Chapter 102: Holy Maiden is Mrs. Lu again?

Lu Changqing patted Holy Maiden who was a little panicked.

He whispered a few words of comfort.

Slowly turned over and got off the horse, and walked over slowly.

The night wind rolled up Lu Changqing’s hair, revealing a handsome face.

He was not surprised by Lin Jiu’an’s arrival.

I never thought that a guy who wanted to be an emperor would be a complete fool.

“It seems that Lu is not surprised that I am here.

Lin Jiu’an has a complicated tone.

During the time spent with Lu Changqing, he fully felt the unusualness of Lu Changqing.

Just a few words can make him startled.

Even help him solve countless problems.

From then on, he decided that Lu Changqing must be included under his command.

In this regard, he even did not hesitate to betroth Little Sister to him.

But Lu Changqing remained unmoved.

He didn’t rush to show his attitude, he just passed some things and kept hinting.

For example, let him participate in the secret meeting of his subordinates.

Let him hear some dispensable messages.

I’m sure that with Brother Lu’s talent, it’s not difficult to guess what I want to do.

But he still left.

647 treats him sincerely, treats him as a friend of his relatives, but doesn’t even say a word!

I also used the carriage and jade pendant I gave him to escape from the southern capital!

This makes Lin Jiuan feel chilling.

Lu Changqing sighed and said, “There is a reason for this, Brother Lin, don’t blame it.

From beginning to end, this young man who was quite an emperor did not show much malice towards him.

So, Brother Lin, he was still willing to call.

Lin Jiuan got off his horse and said in a deep voice, “Now I will go to the imperial city. Nothing has happened to me.”

After that, he looked at Nanguo Princess Road on the carriage.

“Even, I don’t care about you and the princess.”

“When it becomes a matter, there are countless glory and wealth waiting for you, why do you need to escape?”

Lu Changqing sighed: “You don’t understand.”

These “things don’t make sense to me.”

With these words, Lin Jiuan couldn’t help clenching his fists.

Even, there was a killing intent.

“This woman is so important?”

He couldn’t help but speak.

“On appearance and identity, isn’t Qiao’er worthy of you?”

Lu Changqing shook his head.

Lin Jiu (ahci) An’s eyes condensed slightly: “Are you really going to leave?”

Lu Changqing nodded and said, “Go.

“So, you want to kill me?”

Lin Jiu’an was silent.

And the guards at the rear had already drawn out their weapons one by one.

In the night, a trace of murderous aura was exuded.

Your Highness, “He knows too much, if he is allowed to leave, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles!”

“For the emperor, don’t be merciful!”

Lu Changqing looked at Lin Jiuan calmly.

This young man seemed to be in a deep struggle.

Suddenly, there was a neigh of horses from the darkness.

A woman, wearing a bright red dress, had tears on her pretty face.

Even the rouge was washed out.

Under the night, it was full of sadness.

Lin Jiuan said in surprise: “Qiao’er, why are you here?”

“What are you doing!”

Lin Qiaoer dressed in red, watching Lu Changqing run into the rain.

Faced with Lin Jiu’an’s question, she did not answer.

Turned over and got off the horse, and ran directly towards Lu Changqing, pulling out the saber from his waist.

With a “buzz”, he broke through the cold air in the dark night and pierced towards Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing did not move, letting the point of the sword fall on the center of his eyebrows.

Suddenly, he raised his eyes and looked at the pretty woman.

The sixteen-year-old girl is at the age of extreme affection.

A look from her sweetheart can defeat all of her defenses.

Sure enough, Lin Qiao’er took the sword away, tears bursting.

Biting his red lips tightly, he said, “You are dead, don’t you want to marry me?”

Lu Changqing opened his mouth and said nothing.

He never thought of having a marriage with this woman.

It’s just that he is in the opponent’s fate, but who knows.

How far is the sky between the two?

Is this the suffering of mortals?

Lu Changqing couldn’t help shaking his head.

Can’t ask, love can’t.

The Mortal Sutra in his heart seemed to gradually show signs of recovery.

Before he noticed it, he suddenly stepped into the next level.

Lu Changqing sighed: “Everyone has his own destiny. I don’t want to take your way, and I don’t want to go.”

Speaking of which, the Lin family brothers and sisters have never apologized to him.

Being like this really wrapped the hearts of both of them.

Lin Jiuan’s hand holding the hilt of the sword was trembling constantly.

Countless thoughts were struggling in his mind.

Finally, he closed his eyes.

His voice was hoarse: “Let’s go, just as if I had never seen you.

Lu Changqing sighed and slowly returned to the carriage.

When driving a carriage and passing by the brother and sister, two things were thrown from his arms.

“Farewell today, I’m afraid it will be the day when we will never see each other again.”

“These two knives are used by me on weekdays and have been with me for many years.

“I will give it to you.”

“There will be a period later.

When the words fell, two small knives were thrown from his arms, and even the scabbard looked a little crude.

This is often used by Lu Changqing on Piaoxue Peak, and it has already been contaminated with Taoist rhyme.

If it is placed in the spiritual world, it is also a great treasure.

Now it is left to the brother and sister as a souvenir.

In the night, the carriage driven by Lu Changqing went further and further.

Lin Qiao’er, dressed in red, looked at Lu Changqing who was leaving, wrapped her cheeks, and squatted down in tears.

Lin Jiuan’s eyes shone with cold light.

Sternly said: “What happened tonight, if anyone says a word, die!”

“In addition, all the people who were in the imperial city have been replaced, and they can’t stay alive!”

Now that Lu Changqing is allowed to leave, he will completely help him solve the hidden dangers.

He didn’t want to hear that in the future, Dazhou officers and soldiers arrested Lu Changqing and others.

The night was dim, and the fleshy Holy Maiden on the cheek leaned on Lu Changqing’s shoulder.

Looking ahead, confused, “Where are we going?”

In her memory, own has spent her entire life in the imperial city.

Now that she has left Nandu, she can’t help but feel lost.

“Go anywhere, the farther the better.

“Being an ordinary person, living in and resting every day at sunrise, so that you can live your life in peace and stability like this.”

Lu Changqing held the reins and said lightly.

“Yeah” Holy Maiden nodded softly: “I have something to lie to you.”

Lu Changqing said: “What’s the matter?

Holy Maiden encircled his waist and buried it on Lu Changqing’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to marry you.”

The night is like water, and the bright moon shines on the road ahead.

Lu Changqing only felt that two soft touches on his cheeks.

The fragrance was all over him.

Lu Changqing couldn’t help thinking.

Holy Maiden this is, once again became “Mrs. Lu.”

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