Chapter 278 Waiting for the day of the lunar eclipse

Pu Muxue and the others were shocked. If they wanted to eat their souls, they would reveal their flaws. She hoped that Lu Changqing could figure out a way to deal with it.

Lu Changqing was also shocked. Could it be that they have spent so much effort and are about to reveal their flaws so soon?

The Eagle Beast King sighed, “I really want to eat their souls now, but I have to wait for the day of the lunar eclipse.”

The day of the lunar eclipse? Lu Changqing thought, such a day is not always “Seventy 40”, it should be indefinitely.

“The king only needs to wait patiently for three days. After three days, won’t it be the day of the lunar eclipse?”

The Eagle Beast King said, “Yes, after three days, I will be able to eat these souls. Not only can I become stronger, but also more wise.

Lu Changqing finally knew its purpose to eat human souls.

This cruel way is a method of cultivation, which means absorbing the essence of people.

Cultivating in this way is too cruel, and it makes Lu Changqing more determined to get rid of them.

It seemed that an eagle beast who was good at flattering came to him, “Great Wang Yingming, he will definitely become the strongest king.”

Eagle Beast King is still very useful for his horse shooting.

“The king has become stronger, but don’t forget the younger ones.”

The Eagle Beast King nodded, looked around for a week, raised his voice and said, “As long as you follow this king loyally, your benefits will be indispensable, and your strength will become stronger and stronger. When you grow into a human shape, you don’t need to drag others. Body.”

“Xie Dawang, the younger ones are just waiting for that day.”

Lu Changqing and the others all made up for that scene. Isn’t it because the city is full of monsters? It’s really chilling.

Lu Changqing still has another question, that is, can he eat so many soul-seeking all at once?

Maybe he only picks one or two to eat selectively, maybe he can’t pick them.

Thinking of this in my heart, I felt a little lucky.

“These souls are very good,” said the Eagle Beast King, and when he saw Lu Changqing, he walked to him.

Standing in front of Lu Changqing’s clone, he looked at him for a while, “This is not bad, I want to be the first to eat it.

When Lu Changqing heard it, he was the first to eat himself. How good is this?

Fortunately, there are still three days. In these three days, we should be able to figure out a way.

When Man Muxue and others heard that they wanted to eat Lu Changqing first, they were also worried for him…

The Eagle Beast King turned around again, “Shoot these people and follow me.”

The eagle beasts agreed, and escorted Changqing and the others away.

Lu Changqing’s body followed all the way.

After bypassing a mountain and walking on a mountain path, I walked to a forest, and immediately eagle beasts flew out of the woods to meet the eagle beast king.

The Eagle Beast King waved his hand, “Go back, it’s okay.”

The eagle beasts promised to return to the flying forest.

Lu Changqing and others thought that the nest of the eagle beasts was in this forest.

When they walked into the woods, they didn’t find anything. They didn’t find a big hole until they passed through the woods. There were some eagles and beasts gathered at the entrance of the hole. They should stand guard at 2.9.

Lu Changqing knows, this is the nest of the eagle beasts.

The Eagle Beast King swaggered into the cave, and Lu Changqing and others were escorted in.

A large space should be the place where the Eagle and Beast King discusses matters. There is a large chair on it, which is also pitch black.

The Eagle Beast King sat on it and looked at Lu Changqing and the others again, and seemed to be very interested in every soul.

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