Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: The Weird Jade Pool Sacred Land!

Submerged in the big market, the blue-purple moonlight fell.

An unpleasant feeling emerged in Lu Changqing’s heart.

Gu Shenyuan’s body seemed to recover at this time.

There are two hearts beating in the body.

The power of qi and blood surging, Lu Changqing covered the armor of the ancient gods all over his body.

Walking forward with Holy Maiden vigilantly.

The mountains undulated in the darkness.

That kind of strange syllables kept ringing, as if to penetrate into Lu Changqing’s soul.

He seemed to have returned to the wasteland of the Cangxu secret realm.

Lu Changqing’s face is solemn, he still doesn’t know what the pile is.

Although there are some guesses, it is still uncertain.

The wind slowly rose in the darkness, and Lu Changqing felt that the mountains on both sides were moving with them.

In the silent darkness, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

Soon, Lu Changqing stopped.

In front is a huge valley.

On both sides of the valley is a gate as magnificent as Tianzhu.

On the cliff on the side, the word “Nanli” is written.

Lu Changqing was silent for a while, did Nanli Sacred Land also fall?

He saw the palace shattered in Nanli Sacred Land.

Many Sect disciples were nailed to the wall.

There are many dry 07 corpses outside Sect, apparently dead in trouble.

How long did they leave Yaochi?

One year or two years?

The world counted in thousands of years at this time.

This time is just a blink of an eye.

Holy Maiden seemed to see what he thought.

Shaking his head, “If Daxu goes south, the time inside may be different from the time we were outside.”

“Although Daxu is connected to the Northern Territory, for us, it is another world.”

Lu Changqing nodded, he was extremely in the secret realm.

It was only a few hours between himself and Bai Hanyan to go in.

It was already a few months since the two met.

I just don’t know if they have been outside for two years, are they months or hundreds of years?

Lu Changqing looked at the broken mountain gate ahead and couldn’t judge.

But my heart is heavy.

Nanli is a Sacred Land that can be compared with Yaochi!

But at this time, the mountain gate shattered and the gatekeeper almost died.

As if slaughtered by some kind of creature.

And, there is no way to fight back.

You know, the traditions that have been passed down for so many years have extraordinary heritage.

If forced to destroy the gate, the emperor’s strength in a single blow will be displayed.

But the scene in front of him was clearly a one-sided slaughter.

Is it possible that among the piles, there is the existence of the Great Emperor, who specially came to slaughter Nan Li?

Lu Changqing pondered for a while, not sure.

But he didn’t dare to be careless.

The Great Ruins spread, and Yaochi True Spirit said that the Great Emperor alone could not cross the Great Ruins.

A great emperor of Kaiyangzong fell into the big ruins.

It can be seen that this one is dangerous.

Lu Changqing sighed, and suddenly found himself surrounded by some kind of power.

He couldn’t help but put Holy Maiden directly into his arms.

Holy Maiden’s cheeks are slightly red, and his chin rests on Lu Changqing’s shoulder.

“This is the undercurrent of the big market, everything in the big market is flowing.

“Sometimes people are also swept away, but it is not lethal.

“But I don’t know where it fell.”

Lu Changqing nodded, not paying attention to the changes in Holy Maiden under these circumstances.

This undercurrent is not dangerous, but it’s different.

If it were directly transferred to the nest of Daxu creatures, it would be almost desperate.


There was a voice in Lu Changqing’s mind.

That is the voice of Gu Shenyuan!

Moreover, it is the ancient divine writing, which contains a certain kind of Tao!

Lu Changqing’s heart moved.

Slowly opened his mouth.

Spit out a weird syllable.


When the words were over, a large undercurrent suddenly rolled up Lu Changqing and the two, moving along the blue-purple moonlight!

Lu Changqing was shocked, knowing that it was the ancient gods’ divine writings that had played a role.

But why can the language of the ancient gods control a lot of undercurrents?

He tried to connect that piece of divine writing, and read it silently in his heart.

The undercurrent, which was originally violent and disorderly, suddenly became well-behaved and docile.


Lu Changqing spit out the divine text again, the undercurrent surging, The next moment, he went directly to the border of the northern region!

He was shocked!

A thought departs from the Southern Territory to the south, directly across a large region, and arrives at the border of the Northern Territory.

Even the original white-haired Venerable can’t do it!

Although Lu Changqing understands, this may have taken advantage of a certain characteristic in Daxu.

But it’s shocking enough!

Soon, the map of the entire time appeared in Lu Changqing’s mind.

You can get there directly from the divine text of the word “Royal”!

At the beginning, Lu Changqing was still a little rusty.

But after many practice, I quickly mastered this divine text.

Unobstructed in the big market!

However, there are still some problems.

Some Sects seem to be shrouded in an unknown, even if they are teleported to the past, they can only approach on foot.

Such as Yaochi!

Lu Changqing returned to Nanli Sacred Land again.

He had already affirmed that the ancient god and Dadui must have some kind of peculiar connection.

When I used the ancient mythology, I clearly felt the Great Ruins, and I had a certain sense of closeness to myself!

Taking a breath, Lu Changqing didn’t think too much.

He still can’t find the answer to all this.

Maybe when the body of Gu Shenyuan is really gathered, this doubt will be completely revealed.

And now, Lu Changqing wants to visit Yaochi!


When the words fell, Lu Changqing fell into the undercurrent of the great realm again.

After a while, with Holy Maiden, appeared outside Maple Leaf Town.

It is very close to Yaochi.

But there is an invisible power, enveloping.

Prevent Lu Changqing from directly teleporting to Yaochi.

What happened in Yao 647 Pond?

Lu Changqing’s heart is heavy.

Take the Holy Maiden and hurried towards the direction of Sacred Land in Jade Lake.

In the darkness, the two quickly arrived at Sacred Land.

The front of Sacred Land has been flattened!

There are countless bones in a huge pit like a sea!

Lu Changqing was surprised!

There has been a battle here!

“The breath of the emperor soldier!

Evergreen’s heart brightened.

Climbing Dragon Enlightenment Tower!

Tai virtual mirror!

Liuli Lotus flower!

Lu Changqing is very familiar with the breath of these three imperial soldiers, and even the rhyme of Dao Yun hasn’t dissipated here!

He will never admit his mistakes!

Lu Changqing was secretly surprised.

Outside of Yaochi, what level of war has happened?

Even the emperor soldiers have been invited out!

And it depends on the situation is far more than these three!

He took Holy Maiden and walked forward step by step.

There are many corpses on the ground, including all forces.

There are even some creatures in the great realm, looking terrible.

Only there are no Yaochi disciples.

Lu Changqing frowned slightly.

It’s a bit abnormal.

Then, he stepped into the mountain gate.

At this moment, his pupils shrank!

In front of him, a scarlet spear slammed into the ground!

Suppressing a quasi emperor who has been dead for a long time!

The ground is full of corpses, and none of them are under the Emperor Zhun!

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