Chapter 364 Take responsibility alone

To say that he is also pitiful, and I don’t know where he got such a dog. In the final analysis, the disciples of the Lingyang Sect are seeking their own death.

The dog is well in the cage, and must go to provoke it, now it’s all right, and his life is lost.

“You go now.” Lu Changqing said to the vendor.

The vendor was grateful for everything he had done for himself. Although he wanted to leave and was afraid of death, it would be too unjust to leave like this.


Lu Changqing understood his thoughts, “It’s okay, you were originally a victim of this incident, but for the sake of safety, you can’t take this dog away.”

“Okay, what can I do for you at 07?” From the vendor’s point of view, there is little hope that Lu Changqing will survive.

If he dies, he died for himself. Something must be done for him, right?

Lu Changqing smiled slightly, “Don’t think about it so much, let’s go.

“Can’t go.” Skinny Elder blocked the street vendor’s way.

Lu Changqing glared, “Why, isn’t it enough for me to take all the responsibilities alone?”

“Not enough.” Fat Elder said, “My Lingyang Gate has so many dead people.”

Lu Changqing snorted coldly, “I said what happened to the people at the Lingyang Gate. It turns out that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Is there still a good person at the Lingyang Gate? You feel your conscience and ask yourself. Boasting to be a martial artist, he is not even as good as a man who sets up a stall.

They couldn’t hold back their faces even after being criticized so publicly.

Although the disciples of the Lingyang Sect had long been known for doing evil, but being accused in front of so many people, and speechless, of course, they had to overwhelm the opponent from the momentum. Only in this way can they find their Face.

“I don’t think I need to talk nonsense with him.” Skinny Elder said, “just grab it back and ask the crime.

Fat Elder nodded.

They signaled the disciples to take Lu Changqing down.

The guy who had been beaten by Lu Changqing knew that he was so powerful. He deliberately fell behind and was still thinking about it. If he had the upper hand for a while, he would rush to beat the dog in the water. If he couldn’t take advantage, he would withdraw as soon as possible.

As soon as they walked forward, Lu Changbiao raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, and his eyes released enough deterrent power.

These people couldn’t help but shudder in their hearts.

Don’t talk about them, even these two Elders are also fascinated.

Seeing that the vendors could not leave, Lu Changqing said to him, “Don’t be afraid, even if I fight this life, I will send you out of the city.

The vendor was so grateful to him that he knelt down with a plop.

“Get up.” Lu Changqing shouted, “You are not wrong, you don’t need to kneel, it is them who is really at fault.” He pointed to the person at the Lingyang Gate.

Facing the disciples of Lingyangmen, Lu Changqing was not afraid at all. Standing at the door of the pharmacy, Shao Jun did not worry about the 787 for Lu Changqing at all, but wanted to see his true strength.

As for the two Elders of the Lingyang Gate, he knows them. They are also considered masters in the Lingyang Gate. If Lu Changqing can retreat from them, it will be enough to show that his strength is extraordinary.

“This Lingyang Gate is too bullying.”

“Yes, we are usually bullied by him.

Those onlookers saw that Lu Changqing was so calm in the face of a powerful enemy, and it was for them, the ordinary people, that they should do something.

Hearing more and more accusations, the two Elders realized that the situation was not so good.

If it had been in the past, no one would dare to say that Lingyangmen was half a bad word.

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