Chapter 15: Junior sister, this old woman is stingy!

Since then, one more person lives on Piaoxue Peak.

When Lu Changqing built the new wooden house, it was already dark.

Bai Hanyan cleverly passed a silk scarf from the side.

The red cheeks are hidden in the darkness.

With a soft voice, he lowered his head and said, “You have worked hard, Senior Brother Lu.”

Her heart beats very fast, even if it is being watched by countless people in the Great Hall today, when she finally breaks through Realm.

Not so flustered now.

Lu Changqing didn’t care, took the silk scarf and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The fragrance of the girl’s handkerchief made his grievances dissipated a lot.

“Brother, water.”

Bai Hanyan took Lu Changqing’s handkerchief just right, and handed it a glass of water.

Still lowered his head and did not dare to look at him, with a charming look.

Lu Changqing took the water and drank it in one gulp.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

[This little junior is very good at taking care of people! 】

[Unlike an old woman who knows to be idle! 】

Mu Jiuyan was taken aback in the distance.

“Is this disgusted?”

She looked at the charming and lovely Bai Hanyan.

A trace of grievance flashed in my heart.

“I’m the empress, eh, your master?”

“Can’t do these things, right?”

Since her enlightenment, she has practiced in addition to practice.

Have never done anything else, okay?

Besides, I can’t let go of my restraint and build a wooden house with a younger disciple, let’s weed and pick vegetables!

The empress was a little annoyed, she raised a foot on the stone bench in the yard, her voice was cold.

“I’m hungry!”

On the cliff, the Empress stood with her hand in her hand, overlooking the scenery under Piaoxue Peak.

The swaying fire light reflected the female emperor’s slender body, and cast a long shadow.

Behind her are busy Lu Changqing and Bai Hanyan.

The cheeks of this charming little sister were slightly red, and it was the first time that she was so close to Senior Brother Lu.

I just feel that today’s things are like dreams.

First made a breakthrough in Realm, known as the first arrogant of Sect, and then accepted as a disciple by the Empress.

Then he could talk to Senior Brother Lu.

Well, cooking together, there is a very warm feeling.

Bai Hanyan was cutting vegetables while peeking at Mu Jiuyan in the distance.

The sound of a pan on the side created a tantalizing aroma of food.

It’s full of the smell of fireworks in the world.

Looking at the graceful figure of the empress, Bai Hanyan felt a little inferior at this moment.

The empress is like a bright moon in the sky, she is not even a lighter firefly.


Suddenly, Junior Sister Jiaohan got Lu Changqing on the head.

“What are you looking at? Don’t chop vegetables yet!”

Lu Changqing was a little unhappy, feeling that the empress came to Piaoxuefeng, and she became a special house casting master?

A cook who also cooks?


Bai Hanyan covered his head, looked at Senior Brother Lu who was close at hand, and felt his resentment.

He whispered: “Senior Brother Lu, I’m sorry, am I too stupid.”

Lu Changqing saw this somewhat naive little junior sister, and then realized that this girl was a little inferior.

He followed the sister’s gaze, and saw the back of the non-cannibalistic firework.

Desolate like Chang’e in the moon palace.

Suddenly knew the source of Bai Hanyan’s depression.

He whispered: “It’s none of your business.”

“Now, remember what this old woman says and do it.”

“She lived for tens of thousands of years, how many years did you live?”

“You must look better than her in the future!”

Bai Hanyan’s eyes widened when Lu Changqing called the empress an old woman.

Shocked: “Brother, you…”


Lu Changqing made a gesture and said, “Be quiet, this woman is very stingy, and it will be over if she hears it.”

Bai Hanyan nodded stupidly, and continued to cut vegetables.

On the edge of the cliff, Mu Jiuyan turned his back to the two, her pretty face full of anger!

“This little bastard, I’m going to tear your mouth apart!”


The crooked neck tree next to the empress broke.

On Piaoxue Peak, the three of them were full of food and drink.

The surroundings are quiet, accompanied by the sound of insects blowing in the wind, and it looks very warm.

Of course this is for Bai Hanyan.

This is the life she has never experienced before.

In the courtyard, the empress sits in Lotus Position, with a grain of rice on her cheek.

Lu Changqing can’t move, why does this empress have rice on her face every time she eats.

With a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, he couldn’t help but want to pick off that grain of rice.

He stared at the empress for a long time, and he couldn’t stand it and was about to get up.

Mu Jiuyan suddenly opened his eyes.

Staring at him: “What are you doing?”

She is now always on guard against this younger disciple.

Lu Changqing curled his lips and said, “Master, you have rice grains on your face.”

Mu Jiuyan’s face blushed, she thought Lu Changqing was going to treat her wrong!

She swept the blur away from her cheeks.

Hmm, this kid’s food is so delicious.

I ate a lot every time without knowing it.

She swept her belly, secretly used her supernatural powers, and slowly digested her food.

Lu Changqing sat aside, drinking slowly.

Since Bai Hanyan was born, the washing of the dishes has been left to her.

Lu Changqing, who was finally free from washing the dishes, felt in a good mood.

This junior girl is really good, has a good personality, has eyesight, and she is willing to work.

He looked at Bai Hanyan who was washing the dishes, and he couldn’t help but think of the scene of the junior girl wearing a maid costume with a double pony tail.

This kind of cute girl is the most suitable.

Bai Hanyan is the Ascension Cultivation Base, which naturally feels good.

Being stared at by Lu Changqing, his cheeks flushed.

In Bai Hanyan’s perception, the atmosphere gradually became wrong.

Brother Lu won’t like me, right?

Bai Hanyan pinched the corner of her skirt, her heart beating extremely fast.

He didn’t even dare to look at Lu Changqing.

Huh, where’s brother?

She didn’t see it for a while, she found out that the brother was gone.

Recovered, shocked.

A handsome face was very close to her.

The voice was gentle, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

“What’s the matter, washing a few bowls for so long?”

Bai Hanyan dared not look at him, lowered his head.

“Oh, it looks like a rich woman.”

He shook his head and began to teach Bai Hanyan.

I don’t want a silly junior and follower.

The Jiao Han girl listened to Lu Changqing’s voice, she was stupid for a while.

She wanted to say that she was an orphan since she was a child.

But the words got stuck in my chest, and because of my personality, I was in Sect, and I was dealing with myself by myself.

The Cultivation Base is not high, and it has not been able to breakthrough.

Such a warm picture is something she has never experienced.

Lu Changqing talked babblingly, then turned around and looked over.

I was taken aback.

“Eh eh eh!!?”

“Why are you crying?”*

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