Chapter 139: Five disciples, Quan Zheng Dao the Great!

Inside the Daxu Pass, Lu Changqing sat in the underground palace.

On one side is a huge lotus pond, a huge lotus flower tens of meters high is emitting blue light.

A series of patterns slowly spread out, linking the entire Daxu Pass.

Above the blooming green lotus, there is a colored glaze Lotus flower suspended.

The golden Nanli sacred fire meets the floating lotus flower with cyan light, turning into a box.

In the fairy mist, there was a figure of a woman. She is slim and lovely, but with a trace of Sacred.

Lu Changqing sat on one side in silence, waiting for Qinglian Venerable to wake up.

I have eleven golden coffins in my hand, and since I turned these golden coffins away from the door, the aura of them seems to be overflowing.

Qinglian Venerable is not more than an ordinary quasi emperor. Even if you don’t recognize this golden coffin, there may be a way to preserve it.

After a while, the woman swallowing clouds in the lotus pond slowly opened her eyes “Six Six Six Three”.

When Lu Changqing entered this underground palace, she felt it.

Now that the Breathing Exercises are over, I waved my bare hand to let the hydrogen chloride on the lotus pond dissipate, revealing a beautiful face.

“Have you found the door?”

Qinglian Venerable spoke slowly.

Lu Changqing nodded and said, “Small gains.

Qinglian Venerable glanced at him and said, “Hey?”

“Back then, I saw twelve golden coffins come from the sky, and countless great abilities in the world are pouring out of their nests.”

“It can be wasted for a few years, but no one can reveal this secret.”

“At that time, I also went to see those twelve golden coffins. The charm is extraordinary, and it is indeed not a vulgar thing.

“You can understand Dao Mingxin by looking at it.

“But what is the use of this golden coffin, I don’t know.”

Lu Changqing was stunned, but he did not expect Qinglian Venerable to have seen these twelve golden coffins come down.

Combined with what the forced Taoist priest said, this might really be the thing of Immortal Ascension.

Otherwise, why would the old Taoist priest use this golden coffin for his favor?

He believes that no one wants to seal himself in a coffin, even if the material of the coffin is comparable to the imperial soldiers.

Lu Changqing looked at Qinglian Venerable and said, “I opened the golden coffin at Guiyimen.”

When these words came out, Qinglian Venerable was taken aback.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes and said: “Countless ancient gods and powerful people, the great emperor can’t open this coffin, but he doesn’t want to open this thing in your hands.”

“What is in the coffin?”

Rao is Qinglian. Venerable has lived for so long, and he is curious about the things in the golden coffin.

Because since her time, there have been rumors that there are immortals in the golden coffin!

Being able to open the golden coffin is the achievement of Xianlu!

You can directly pass the Great Emperor Realm!

Achieve Xiantu!

As for immortals, there are different opinions on the cultivator of this world.

Some people say that immortals are immortal existences, living the same life as heaven and earth, immortal and immortal, and can suppress everything in the world.

But in the eyes of some people, it is just a Realm above the emperor.

Qinglian Venerable has been practicing for a long time, and he is a figure with the ancestor of Yaochi.

It has even witnessed the existence of Da Yuan turned into Da Xu.

But even she has never seen the so-called immortal!

Lu Changqing looked at the agitated Qinglian Venerable and sighed slightly.

It seems that even this Venerable cannot be avoided.

Venerable “The coffin is empty and there is nothing.”

Qinglian Venerable stunned: “How is this possible?”

“It turned out to be empty inside?”

Lu Changqing nodded and said, “Yes, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Lu Changqing then talked to Qinglian Venerable about what happened in Guiyimen.

Qinglian Venerable frowned slightly after listening.

“You mean it forced Daoist to say that there is the way of Immortal Ascension in the golden coffin?”

“Can you prove the truth by closing in the pyramid?”

Even if she lived for a long time, she had never heard of such a method of preaching.

Lu Changqing opened the mouth and said, “Venerable has been alive for an unknown number of years, but do you know the origin of Daoist?”

Qinglian Venerable nodded and said, “They are conspiring to find secrets in this vein. The ancestor is a descendant of a mixture of humans and ancient gods.”

“However, this person has not proved the emperor.

“There are not many disciples, three men and two women, but these five have all become the emperor.

Lu Changqing was shocked, the master who forced Daoist to be so terrifying?

Just accepted five disciples and all became the emperor?

He couldn’t help but said, “Dare to ask which five emperors are it?”

Those who can become the emperor are by no means unknown.

Any name is shocking the past and the present!

Qinglian Venerable spoke slowly: “The ancient god of the Jiang family, Jiang Taixu.”

Lu Changqing’s heart condensed. This is the ancestor of the Jiang family and the first master of the Emperor Taixu Jing…

Strong strength can rank the forefront of the great emperor’s combat power throughout the ages!

Created the existence of Immortal Orthodoxy!

The young emperor continued: “Wanfa dies, one sword opens the Yang emperor.”

Lu Changqing’s scalp is numb, the ancestor of the Kaiyang line, Kaiyang Great!

One sword opens the sun, and the Dayan that was once crushed has no black mist for a hundred years, and directly crosses the Emperor Pass!

“Dao heart is immortal, Samsara eighty-one, the emperor of heaven.

Lu Changqing’s face is a bit wrong.

This is a figure who contrived forever, he has been reincarnated eighty times in the world, and has pitted countless great emperors!

Known as the emperor of heaven, it is countless!

The first old man in history.

In the end, there was no way for the world’s Taoism, so they gave chances to force him to proclaim the emperor and cross the piles, only to return the purity of the spiritual world.

Qinglian Venerable’s voice sounded again: “There is an open flame in the South Island, and its spirit is in Youlian.”

The corners of Lu Changqing’s mouth twitched slightly, and there was another strong outrageous existence.

The south is the great emperor, the south is the ancestor of Sacred Land, and the great emperor and Qinglian Venerable seem to have a lot to do with each other.

Even the natal emperor soldiers can resonate with each other.

Finally, Qinglian Venerable took a deep look at Lu Changqing and said: “Live the ninth world, the top of the world, the Hongchen Dao is not dead, Yaochi Tianshu!”

When the words fell, Lu Changqing’s body trembled.

Well, there is one of the top Taoism in the world, one is counted as 2.9, and they are all personal disciples.

Not even his own master will be left behind!

Lu Changqing exhaled and said, “Venerable, dare you to ask that person’s name, is he also the emperor of Hua?”

It’s impossible for such a great person to have a name in the spiritual world.

Unexpectedly, Qinglian Venerable shook his head and said: “He has no name, he doesn’t know where he came from, and he doesn’t know where to go in the end.

“Before he disappeared in the supreme years, some people said that he had realized Immortal Ascension, and some people said that he had already sat down.

Lu Changqing’s heart sinks slightly, and the line of Daoist is too mysterious.

He couldn’t help but think of the master he saw in Lin Canghai’s memory.

Emperor Tianshu!

A sword smashed the body of Gu Shenyuan to pieces.

The strength is terrible.

If you get to the Imperial Pass, you must ask this master and the secrets of their line.

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