Chapter 164 Nine Thunder Tribulation, Horrible

As he said, there was a person carrying a long knife and flew directly towards Lu Changqing in the air.

“They say you are great, let me try you! Master of bloodthirsty cottage


The man was preparing to declare his family, but Lu Changqing did not give him this opportunity.

Because only in this way can it be better able to play a deterrent effect.

The man hadn’t finished speaking yet, Lu Changqing punched it directly, the two collided, and the former fell directly to the ground like a meteorite.

“Just…just one blow!”

Seeing this scene, those strong men who rushed to watch the excitement were all shocked.

They also understand the strength of that bloodthirsty cottage, what Lu Changqing is Realm, and they can do it.

“Everyone, I am waiting for an important person to protect the law, and please don’t disturb, otherwise, this is the end!”

Although the people in the Imperial Pass did not know what was going on in “Six Nine Three”, they did not know how strong these people were in front of them.

But just now, Lu Changqing’s punch was enough to shock them, and everyone quietly waited for the end.

“This thing really has two tricks!”

The second thunder robbery also dissipated, and the empress was also wrapped in lightning.

She also finally felt the power of this thunder robbery.

“This is only the second time, Empress Qingyou, let me remind you that if you give up halfway, your strength will stop here.”

“But if you continue to hold on, the result of failure is that the soul and body disappear together, and the power of Thunder Tribulation is stronger than ever.”

Yin Ming said.

“Does this take you to tell me?”

Listening to Yin Ming’s words, the empress replied, saying these now is an insult to her.

The dignified and quiet empress, when did you give up, except

The Empress looked in Lu Changqing’s direction, she smiled, adjusted her state, and prepared for the third thunder catastrophe.


“Look, it’s changing color!”

Listening to the commotion of the people below, Lu Changqing also raised his head and looked at the sky.

He discovered that the lightning, which was originally silver-white, turned dark purple at this time.

“From now on, it is the real Thunder Tribulation. I don’t know how many times she can survive?”

Yin Wu thought in his heart that what happened to the empress reminded him of the appearance of his previous master.


The third time when Thunder Tribulation fell, the Empress also made a muffled noise.

Obviously, the thunder robbery this time was stronger than the previous two times.


“What! Three or four thunder robberies together?”

The fourth thunder calamity also fell, that is to say, the empress is now suffering from two thunder calamities.

“More than that!”

Yin Ming said.

Although Lu Changqing didn’t know what Yin Ming said, he always had an ominous premonition.


the fifth time!”

Another thunder robbery fell.

Only this time, the lightning directly turned into a thunder dragon, entwining the female emperor who was still in the thunder catastrophe.

“Ah! But that’s all!”

The Empress finally yelled out, her body’s endurance has reached its limit.

The thunder tribulation fell at the same time three times, which made her spirit almost collapsed.

But she knew in her heart that the so-called thunder catastrophe was a sublimation of herself from the physical to the spiritual.

If it can survive, it will be a generation of strong people. If it can’t bear it, it will disappear.


When other people saw this scene, they couldn’t help covering their mouths. They couldn’t imagine what kind of torture the Empress was suffering.

“Master, you didn’t


After the thunder robbery disappeared three times, the empress naturally hovered in mid-air, but her clothes had been damaged.

The whole person seems to have a very desolate look.

Seeing the thunder robbery dissipated, Cheng Ya and others were planning to inquire about the status of the empress, and another thunder robbery arrived.

“Sixth Thunder Tribulation!”

“No! No, these are three thunder tribulations!”

A thunder tribulation hit the female emperor again, but the difference was that there were three thunder dragons hovering above the thunder pillar.

In other words, this is the simultaneous fall of three thunder tribulations.

“These three thunder tribulations are nothing. The power of the ninth thunder tribulation is equivalent to the combined power of the first eight times.

Yin Wu said when he saw this scene.

“I’ll let you go inside and try it, let you talk cold words here!

“Don’t don’t don’t, I’m wrong, I’m wrong!”

Lu Changqing grabbed Yinyan and threw it into Thunder Tribulation. Yin Ming apologized. Although he was a god, he was also afraid of Thunder Tribulation.

“Master! Hold on!”

Cheng Ya and others have already yelled, even at this distance, they can feel the power of Thunder Tribulation 0…


The female emperor condensed a protective cover around own to resist the power of the thunder robbery.

This time, the Empress couldn’t bear it either.

But the protection of the empress is also useless.

That Lei Jie directly entered the female emperor’s body, impacting the veins everywhere in her body.

“There is another thunder robbery, let’s come together!”

The female emperor roared.

That Lei Jie seemed to have also heard the request of the Empress, and the lightning in the sky condensed again.

“This is the ninth thunder robbery? What a powerful coercion!”

In an instant, everyone standing in the air was lowered by the sudden pressure.

Then they saw that a huge electric dragon claw stretched out from the thundercloud.

“This is… what is this!”

Everyone was shocked, because the size of the dragon’s claws was really big beyond their imagination.

If the entire Thunder Dragon appeared, then the entire Imperial Pass would probably be shrouded under it.

“This, this is too exaggerated!”

Seeing that little dragon claw sticking out, Lu Changqing also complained.

The current female emperor was still in those three thunder tribulations, and she could clearly feel that the thunder tribulation had become extremely violent.

“The ninth thunder robbery is here, if you can hold it, then the empress will be completely reborn!”

“Can this hold up! Go up and try!”

2.9 Looking at the dragon claw that had completely appeared, Yin Ming said.

Lu Changqing directly backhanded him and said, how can a normal person hold it up.

The pressure of the Thunder Dragon alone made them unable to straighten up, let alone hit them.

“What is this!”

The gods “come! The gods are coming!”

Looking at the dragon claws in the sky, the people of Emperor Pass also shouted. In their eyes, this is the coming of the gods.

“Are you here? Come on! Let me see and see, what is this nine thunder tribulation that can destroy the gods in the legend!”

Along with the violent thunder robbery, the empress was also excited.

“This guy… is it really used for Transcends Tribulation!”

Gradually, the entire Thunder Dragon appeared in the sight of everyone.

The thunder pillars with thick thighs before, compared to this time, may be as big as their fingernails.

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