Chapter 227 Fake Death Escape

As soon as he turned around, the city lord swung his mind whip and threw it at the shadow, pulling away his soul, and then trapped him again.

Lu Changqing watched all this.

“You can’t run away.” The city lord said sharply, he was still very sure about taking down the shadow.

Seeing this, the black shadow seemed to be chaotic and looked at Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing said to the city lord, “Don’t hurt his life, I still have something to ask him.

As soon as the city lord responded, Sombra raised his palm, “I can’t say anything.” As soon as he finished speaking, his palm hit Own’s head, bleeding to death in an instant.

Actually “dead?” The city lord was surprised, but he was helpless. He even bent down and looked at it. He was sure that he was dead, and he walked to Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing was also a little disappointed. Finally, this round of 723 easy deployment was actually the result.

“If I didn’t inhale Spiritual Qi, I stopped myself. This is too much for Lu Changqing to understand.

“Perhaps he is afraid of being tortured.” The city lord said, “Will he have accomplices?”

Lu Changqing shook his head, saying that it was hard to say.

When the two of them were talking, the black shadow suddenly turned into a ball and flew out of the wall.

The city lord and Lu Changqing realized that they had been fooled at the same time, and chased them out by accident. The shadow was gone for a long time.

“Damn it, let him escape?” The city lord was very upset.

Lu Changqing also felt that it was quite a failure. The two of their masters were deceived by a soul and escaped in front of them.

Seeing Cheng Gao’s upset look, Lu Changqing comforted him, “Don’t worry, he can’t run away.

The city lord was taken aback, turned his head and looked at him, “What do you mean by this?”

Lu Changqing smiled slightly, “I have left a mark on him, and it is my unique mark. If I want to, I can find him soon.”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” The city lord thought he was wasting time, “Then let’s go quickly?”

Lu Changqing waved his hand, “Don’t worry, let him run for a while. If he has a companion, he will naturally meet his companions. If we are chasing after him, he won’t look for a companion.

The city lord thought what he said was reasonable, so he nodded.

(ahci) The city lord judged the time, “Say we have been delayed for a while, shall we go now?” It was completely asking for his opinion.

Although Lu Changqing agreed, he didn’t step up to chase, but walked unhurriedly.

“Are you sure he can’t get rid of your stalking?”

“Don’t worry, he shouldn’t find that I put a money note on him.” Lu Changqing is still very confident.

He could still sense the existence of the mark, and walked ahead, with the city lord following closely behind.

The more you go forward, it’s a barrenness, and the city owner can’t help but become suspicious.

“Are you sure he ran in this direction?”

Lu Changqing nodded affirmatively, “It can’t be wrong, he is a soul, of course he can’t go to a place with heavy yang energy, he can only move in such a place with few people.”

The city owner also thinks what he said makes sense.

They passed through a forest, and then they went on to a rocky hill.

“Wait a minute.” Lu Changchang waved his hand and motioned to the city lord not to leave.

The city lord didn’t know what was going on. Following Lu Changqing’s gaze, he saw a black altar.

“He really is here.” The city lord walked a few steps to the edge of the altar and searched around, but no dark shadows were seen.

Lu Changqing is also searching nearby.

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