Chapter 113: The trend is irreversible, Datang goes south!

The strong who came out of the big ruins saw the black mist collapse.

Obviously, he was taken aback for a while, and then he felt the breath of Kaiyang.

Hate spit out a few words: “Open the Yang channel, damn it!”

The two veins that the Great Realm creatures hate and fear most are Nanli and Kaiyang.

The Nanli Holy Fire is the most restrained against the black mist, and the art of opening the sun is created specifically for the many creatures that live in him!

At this moment, a beautiful woman stepped into the sky.

Behind them are five aura disciples!

One by one, carrying a long sword, they all entered the Realm!

As we all know, Kaiyang’s line of people has withered, and there are no more than ten people in total!

But now, almost all who appeared in front of everyone were-quasi emperors!

Xia Manzhi hid in the Yaochi crowd, smiling and beckoning and shouting: “Master, brother!

Kaiyang Sect Leader just glanced at this disciple, and ignored it.

With the disciples under his sect, he directly entered the formation.

Originally there were only three quasi-emperors, and there were five more supporters in an instant!

Among them, Kaiyang Sect Leader is even closer to Jiang Chao!

Let Daxusheng be inspired to be extremely tricky!

In the Yaochi, Man Qingxue smiled at this scene, plucking the face of Little Sparrow and said, “It seems that your master does not want you at all.”

“I might as well call myself a Yaochi disciple in the future.”

Little Sparrow said: “No, Master, Master can love me.”

Despite that, the little girl obviously has no confidence.

Just stared at the array eagerly.

“The creatures in the Great Ruins must not take a step further north.”

“This is the rule set earlier.

Kaiyang Sect Leader’s voice is flat. Although she is a wife, the power of blood in her body is more turbulent than a man.

As if hiding a round of the sun, people dare not look directly at it.

“Hehe, those are the rules how many years ago.”

“As soon as the big market opened for ten thousand years, the person who made the rules has been dead for ten thousand years.”

“I don’t know how many emperor tombs are in the big ruins, and the power of the oath has dissipated. Do you really think that a large number of people can keep this verbal agreement?

“Even if I agree, so many living beings, so many people who have been sacrificed and exiled by you, will you agree?”

“That’s an enmity that has existed for tens of thousands of years, and this is their homeland.

Kaiyang was silent, and the ruins were very complicated.

Back then, in order to resist the darkness that came from the Great Market.

All the ethics of the world have made a decision.

That is to sacrifice some people and let them use their lives to fill the market.

These people, or cultivators, were mercilessly banished.

And will never return!

Therefore, certain creatures in the Great Ruins are extremely resentful towards human beings.

Even for those great emperors who are going to cross the pile, they are full of hatred of burning jade and stone.

They are essentially human beings, and they cannot return to their homeland for millions of years.

Kaiyang sighed quietly, “It was a last resort back then.”

“Now that you are waiting to go south, if the rules are broken, you are not afraid of the emperor’s shot?”

Daxu creatures smiled coldly: “Emperor Pass?”

“I’m afraid they are overwhelmed!”

“Also, do you think that for so many years, those of us exiled creatures will only resent?”

“Only, sorrow?”

His words caused a bad feeling in many people’s hearts.

Kaiyang Sect Leader couldn’t help but secretly warn.

“What do you want to say?”

The Daxu creature smiled coldly and said, “I’m just a human being.”

“Humans are the creatures that time can best adapt to the environment.”

“Although I am waiting in the big market, it can thrive for millions of years. Do you think it will be weaker than before?”

“Those extraterritorial creatures in the Great Ruins can be repaired, I will wait for them to be repaired.

“Those who can’t bear the things in the Daxu creatures, I can bear them!”

“All this is just for going south and returning to the homeland!”

“Do you really think that there is only this jade pond that is messy?”

After the words fell, everyone’s expressions changed!

Have those cultivators exiled from the Great Ruins finally return, carrying millions of years of resentment?

If this is the case, and the creatures in the great ruins come out of the nest, then it is a catastrophe of the world’s Taoism!

No wonder some quasi emperors have already made a choice!

Because, in their eyes, the general trend is irreversible!

Even if they resist, can they beat the resurrected Datang creatures?

It is better to cooperate with the Great Realm creatures and seek a way to cross the Great Ruins and reach the Imperial Pass.

“This is impossible!

Yaochi Holy Lord couldn’t believe it.

If the creatures in the Great Ruins are pouring out of the nest, why is there no movement in the Northern Territory?

His Jade Lake is the closest Sect to the Northern Territory, and the countless disciples lurking in the Northern Territory for investigation have not heard a word.

0………Look for flowers…

“There is something unusual in the Northern Territory, how can you hide it from me and wait?”

The crowds of creatures smiled coldly and spoke like knives.

With a chill, he said word by word: “That is naturally, the entire Northern Territory.

“All belong to me!”

Everyone’s pupils shrank, and suddenly there was a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

They also wanted to refute that a black mist appeared directly on the horizon.

Then it became bigger and bigger, coming from the north!

The mighty, almost unstoppable!

A deep and desolate breath filled the whole world!

That is the breath of Daxu!

It is the pure breath of Datang!

It’s not the black mist that these big market creatures used to urge them to emit!

That is the deepest darkness!

It is the darkness that can change the laws of the world!

A purple-cyan moon, hidden in the darkness, moved slowly.

The creatures in the great market roared like a tide!

The Holy Lord of Yaochi saw the flags erected among the creatures!

The creature that has changed its appearance still has a trace of its original appearance!

Nine Dynasties, Dugu Family, Cangyouzong, Daxue Mountain…

They are all the forces of the Northern Territory, and they have now become the creatures of the Great Ruins!

With a sense of greed and resentment, he rushed towards Yaochi!

The Northern Territory was really under the control of Daxu a long time ago!

The realm creature smiled coldly.

The black fog of Daxu had spread to the entire northern region a long time ago, and it just broke out at this time.

Once it spreads throughout the world, then the Great Ruins will completely recover!

When the time comes, the emperor will not be able to stop them!

The power of the creatures in the great realm comes from the darkness in this great ruin.

The wider the darkness covers, the stronger the bonus to their power!

If it can swallow the entire world, then the quasi-emperor powerhouse in the big ruins may compete with the great emperor!

Those great emperors who have fallen in the Great Ruins, the tombs of the emperors will also be opened!

The deceased can be reincarnated and transformed into a new powerful emperor!

When the time comes, who can stop?

Even the strong who set foot on the immortal road have to avoid it!

The creatures of Daxu grinned, and endless darkness spread over again.

Nanli Shengzi shook his head helplessly, this darkness directly connected with the crowd.

Now even the Nanli Holy Fire in the Imperial Soldiers can’t help this black fog. earth,

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