Chapter 249 Spiritual Qi that absorbs the veins of the earth

Lu Changqing led the way, and Xiao Muxue led Hai Dongqing to follow behind.

Lu Changqing looked back from time to time, as if worried that they would fall.

To Pu Muxue’s surprise, they actually came outside the city and walked towards the depths of the mountains.

“What are we doing here?” Xiao Muxue asked inexplicably.

Lu Changqing said, “All I can think of is to absorb the energy of the earth veins.”

Xiao Muxue suddenly realized, “Yes, why didn’t I expect it?

They ascended a mountain, and Lu Changqing looked around, enveloped in a faint mist.

He took a deep breath and said to Xiao Muxue, “I think this is a nice place.”

07 Xiao Muxue nodded and looked around for a week.

Costin has jumped off Xiao Muxue’s shoulders, seeming to be looking for something.

Look, “It should feel the Spiritual Qi here.” Lu Changqing said, “It’s just too scattered, so it can’t absorb it.”

Lu Changqing motioned to Xiao Muxue to step back and began to perform activities to gather the nearby Spiritual Qi together.

Hai Dongqing smelled Spiritual Qi, and immediately opened her mouth wide, as if she was about to inhale all of it in one mouthful, even Xiao Muxue couldn’t stand her greedy look.

“Let it suck.” Lu Changqing said to Xiao Muxue.

Costin finally didn’t have to go hungry, and Xiao Muxue let out a sigh of relief.

Inadvertently, Xiao Muxue found that Lu Changqing was looking at herself with strange eyes.

“Why look at me like that?

Lu Changqing smiled slightly, “It feels like you have changed.”

Man Muxue was taken aback, “No, why don’t I think?”

“You are like a babysitter now. He is starving and makes you anxious? As if he is your child.

Man Muxue snorted, “I’m worried that it will absorb my energy. I don’t want to be eaten and wiped off by it anymore. That feeling is really uncomfortable, and I feel like I’m going to die.”

Lu Changqing frowned. He was considering whether Costin had to absorb Spiritual Qi all the time while he was growing up? This is really difficult.

Forget it, take one step and count one step.

The two were talking, and suddenly they saw Hai Dongqing tilted and fell to the ground.

Xiao Muxue was shocked immediately, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

“What’s wrong with it? It won’t die, right?” Xiao Muxue’s heart was raised.

“No.” Lu Changqing said, “I was alive and kicking just now. How could I die after absorbing Spiritual Qi?”

“Could it be that the Spiritual Qi here is not compatible with its own Spiritual Qi?”

Lu Changqing was still shaking his head, “How do I feel like it is asleep?”

“Asleep?” Xiao Muxue tilted her head and looked left and right, “Is it like this when she sleeps?”

Lu Changqing grinned, “This is the first time I have encountered this situation. I have no experience. However, you can rest assured that it will not die this easily. It is a sacred beast 723.

Xiao Muxue nodded, “It should be asleep, let it sleep, just let’s discuss it, what are your plans next?”

Lu Changqing sighed, “Recently, the city has been peaceful, and there is nothing to do. I suddenly relax and feel a little uncomfortable.

“Then we will find something to do.” Xiao Muxue seemed to be prepared.

Lu Changqing looked at her sideways, pursing her lips, as if to see her inside.

Xiao Muxue deliberately cleared her throat and said, “I received a message that the gate of the sacred beasts in the Eastern Continent is going to hold a sacred beast competition. Why don’t we go and join in the fun?”

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