Chapter 34: Isn’t that my home court?

Above Hongye Town, the icy Xu Da Holy Maiden stepped on the Flying Sword, seeming to distance himself from him on purpose.

The female emperor brought Lu Changqing and gathered a purple cloud.

Mu Jiuyan’s purpose is to bring news to Lu Changqing and let them return to Yaochi Sacred Land.

So after answering some of Lu Changqing’s questions, she proposed to go back to Sect first.

Lu Changqing looked at the empress ahead in deep thought.

Before that, he kept asking Mu Jiuyan about the Cangxu secret realm, but the empress remained silent anyway.

[This old woman must know something, but she refuses to say it]

Lu Changqing secretly slandered.

The corner of the female emperor’s mouth in front was a smile.

Naturally, only those who have entered the secret realm like this are known to them.

For the Sect disciple, she had to retain the mysterious sense of a strong person.

Otherwise, how to maintain the majesty of the empress?

Lu Changqing looked at her secretly behind him.

Can not help but secretly said in his heart.

[This old woman doesn’t answer three questions. Isn’t it because she suffered a big loss in the secret realm? 】

[If it weren’t because my grades in Secret Realm were too bad, I’m afraid it’s embarrassing to say it.][Or was suppressed by my peers in it! 】

[Tsk tusk tusk, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that the old woman who is known as invincible would have such experience. 】

Lu Changqing sighed behind him and shook his head.

I feel more and more that this is the case.

The voice of his heart fell into the head of the female emperor ahead, making her face black with anger.

Shente’s grades are too bad, but he was the most dazzling person in that vacant secret realm, okay?

Still suppressed?

He is invincible, have you ever defeated?

What’s in your head this bastard?

The female emperor was so angry that she coldly snorted: “Don’t you want to know the secret realm of Cangxu, I will tell you about it now!”

Lu Changqing was taken aback, why did this old woman suddenly change her mind?

But no matter what, this woman is willing to say that it is always a good thing.

Immediately said: “Please also my master’s show.”

The female emperor looked at him coldly and said, “Cang Xu secret realm is very mysterious.”

“It doesn’t know how many tens of thousands of years it has existed, and it opens every 10,000 years.”

“Tianjiao below the holy realm, if you want to become an emperor in the future, you must come to this secret realm.”

“It also means that within two hundred years, the battle for the emperor will definitely start!”

“And every trial in the secret realm is different.”

“So even I don’t know what’s in the secret realm this time.”

Lu Changqing suddenly, that was the case.

It’s not that the empress doesn’t want to say it, it’s the secret realm so mysterious that she doesn’t dare to speculate casually.

Speaking of which, isn’t it extremely dangerous inside? No one knows what’s going on inside before entering?

The female emperor continued: “Because the secret realm has been opened for too long, many cultivators can’t live for ten thousand years at all, and some emperors can’t even survive the second life, and can’t wait for the opening of the secret realm.”

“But there are also strong Tianjiao who seal themselves with secret methods, and they are waiting for this opportunity.”

“There are countless treasures in there, there are opportunities to prove Dao becoming emperor, and there are also immortal medicines that can live out the second life. Countless Sages and Nine Tribulations Realm powerhouses are also waiting for this opportunity.”

“The inheritance of immortal gold, Taoist books and even Hongchenxian exist in the Cangxu secret realm!”

“So this time the Cangxu secret realm is opened, it is very likely that Tianjiao who has been sealed for countless years will appear!”

Lu Changqing’s heart was shaken slightly. In this way, the Cangxu secret realm almost included part of the world’s largest opportunities.

No wonder the Master has to investigate it himself.

But thinking of this, Lu Changqing blurted out and made his debut: “Master, in this way, doesn’t the secret realm become a battlefield for the emperor?”

“What’s the point of sending Sect to summon us in the same way?”

“Send the strong to suppress it directly, or you can do it yourself.”

The female emperor shook her head and said, “It’s not like this.”

“If this is the case, what do we have to convene the entire Sect to discuss?”

“Cangxu secret realm naturally has its unique place.”

Lu Changqing looked at the female emperor and said, “Please also ask Master for advice.”

Mu Jiuyan nodded in satisfaction. She liked Lu Changqing’s humbly asking for advice.

“In fact, no matter how the trials in the Cangxu secret realm change, there is a rule that will never change.”

“That is the person who enters the Cangxu secret realm and cannot use any Cultivation Base. They can only walk in the secret realm with their own Dao intent.”

“The stronger the Dao Yun, the easier it will be to move in the secret realm.”

This sentence fell, and the Holy Maiden Xu Da in the distance couldn’t help being surprised.

He opened his mouth and said, “Doesn’t this give other Realm cultivators a big opportunity?”

Mu Jiuyan nodded and said, “It is true.”

“But in fact, this dark secret realm is still dominated by Tianmen and Tongshen Realm.”

“There are even many arrogances who are deliberately suppressed in this Realm, or reincarnated and rebuilt!”

“The humanity that can get to their point will never be weak.”

Yaochi Holy Maiden nodded.

Indeed, the higher the Cultivation Base, the stronger the Taoism.

After all, Cangxu secret realm is still the battlefield of Tianmen Realm.

Eliminating the Cultivation Base just gave others a chance.

For example, some Tianjiao with invincible Taoism.

After hearing these words, Lu Changqing on the side suddenly lit up.

[The mortal scripture I repaired has entered Zhenfan Realm! 】

[Mortals don’t pay much attention to Cultivation Base, they only pursue Taoism! 】

[Even if the secret realm contains the world’s most powerful arrogant, I am not weaker than others when it comes to Taoism! 】

[Cang Xu secret realm may be full of danger to others, but to me, it is a home court! 】

Lu Changqing’s heart fell into the female emperor’s mind, like a blast of thunder, with a crash that made her whole body tremble.

There was a sense of horror in Mu Jiuyan’s beautiful eyes!

At this time, she suddenly remembered that this inconspicuous junior disciple had shown in front of her, that kind of true and powerful Taoism!

If he were to enter the Cangxu secret realm, it would be unimaginable!

She is a strong person who has been to the Cangxu secret realm, and she knows the huge secrets hidden in the Cangxu secret realm.

In the last level of the Cangxu secret realm trial.

There is a bronze gate, which can only be pushed forward with Taoism.

For hundreds of millions of years, no one has been able to open that bronze gate, not even her.

If Lu Changqing is allowed to enter the Cangxu secret realm, maybe he can really open the bronze door! *

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