The old man walked straight up to Xiao Jiang and asked with a smile,"Little brother, why did you shake your head just now?"

"Could it be that you noticed that I, an old man, am lacking in some movements?"

Before Xiao Jiang could answer, the old man's granddaughter said with disdain:"Grandpa, he looks about the same age as me, what can he say?"

The girl did not take Xiao Jiang seriously, thinking that it was quite good for Xiao Jiang to learn one or two ancient martial arts at such a young age, so what can he say.

Xiao Jiang did not get angry when he heard the girl's words. He slowly stood up and said with a faint smile:"As this girl said, I don't have any opinion."

"I shook my head at the time, but I just felt a little sore in my neck."

After saying that.

Xiao Jiang turned and left without a trace of hesitation.

The old man looked at Xiao Jiang's steps, frowned slightly, and murmured:"This little brother must also be a martial artist, let me test it!"

As he said that, he suddenly attacked Xiao Jiang with a palm.

The power of this palm was not great, but if it really hit, the man would probably have to lie in the hospital for at least a week!

Xiao Jiang moved his body to the side, easily dodged the attack, and swung a punch. This punch was fast, accurate and fierce, hitting the old man in the face.

The old man wanted to dodge, but found that his body had no time to react at all.

No, could it be that I will die here today?

The fear of death continued to emerge from the depths of his heart, and his face was full of the word"despair".

When the distance was less than three centimeters, Xiao Jiang put away his fist and said coldly:"I may not next time, I can hold back my strength!"

After saying that, Xiao Jiang was ready to leave.

However, the old man came to him with an excited look on his face and introduced himself:"My name is Wan Yuqin, may I know your name, young friend?"

The way he addressed him changed completely, bringing him to the same level as Xiao Jiang.

It can be seen that he has completely recognized Xiao Jiang's strength!

Xiao Jiang waved his hand and said softly:"It's just a chance meeting, there's no need for you to know my name."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared on the spot

"What kind of person is he? He is so arrogant just because he took a move from his grandfather!"

The girl said indignantly as she watched Xiao Jiang's departing back.

She thought that Xiao Jiang was able to dodge her grandfather's move purely by luck.

Wan Yuqin heard his granddaughter's words, smiled bitterly and shook his head:"No, that young man is very strong. If we confront him head-on, I am no match for him."

"How is it possible? It wasn't you, grandpa,……"

"I did look down on him, but that doesn't mean that the young man is weak!"

Wan Yuqin looked at the direction where Xiao Jiang left and said,"Mengtao, there are always people who are better than you, and there are always better than you!"

Wan Mengtao listened to her grandfather's words, but she still didn't believe it.

Her grandfather was the strongest in the martial arts world of Nanzhou Province, and a well-known figure in the entire Yanxia martial arts world.

How could he lose to a mere boy?

She couldn't believe it, or rather, she couldn't accept it.

""Let's go, it's almost time, we should go meet the young master of the Xu family!"

Wan Yuqin put his hands behind his back and left the park.

Wan Mengtao followed closely behind him. After about thirty minutes, the grandfather and grandson came to a high-end coffee shop.

Xu Zimo and Jiang Leng were both sitting here.

Xu Zimo's eyes quickly fell on Wan Mengtao. Her wheat-colored skin, smooth and slender legs, and heroic face made him very moved.

However, he knew very well that this girl was Wan Yuqin's precious granddaughter.

Wan Yuqin was a person that even his father respected very much, so he naturally did not dare to do anything disrespectful.

Besides, even if he had the heart, he was powerless!

""Mr. Wan, long time no see!" Xu Zimo walked up to him enthusiastically.

Wan Yuqin glanced at him coldly, sat on a chair, and asked coldly:"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Xu Zimo retracted his right hand awkwardly, and a surge of anger rose in his heart, but he dared not show it.

He forced a smile and said:"I want Mr. Wan to protect this guy!"

Xu Zimo pointed his right hand at Jiang Leng.

Wan Yuqin glanced at Jiang Leng and said:"This is President Jiang. What problem do you encounter that requires me to protect you personally?"

Jiang Leng immediately told Wan Yuqin everything.

After Wan Mengtao knew about this, she said bluntly:"It's just that you betrayed others and were afraid that they would kill you, so you asked my grandfather to protect you!" It was really difficult for her to have any good feelings towards such a person.

Jiang Leng was suddenly embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Xu Zimo was thicker-skinned and said with a smile:"This is not considered shameless, but a normal corporate choice."

"This kind of thing is the most common method in business wars."

Wan Mengtao didn't give any face at all, and said coldly:"They are just a group of villains!"

Xu Zimo's face suddenly became ugly, and when he was about to say something.

Wan Yuqin spoke first:"No matter what, I owe you a favor to the Xu family. Are you sure you want to use it in this place?"

He didn't care what Xu Zimo's purpose was, he owed the Xu family a favor.

No matter what, he had to repay it.

Xu Zimo nodded seriously:"Yes, is it possible that you have any objection, Mr. Wan?"

Wan Yuqin stood up and said:"I agree to this matter!"

"However, after this incident, I am even with your Xu family!" As soon as he finished speaking, he took his granddaughter and left this high-end coffee shop.

Seeing Wan Yuqin had gone far away, Xu Zimo suddenly exploded and said through gritted teeth:"This old guy is really too much, he doesn't take me seriously at all!"

When he thought of Wan Yuqin's contemptuous eyes, he felt a surge of anger, constantly rolling in his heart

"Gulu~" Jiang Leng watched Xu Zimo crush the quilt and advised:"Mr. Xu, after all, Mr. Wan is a martial arts expert, it is normal for him to be a little arrogant."

"Let's not bother with him!"

In fact, what he feared most was that Xu Zimo would offend Wan Yuqin in a fit of impulse.

At that time, no one would be able to protect him.

Xu Zimo wiped the coffee off his right hand with a towel and said coldly:"Do I need your reminder?"

""Yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Leng smiled flatteringly.

At the same time,

Xiao Jiang was practicing in the presidential suite of the hotel where he was staying temporarily.

After about two hours, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of foul air:"Hu~, the spiritual energy is too thin!"

"Forget it, go out and see if there are any herbs for refining Pei Yuan Dan.

Pei Yuan Dan is a kind of elixir that cultivators must have for cultivation. It can expand the meridians and absorb more spiritual energy to reduce the time of cultivation.

If mortals take it, they can be immune to all kinds of poisons, strengthen their bodies, and extend their lifespan by ten years. It is not a problem.

A moment later.

Xiao Jiang had left the hotel and came to a medicinal herb market. As soon as he entered here, he smelled a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

""Little friend?"

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