Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine

After walking for a long time, Lu Changqing never found Holy Maiden, which made him feel very wrong.

“Xiao Wan! Xiao Wan! Where are you: Stop making trouble, I will be angry if you make trouble again!”

Lu Changqing shouted loudly to the surroundings.

Seeing that no one responded, Lu Changqing also patted the air with a palm.

The shadow of the hall exploded in the air, like fireworks, illuminating the surrounding brighter.

The situation is “No! Damn, I didn’t bring him here when I used him!”

After waiting for a while, Lu Changqing also noticed that it was wrong. It happened that Cheng Ya was protecting the Dharma, so he left Yin Ming there.

And he was equivalent to calling someone else, but there was no movement, which made him realize that something was wrong.

“I don’t know who is doing the ghost, if you have the ability to come out and try it with me!”

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Obviously, Lu Changqing’s “Six-Nine-Three” method of excitement was of little use.

“Since I am still here, there are two situations.”

“One is that I entered another parallel channel, but others can’t see me, and I can’t see others.”

“The other situation is that everyone is in danger!

Lu Changqing was inferring his current situation. Thinking of this, he immediately set off and began to look for other people here.

“It seems that I have just entered a dead end!”

Lu Changqing walked for a long time, and he found that no matter how he walked, he always went around in a circle.

At least this is enough to prove that other people are not in danger, it is him who is in danger.

“What did I trigger again? I got here.”

Lu Changqing was thinking about how he got here and did he trigger anything on the road.

The sole of his foot slammed on the ground, and his whole body was vacated.

“It seems that there is no way out!”

Lu Changqing in the air was not restricted. It didn’t take long before he flew out of the place where he was before.

“call out!

At this moment, a breaking wind sounded.

Lu Changqing saw that a blue light rushed towards him.

He turned around and easily escaped the blue light.

A hit was missed, and then the blue light immediately turned around, and killed it again.

“What the hell is this, how can it be endless!”

Seeing that the blue light came back again, Lu Changqing also blasted out with a punch.

The two collided and were in a stalemate. Only then did he see what it was.

It was a blue spear that confronted Lu Changqing.

There is a dragon entrenched on the spear, and on the blade of the spear, the cold glow appears, making people feel cold behind their backs.

“Good gun! Good gun!”

Looking at the spear in front of him, Lu Changqing couldn’t help but sigh.

With that said, he stretched out his hand to get it, it is impossible for such a good weapon to run away from him.

The spear seemed to be conscious. Seeing Lu Changqing trying to catch him, he jumped away and stood on the ground in an instant.


Seeing that he can dodge by himself, it shows that the weapon has own consciousness, that is to say, when the weapon spirit is turned on, Lu Changqing is also overjoyed.

“Since this is the case, you should be able to understand what I said?

“Such a good weapon, I don’t want you to waste it here, so let me fight you, if I beat you, I will take you away, how about it!”

Lu Changqing slowly fell to the ground, he looked at the spear in front of him and said.

The spear also emits a blue light. Gradually, a human figure appeared, holding the spear.

“It seems that you agree with this decision, come on, I will take you away today!”

Seeing the change of the spear, Lu Changqing was also overjoyed. As long as he had a breakthrough, he could say that no matter how he fought, he couldn’t win a weapon.

Handsome! bang!

The blue figure took the lead, wielding a spear, and slammed towards the ground, waves of light rushed towards Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing volleyed a little and avoided the spear’s attack.

Seeing Lu Changqing soaring into the sky, the blue figure waved the spear again and stabbed towards Lu Changqing.

“You are going to be shameless here, your actions are a bit coherent and terrible!”

Seeing that the blue figure didn’t give himself any time to prepare, Lu Changqing also cursed.

After all, it is not a human being, and it cannot be measured by the limits of a normal human body.

“Today, I accepted you!”

Lu Changqing’s left hand into a palm, his right hand into a fist, one fist and one palm, two lights and shadows rushed towards the blue figure.

Taste! Bang Bang!

Seeing Lu Changqing’s attack, the blue figure also waved two long spears, and the two guns also directly broke Lu Changqing’s attack 0…

“Hey! You can’t measure me by a normal human being, and in the same way, don’t measure me like that!

At the moment when the attack was broken, Lu Changqing teleported directly and came to the side of the blue figure.

As soon as he grasped the spear, he smiled and said.

The eyes of the blue figure also lit up. Obviously, that spear did not expect Lu Changqing to have such a fast speed.


There was no way for the spear to push Lu Changqing away, and it could only keep shaking the gun body to let Lu Changqing loose it.

“Hahaha! What, is there no way! Although you have activated your spiritual wisdom, you are still far behind the human wisdom!”

Feeling the pain from his arm, Lu Changqing knew that this was the last struggle he was struggling with.


When I saw Lu Changqing, I didn’t let go. The spear dissipated the figure directly, and he flew around with Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing, who grabbed the gun, was hit by buildings along the way, and his clothes were worn out.

But he knew that he could not let go. If he let go, there might be no next time.

“You are such a good weapon, why are you here! I will definitely take you out, and let the power of you really show it outside.”

“follow me!”

Lu Changqing stepped directly on the ground with his feet, and he stubbornly pulled the spear. Gradually, the spear also stopped. Now no one can pull anyone.


“Can you really take me out and let me use my true power?”

When the two sides were in a stalemate, the spear actually spoke.

“I’m going! You are still a female spirit!

Listening to the sweet voice, Lu Changqing was also taken aback.

“Answer my question, can you really let me exert my true power? And do not abandon me!”

The spear spoke again.

Hearing this, Lu Changqing also let go of his hand, and the spear was also suspended in front of him.

“I, Lu Changqing, Yaochi disciple, swear here! I will not abandon you, I will let you exert your true power!


The spear pierced Lu Changqing’s palm instantly, and the blood on the spear tip gradually disappeared.

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