Chapter 144 The Great Ruins, Awakening

There was a huge spaceship in the Daxu Palace, and the spaceship heard the sound of a person waking up.

“I feel comfortable today!”

Lu Changqing, who was out of the ship, stretched and lamented the quality of sleep last night.

Yesterday’s battle left everyone exhausted. In the depths of the Great Ruins Wasteland, the creatures of the Great Ruins that had accumulated through this battle disappeared a lot.

Lu Changqing understands that this is only a short period of leisure, it is better to relax these few days.

He was moving his body, and suddenly he noticed the Universe Jade on his waist.

Qiankunyu reacted yesterday, but then there was nothing moving that made him worry all the time. The Empress had just lived for her second life. If she folds there easily, it would not be worth it.

Before heading to the Cangxu secret realm, in the Pagoda of Climbing Dragon Enlightenment, the Second World Great Tribulation that Mu Jiuyan had said had already arrived.

Now I want to come to the other of the two emperors, either Lu Changqing or Holy Maiden Xu Wan. This is constantly reminding, Emperor Guan.

Now Lu Changqing can’t do anything except worry about it. He just convinced himself that as long as she can find the whereabouts of the empress, she will definitely be able to survive the second world catastrophe safely.

“The good time of the big morning is spent in thinking, how troublesome it would be.”

After talking about the Yaochi Holy Lord, he walked out of the cabin, and the breeze that came over hit the corner of his clothes, driving the bell on the streamer, and the bell rang.

Holy Lord of Yaochi, when he saw him outside, he suddenly stopped and relaxed, putting on airs and thinking seriously.

Lu Changqing turned his head and saluted the Holy Lord, and wanted to get some information about the Empress from him, so he asked.

“Have the Holy Lord heard of the second world catastrophe of the Qingyou Empress?

“Practitioners, there will be a catastrophe in every life, and you can achieve a higher Cultivation Base after passing it. If you can’t pass it, you will fall.”

“The second major calamity of the female emperor should not come so soon, but there are exceptions to everything. You have to believe in the strength of the master. If you can safely get through the pile and reach the emperor, then there is no need to worry about her calamity.”

The Holy Lord of Yaochi obviously puts a hundred hearts on the strength of the female emperor. He never thought that the strength of the female emperor could not keep the female emperor’s life.

A female emperor who can live for two lives, her heart’s ability to withstand pressure and endurance must surpass that of ordinary people, even if the second life catastrophe is terrible, she will only use all her strength and give it a try.

Lu Changqing couldn’t bear it, and told Yaochi Holy Lord about Qiankunyu. He regarded the empress as a kind of belief in ability, and he didn’t want to destroy the belief of others.

After everyone has solved the big emptiness and returned to Yaochi, everything will be able to come to a conclusion. If you draw a conclusion now, if the result is different from now, wouldn’t you be slapped in the face severely?

Lu Changqing leaned on the view of the Holy Lord in Yaochi and gently nodded his head.

The people who came here were worried about the thing in the depths of the Datang Wasteland. The Holy Lord of Yaochi sighed.

“Hey, after yesterday’s battle, the arrogance of the Daxu creature should have diminished a lot, but the Datang Wasteland seems to be deeper.”

Yes! The appearance of a large number of creatures made everyone’s hanging heart even more tense.

In the world outside the Daxu Palace, there is no Galaxy Cluster, no brilliant moonlight, only endless black, which makes people unable to see the opposite side or oneself.

Can’t see the enemy’s ability, can’t see the own strength, how many people once fell here as a car.

“If Daxu is completely awakened, although we people can only fight back, but I feel that it is not impossible to win.”

Yaochi Holy Lord smiled meaningfully, “Good boy, ambitious.”

Shaking, the spacecraft was shaking violently, and the Daxu Palace was shaking constantly, as if something was about to come up from below, using its thick ground that was hit and bound to it.

Daxu has regained consciousness.

Lu Changqing Yaochi and the Holy Lord looked at each other, both of them understood that the things they didn’t want to come were still coming, coming so quickly.

Everyone in the cabin also felt the danger approaching.


We must quickly find someone to discuss countermeasures, and find a way to victory before it rushes over.

“Holy Lord, the current situation is very urgent. I need to discuss with Jiang Chao. You can comfort Wan’er and Madam in the cabin first.”

After the two people bid farewell briefly, Lu Changqing hurried to find Jiang Lan.

Among so many people, if you want to find someone who can make suggestions, you must choose Jiang Lan. He lived with Mu Jiuyan I for a period of time, and his knowledge and brains were also among the best.

Jiang Lan also felt the shock just now, knowing that someone would come to find him, so he had already sat down, playing with the chess pieces in his spare time, waiting for Lu Changqing’s arrival…

“Sacred Son of Yaochi, please sit down.”

This ability to not be surprised is indeed admirable.

“Now that Datang has woken up, is there any clever plan?”

“There is no trick. As long as you can win, any method is worth it. People can’t become fatty with one bite, nor can they become famous overnight. For example, they can only rely on their own power, like an egg to touch a rock.

“If you fail to kill the enemy, you will be injured.

Lu Changqing has long been accustomed to a set of different ways of speaking, and if he has a countermeasure, just say it directly. He has to wait for me to ask. He is really a careful and progressive person.

Everyone “knows this truth. If there are other forces to help us, wouldn’t it be wonderful?

The player playing chess paused in the air.

Lu Changqing saw Jiang Lan’s paused hand, and he was talking about the point. Other powers are not the only ones here.

The Qinglian Master in the underground palace has lived here for tens of thousands of years. He can live peacefully with the Daxu without any interference. There must be some weakness of the Daxu.

Jiang Lan put down the chess piece and saw through his mind at a glance.

“Master Qinglian is afraid that she can’t help each other. She and Da Dui have been able to get along with each other for so many years. It must not rely on some handle. Think about it, what power can be used by you in this great market.”

What can be used by Lu Changqing is the power of the ancient gods here. With this power, several golden coffins have been taken away.

“I have taken prisoner souls, and the power of the ancient temple should definitely be more than this ability to withstand 2.9.

Jiang Chao fell into deep thought for a moment.

“Every time the Great Ruins are sealed, the formation in the ancient temple is used to suppress him. The power of the formation gradually decreases with age. Waiting for the formation to be unable to suppress it, the pile will wake up.”

“In other words, in the current ancient temple, the broken formation should have emerged.

Lu Changqing seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, his eyes were originally silent and there was a hint of vitality.

“Let’s go to the ancient temple again.”

ps: Guiqiu flowers for a monthly pass.

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