Chapter 219 Two people were arrested

“Didn’t I tell you that something happened in our family? That incident is also related to this wanted order.”

With that said, Wu Feng also fell into the memory.

Five years ago, he and Little Sister were still under the protection of the family.

At that time, they were the largest and strongest family of summoners in the entire city.

No matter what forces or strong ones, they must be given three points.

But, until one day.

The Young Lord of this city, young and energetic, directly killed the three Elders of Wu Feng’s family, which made the two big families have to come forward to solve.

Originally, the city lord meant to compromise, after all, it was their fault, and it was enough for the young city lord to review it.

But that night, the city lord was assassinated and unfortunately passed away.

The young city owner said to the outside that it was Wu Feng’s family who was dissatisfied with the sentence and secretly killed the city owner on “July One Zero”.

For a time, the powerhouses of the entire city united and directly wiped out Wu Feng’s family.

Under the cover of the entire family, Wu Feng and Wu Jing escaped.

However, on the way to the retreat, Little Sister Wu Jing didn’t know who was injured. In five years, the situation has not improved.

And in these five years, he was also trying to make money, but he found that as long as he appeared in the city.

Anyone who knows him will try to catch him.

He found that if he appeared in the city as a beggar, he would not be very noticeable.

Therefore, in the past few years, he has been living as a beggar.

In the same way, he has to find a way to take care of the sick Little Sister.

“It turned out to be like this. Isn’t it possible that no one doubts that the death of the city lord is strange?”

Listening to Wu Feng’s story, Lu Changqing also sympathized with him very much.

“I don’t know why. At that time, all the strong people thought that we killed the city lord.

Listening to Lu Changqing’s question, Wu Feng replied helplessly.

This is also a question that he is very puzzled, why no one listens to their explanation.

In the room at this time, Xiao Qingxue was also treating Wu Jing.

“Little Sister, I have a way to heal your injury. No matter what happens in a while, you have to cooperate with me.”

Xiao Qingxue looked at Wu Jing on the bed and said.

Listening to Xiao Qingxue’s ability to treat her good illness, Wu Jing was also excited.

The disease that has troubled her for so many years can be cured. In this way, she will not have to drag her own Big Brother.

Xiao Qingxue also brought a wooden bucket for bathing, and she filled it with hot water.

She put the medicine that Lu Changqing bought back blindly. After seeing that there was no problem, she also went to Wu Jing.

“Little Sister, I know you can’t stand up, so I will take off your clothes and put them in a wooden barrel.

Listening to Xiao Qingxue’s words, Wu Jing’s face first flushed, and then she nodded shyly.

After watching Wu Jing agree, Xiao Qingxue also began to take off Wu Jing’s clothes.

After a while, a perfect girl’s body appeared in front of Xiao Qingxue.

“Hey, I have to say, even I am envious of your figure.

Listening to Xiao Qingxue’s words, Wu Jing’s face flushed again.

Seeing Wu Jing’s appearance, Xiao Qingxue also smiled.

Then she picked up Wu Jing and put it in a wooden barrel.

Xiao Qingxue also took off her clothes, and Wu Jing also watched intently.

“How is it, does it look good Little Sister.”

Xiao Qingxue also turned around and said to Wu Jing. Wu Jing also closed her eyes immediately.

Then Man Qingxue also entered the wooden barrel. She hugged Wu Jing tightly, and a little red light floated on her body.

But Wu Jing’s expression was very hideous.

Because she felt that the blood in her body seemed to boil, and it was constantly hitting her own blood vessels.

“Hold it! Think about your Big Brother, are you still going to trouble your Big Brother!”

Listening to Man Qingxue saying this, Wu Jing also slowly calmed down, her mouth was bitten tightly, and she could not make a sound.

Gradually, the water in the barrel also changed color.

The energy of the full snow wanders in the bucket, stimulating the medicine in the wooden bucket and making the medicine work.

The two of them hugged tighter and tighter in the wooden barrel. Gradually, Wu Jing’s body also leaked blood.

The blood that oozes out is not bright red, but dark purple.

As the blood dripped into the bucket, bursts of smoke came out of the bucket 0…

I don’t want to know how long it took, Wu Jing’s fingers also moved slowly.

Wu Jing can also feel that her own body gradually feels, which is a feeling that she has never had in these years.

After feeling that her body had improved, Wu Jing also completely believed in Xiao Qingxue behind her, and her body slowly emptied.

“I’m going! What are they doing in there!”

Lu Changqing also watched. On the roof, black smoke was constantly rising.

Although he didn’t know what Man Qingxue was doing inside, he knew that if the black smoke was not removed, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

Thinking of this, Lu Changqing also flew directly, he kept flying in the air.

The black smoke was also turned around, forming a black circle in the air.

In this way, Lu Changqing spent the whole night in the air until he saw the door open, and then he stopped.

“Huh, it’s finally all right, you can go in and have a look, but don’t be too loud and don’t affect her.

Listening to Xiao Qingxue’s words, Wu Feng also walked in excitedly.

But he was so excited, he walked in cautiously, after all, he shouldn’t disturb own Little Sister.

When he saw Wu Jing actually sitting on the bed, Wu Feng was also very excited.

For five years, Wu Jing kept one movement on the bed. This time, Wu Jing sat up, which was already a great breakthrough.

“Why is it 2.9, Master, are you okay?”

Xiao Qingxue also suddenly fell on Lu Changqing’s chest.

Lu Changqing hugged Xiao Qingxue, looked down at Xiao Qingxue and asked.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little collapsed, just take it easy.”

Xiao Qingxue also lay in Lu Changqing’s arms and rested.

Although the atmosphere feels very embarrassing, this is Master Own, and this is what it should be.

Xiao Qingxue’s hand was also raised, and in her hand, a black crystal also appeared in her hand.

“What is this?”

Looking at the black crystal in Man Qingxue’s hand, Lu Changqing also took it, and he studied the black crystal.

“This was discharged from Wu Jing’s body, and then I condensed into a crystal.”

It turned out that this black crystal was the culprit. ,

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