Chapter 209 The Position of Elder

“Stop! What are you doing!

The Holy Lord couldn’t sit still, he stood up and shouted at several Elders.

“Holy Lord, on the court at this time, the sword has no eyes. This is what Lu Changqing should know, so please pay attention to your identity.”

“Yes, there is no eye on the sword in the competition field, everything is life and death, wealth is in the sky!”

After hearing what the Holy Lord said, the few Elders who were not playing also stood up and said.

Obviously, what they mean by these words is to let the Holy Lord not interfere in this matter.

Hearing what Elder said, the Holy Lord also sat down with his fists clenched.

Seeing the Holy Lord sitting down, several Elders also smiled and stroked their chins, and kept their eyes on the square.

After a minute-long attack, the four Elders also stopped slowly.

Everyone’s eyes were hit in the dust that was concealed by “Seven One Zero.”

They want to know what happened to Lu Changqing.

“Hahaha! What a life and death, wealth is in the sky, I will also give you this sentence!”

Just when the dust was about to disperse, Lu Changqing’s voice also rang.

Listening to Lu Changqing’s voice, the four Elders in the field were shocked.


At this moment, a bolt of lightning flew directly from the dust.

And that lightning is Lu Changqing, no one knows how he survived this level of attack.

But what everyone understands is that something will happen to the four Elders.

“not good”

Before the four Elders could fully react, Lu Changqing had already appeared in front of them.

This time, Lu Changqing had no reservations, and directly attacked the four with a punch.

The four Elders flew out again.

As the four Elders flew out, the Four Elephant Array was also broken, and the sacred beast gradually disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“do not want!”

Just when Lu Changqing was about to launch the second attack, Holy Maiden rushed directly, she hugged Lu Changqing and said.

Bai Ruyan and Xiao Qingxue followed closely behind and stood beside Lu Changqing.

“Everyone do it, take down this kid!”

After seeing the failure of the other five Elders, they were also ready to grab Lu Changqing.

“This is my apprentice, if you want to catch him, pass me first!”

Man Qingxue stood in front of Lu Changqing and shouted to the five Elders who rushed over.

Bai Ruyan also stood up, and she also entered a state of fighting.

“Xiao Qingxue! Bai Ruyan! Are you two going to rebel too!”

Looking at Xiao Qingxue and Bai Ruyan who stood up, the five Elders also shouted.

“Stop it all!”

The Holy Lord also stood up, he directly controlled the five Elders and said.

“Holy Lord, what do you mean?”

“Lu Changqing injured four Elders, this one alone is enough to cause him to be sentenced to death!”

The five Elders did not resist either, they said to the Holy Lord.

It looks like “You should be sentenced to death!”

Listening to what the Holy Lord said, the five Elders were all stunned.

“Starting today, Lu Changqing has been granted me the position of Elder in the Jade Lake in an exceptional manner, temporarily ranking tenth!”

Listening to what the Holy Lord said, everyone was a little surprised.

Even Lu Changqing himself did not expect this.


The Holy Lord waved his hand in front of him, and then, the space was directly torn open.

From the crack, the Raikage Gun flew out slowly and came to Lu Changqing’s face.

Seeing the Raikage Gun came in front of him, Lu Changqing also grabbed it.

After checking that it was indeed the own movie gun, he also put it away.

“Holy Lord, this is probably not appropriate.”

Big Elder said.

As the oldest in Yaochi and the strongest Elder in Elder, he also has a certain right to speak.

No matter what matters, the Holy Lord has to discuss with him to be able to draw conclusions.

Today, Lu Changqing was asked to take the position of Elder directly, which surprised him a bit.

“Inappropriate? So what do you say is appropriate?”

“What crime did a person commit? You said it is appropriate? How should a person be executed? You said it is appropriate?”

“It is appropriate for you to hit others? It is inappropriate for others to hit you? Is that right?”

After listening to the Holy Lord’s life-threatening three consecutive questions, the five Elders also did not dare to speak.

“Come on! Take the four injured Elders for treatment. These five Elders are locked up and thought about it!”

Listening to what the Holy Lord said, the important task that was still in the same place was also acted.They took the Elders away from the square 0.

“Holy Lord, this is probably inappropriate, right?”

Seeing that the Elders all left, Lu Changqing also said to the Holy Lord.

“I said it was appropriate. What’s more, I said it in front of all the disciples. Do you want me to take it back?”

The Holy Lord also said to Lu Changqing, then turned and left here.

Only the four of Lu Changqing, who looked at each other and looked at each other, stood in place.

“I heard that you put an Elder position for Lu Changqing?”

The Holy Lord who returned to the main hall also sat down, and Cheng Ya, who was on the side, also sat aside and asked.

“Hey, otherwise those people have to find a way to find out about that kid.”

“That’s good, give them a good start and let them be quiet for a few days.”

Holy Lord closed his eyes, he said while lying on the seat.

“I really value this kid, but I just don’t know what happened to him that day.

The Holy Lord recalled what happened in the main hall yesterday.

At that time, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from Lu Changqing.

Even when facing the Empress, he didn’t feel this way, which made the Holy Lord very curious.

“By the way, I will tell you one thing, which I wanted to do a long time ago.

“What’s the matter? Let’s talk about it.”

Hearing that Cheng Ya had something to say earlier, the Holy Lord also said lightly.

“Whether Xiaowan’s life-long events should also be considered in 2.9. I always feel that there are major events in this world that are going to happen.”

“Since it’s still peaceful, let’s do it for her now, so that we don’t even think about it.

Hearing what Cheng Ya said, the eyes of the Holy Lord were also opened. He was thinking about this problem, and he hadn’t spoken for a long time.

“I know you are reluctant to give up, but this is bound to happen, and there is nothing you can do about it, no.

Looking at the silent Holy Lord, Cheng Ya also understood what he was thinking.

On the other side, Xiao Qingxue’s residence.

Lu Changqing, Holy Maiden, and Bai Ruyan are all here. When Lu Changqing finishes his training, delicious meals are on the table.

“Apprentice, you can, it turned out to be an Elder earlier than me.

Xiao Qingxue also took out the wine from the underground, she said to Lu Changqing.

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