Chapter 147 Fusion, or are you pregnant with sick children?


Lu Changqing has been busy for a long time and just deserves to watch.

This little guy left himself with a fish skeleton, and the fish bone was still inlaid with the Ye Mingzhu that he had just eaten.

“I’m full, thank you, the craftsmanship is really good, hahahahaha.

Listening to this compliment, Lu Changqing couldn’t raise his energy at all, fish!

He stomped angrily on the side.

“My little master is very satisfied with you and decided to dedicate myself to you!”

Finally, the business is on, Daxu is still waiting for Lu Changqing to seal it.

Lu Changqing put aside the unhappiness just now, and was interrupted by Yin Ming when he was about to ask.

“Woohoo, do you know why you want to catch fish?”

Yin Ming’s mouth chugs, like an unstoppable flood, he keeps talking.

“This is a task given to me by Grandpa Ancient God. Grandpa told you to collect the Ye Mingzhu that the fish had eaten. It is of great use in market battles.”

“Also, Grandpa Gushen also said, let me eat the fish completely by myself, I can’t give you a bite, so that when we merge, you can quickly improve the Cultivation Base.

“Also, our fusion, you may have to suffer a little bit of pain.”

Yin Ming made 663 a little bit how big, with one eye closed and the other squinted.

Lu Changqing doesn’t care whether it hurts or not, but what Yin Ming said that Ye Mingzhu will be of great use in the battle of Daxu.

“What’s the use of Ye Mingzhu?”

“How do you say that sentence, um, the secret is not to be revealed.”

The secret is not to be revealed. You have already revealed half of it, and you said that you can’t reveal it, which is obviously a temptation.

It might be because of the fish that Yin Ming felt that his back was not itchy, so he squeezed his eyebrows and made his face flushed.

“Child, you have wings.”

Lu Changqing kindly reminded Yin Ming.

Yin Ming turned his head back vigorously and looked at the newly grown wings. Yes, he has wings.

“It seems that we have to merge quickly.”

Fusion, the power of the ancient gods.

Lu Changqing sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, slowly moving the Dao Yun in his body.

Gradually, he was enveloped in a kind of shiny water.

Yin Ming fluttered with the newly grown wings and plunged into the water that enveloped Lu Changqing.

The baby’s body began to become transparent, and the original color of the body was replaced by the color of the water.

Outside, only the outline of a little man with wings can be seen. It slowly rotates around Lu Changqing’s body with the current, waiting for the opportunity.

When he was about to get close to the top of Du Changqing’s head, the voice of the child came from above Lu Changqing’s head.

“I want to enter your gas field and send you strength in the gas field. You have to concentrate the upper, middle and lower veins in the gas field.”

“I will enter from your upper vein, and walk in the body along the rhyme of your converging Taoism, so that your body can adapt to my existence.”

Lu Changqing listened to his words and started to operate.

Yinming poured into Lu Changqing’s body through the action of water at the Baihui point on the top of Lu Changqing’s head.

Lu Changqing felt a squirming little flying insect in own head, slowly moving forward.

This kid doesn’t speak truthfully. What is called a little bit of pain. This is simply too painful. It is the unscrupulous rampage of strange creatures in the body.

In the face of pain, people will always subconsciously resist, and no one is exception.

Lu Changqing with frowned brows was suppressing the pain in his body. Only when he was suppressed would it not be so painful.

Yinfu’s operation in the body was suppressed by Lu Changqing, and his actions became very slow.

“Hey, don’t resist this pain, otherwise I will put more pressure on you in the gas field for a while!”

“Relax, relax.”

It’s just a fusion power, this pain can’t be counted as nothing, there is no way, I can only bite the bullet and endure this kind of piercing pain.

Yin Ming had already arrived at the Qi Field at this time, wrapped himself in his wings, and melted into a huge energy ball, releasing his own energy. The power of the ancient gods (ahci) was not a joke.

This force penetrated into Lu Changqing’s body little by little. The speed was very slow, but the intensity was great. Every penetration was a huge pressure impact.

Lu Changqing began to exhale and inhale big mouths, big beads of sweat hung on his forehead, shaking with the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling.

In his body, Yin Ming had changed from a huge energy ball to a small green bean-like ball, and the pressure was gone.

The whole body of the small ball is sapphire blue. Only by magnifying the small ball several times can you see the small wings on the ball.

If this thing is placed outside the body instead of in the body, it is like a small gem inlaid on a beauty hairpin.

“Well, you can put away Dao Yun.

It’s finally over, this kind of pain can’t be endured anymore.

Lu Changqing adjusted his state, the water surrounding him all receded, and the small balls in his body also turned into a plume of blue smoke, which was absorbed in his body.

Supporting his slack body, he glanced at Ye Mingzhu on the fishbone, and suddenly became melancholy.

“My child, my child, I didn’t expect this fish to be your last meal.

Unexpectedly, Yinming’s voice came from the belly where Lu Changqing gas field was located.

“I didn’t need to eat.

“What sound? Why does this sound come from my stomach?”

Lu Changqing’s exhausted body is refreshed, isn’t it, it’s all merged, he is still alive, still alive in his own belly.

[Is this definitely a fusion? Why do I feel pregnant with a devil. ”

Oh my God! What kind of face is there to meet people from now on? 」

[I am a man!)

“Oh, don’t worry, my voice can only be heard by you.” Yin Ming lied.

“Can others really not hear you?”

Unless “you need to use the ancient power to release me and let me show my face in front of everyone, they will be able to hear what I say.”

Lu Changqing is relieved, he will not be known to others about his own stomach, and his face is still there.

Then, he quickly took Ye Mingzhu and walked out of the water gate.

The strange thing is that there is no water flow, how can I go up by myself.

“You can manipulate the water flow, this young master is the emperor of the water attribute.” Yin Ming said again.

It turns out that the power of the ancient gods can control the flow of water, so Lu Changqing only patted a finger, and the rushing water gathered here into a large water column.

The Ascension brought by the fusion is not a star and a half, it immediately reached the level of becoming an emperor, which is higher than the Realm of Holy Maiden.

The rapid flow of water once again swept Lu Changqing into the water column. This time the pressure was obviously not as great as it came in, and his pressure resistance was also steadily ascending.

The broken formation of the ancient temple slowly recovered with Lu Changqing’s ascending.

The spring in the altar sent Lu Changqing ashore, the things in the ancient temple returned to normal, Jiang Lan also woke up from stillness.

“I came back so soon?”

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