Chapter 328 Why Not Save People

The shopkeeper Zhang pulled his head and said nothing.

The demon leader said again, “Give you another chance, as long as you hand over the things, you can continue to live the days of foreign wives and children.”

After waiting for a while, the shopkeeper still did not speak, and the demon leader was annoyed.

“Since you are unwilling to cooperate, you will have to suffer a bit.” He said, winking at his subordinates.

Immediately two demons went up and twisted him. “Seven Seven Zero”

“What are you doing?” The shopkeeper yelled, trying to get rid of them.

“Cut off one of his hands first.” The demon leader growled angrily.

The demon promised, and he couldn’t help but raised the knife and chopped off one of the shopkeeper’s hands.

The shopkeeper screamed heartbreakingly from the pain.

“How about it, doesn’t it feel good?” The demon leader sneered with a ferocious sneer.

In the eyes of the shopkeeper, he is a Devil.

“If you hand it over, you don’t have to suffer this sin.” The boss still looked sorry for him.

The shopkeeper’s hateful gaze glared at him.

“Don’t say you didn’t give you a chance, if you don’t say it again, your hand won’t be able to keep it.”

The shopkeeper raised his own hand.

The woman yelled, “Just give it to them. Our family depends on you to feed.”

The shopkeeper shook his head gently at her.

Although the woman didn’t know what it was, she also knew that it was vital to their whole family.

She closed her eyes heartbroken and couldn’t bear to look again.

“Okay, don’t you? Xun will sever your hamstrings and turn you into a complete waste.” The demon said and looked at the boss, asking for his consent.

The boss nodded, and the demon master approached the shopkeeper with a knife.

“No, no.” The shopkeeper tried to back up, and was stepped on by the demon’s foot, and the knife was picked at his ankle.

With successive screams, the shopkeeper’s hamstring was broken.

The demon leader said to him, “Give you some time to think about it. If you think carefully, you will return your wife and daughter to you, otherwise they will be worse than you.”

With a wave of his hand, he took his men and escorted the mother and daughter away.

As soon as they walked away, Lu Changqing jumped off the roof.

When the shopkeeper looked at it, he was panicked again, “Are you in a group with them?”

“Fear not.” Lu Changqing said, “I am not in the same group as 0…”

“Are you also here to search for Dafa? I advise you to die.”

Lu Changqing did not speak, but walked over to him and looked at his injuries. The hand that was chopped off was helpless.

The shopkeeper knows him as the person who lives in his store, “Go away, it will hurt you.

“If you were afraid of getting hurt, you would have already left.

The shopkeeper looked up at him, “Have you been there just now?”

Lu Changqing nodded.

The shopkeeper was on fire, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames, “Then why don’t you save my family? They are innocent.”

Lu Changqing did not speak.

The shopkeeper shouted again, “Even if you are not in the same group with them, it is clear that there is another plan.”

2.9 “Can you calm down?” Lu Changqing said.

The shopkeeper closed his eyes, and two rows of tears flowed down.

Those are his wives and daughters, how can he bear to let them die?

Of course Lu Changqing knows that now he not only has to endure physical pain, but also mental torture.

“Don’t worry, I will find a way to rescue your wife and daughter.”

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