Chapter 288 The Eagle and the Beast King give orders

“I have to doubt, don’t forget, what the lord wants to eat is your soul.”

“I am controlling him. I am an eagle beast just like you.

The flattery looked at the Eagle Beast King again, “I really don’t know why the King asked you to convey the order on your behalf. You don’t even know the process, which will delay the King’s affairs.

Lu Changqing was stunned. Indeed, he only knew that it was the night of the full moon, but he had no idea how to operate it.

The “Seven-Five-Seven” incident happened suddenly, and there was no one else around the king. I can only do it for you. In this way, you will be responsible for it tonight. ”

The flatterer was overjoyed when he heard it, but he always wanted to show his loyalty in front of the Eagle Beast King.

Everyone, “Listen to my orders and escort the king to the formation.

The eagle beasts agreed in unison, and the stars surrounded the eagle beast king to the formation like a moon.

A large vacant lot has been formed for a long time. The Eagle Beast King is standing in the center of the formation, and Lu Changqing and the flattery stand side by side.

Lu Changqing looked at the bullshit, intending to ask him what to do next.

The flattery raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, “Everyone bow down and worship the king.”

The eagle beasts began to bow down to the eagle beast king, and the flattering knelt down.

Lu Changqing had no choice but to bow down.

After the worship, everyone got up one after another.

Lu Changqing said, “The King also issued an order to get us out of the human body.

Regarding this order, the eagle beasts were puzzled.

The flatterer asked, “Why did the king give such an order? This has never happened before?”

Lu Changqing said, “As for why the king gave these orders, I don’t know. Maybe this time is different from the past. We can only follow orders.

Although the flattery was suspicious, he could only obey his orders and saw the eagle beasts emerge from the human body.

Lu Changqing looked at the flattery, intending to remind him.

The flattery pointed his own nose with his finger, “Am I going out too?”

“Of course, if it wasn’t for me to control the human soul, I would also come out.”

The flattery had no choice but to come out too.

Lu Changqing had secretly observed this formation a long time ago, but it was nothing remarkable.

He decided to modify it a little bit for his own use.

Seeing that the eagle beasts have separated from the human body, and although the humans have consciousness, they are still stupid, and seem to be unable to adapt to 0…

It was visually inspected that there were hundreds and ten people. He wanted to ensure the safety of these people, but there were a large number of eagle beasts at the scene.

He decided to use this formation to protect these humans.

“Let the humans stand in the center of the formation.” Lu Changqing ordered.

The flattery looked blank, completely confused about Lu Changqing’s operation.

“This is what the king meant.” Lu Changqing said, looking at the Eagle Beast King, “Is that right, the king?”

The Eagle Beast King did not respond.

Neither approve nor disagree, this is acquiescence in the eyes of many eagle beasts.

“Why don’t you follow orders?” Lu Changqing ordered.

The eagle beasts did not dare to neglect, and sent the humans to the center of the formation in 2.9, and then retreated.

Lu Changqing nodded, and then he started to form protection.

The eagle beasts felt something was wrong, and it was not the first time they watched the eagle beast king eating souls. They had never operated like this this time. They were all messed up all of a sudden, and they were discussing.

The flatterer trapped in the formation yelled to Lu Changqing, “What the hell are you doing?”

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