherwise…||.

Lu Changqing let out a wry smile, “Will you let me go? Do you believe this?”

Ling Yangzi concealed own embarrassment with laughter.

“Why do you bother?” Lingyangzi said, “The emperor spirit beast doesn’t have a driver. You should give it up, right?”

“I said, no.” Lu Changqing asked back, “I would like to ask you, where did you get the news, just say that I have an emperor spirit beast? If I have one, I will put it without it. Where is it?”

“Do you have to let me clarify?” Lingyang said, “This emperor spirit beast has probably not hatched yet, it is still an egg, who would have thought it was an emperor spirit beast.

Those strong men held their breath one by one, for fear that they would miss a word.

Lu Changqing lowered his eyes and seemed unwilling to tell him more.

Lingyangzi was a little anxious, so he just had a showdown with him, “You have been poisoned, do you know? Just when you were eating grilled wings.”

As soon as these words came out, those who had eaten grilled wings were at risk.

Lingyangzi said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Roasted wings are not poisonous. The poison is on the plate. Only his plate is poisonous.”

Those people were relieved now, and they were really shocked in a cold sweat.

“I know, you are good at Cultivation Technique. You must think that with your skill, just a little bit of resistance can resolve the toxicity, and even discharge the toxicity from the body, but I have to remind you that if you think so, it will be a big mistake. wrong.”

“”What kind of poison do you use?” Xiao Muxue asked, staring at him tightly.

Ling Yangzi shook his head helplessly, “It’s okay to tell you, you can’t find the antidote.

Xiao Muxue became worried. Before, she thought that even if Lu Changqing was poisoned, she could resolve it on her own, but after listening to Lingyangzi’s words, she knew that the other party would not use ordinary poison to deal with Lu Changqing.

“Tell you, you are a strange poison from the Western Regions. As long as it is contaminated, he will definitely not wash it off (the money is good). Therefore, I specially marked the plate you used.”

Lu Changqing looked down at the plate, and then looked at other people’s plates. At first glance, he couldn’t see anything.

Lingyangzi explained his confusion, “You can’t see it this way, how could I be so stupid that you use a different plate from others? Wouldn’t it arouse your suspicion in the morning?”

Lu Changqing met his triumphant gaze, “Huh? I really want to know what’s the difference?”

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