After a while,

Xiao Jiang invited the old Taoist priest into the room. He sat opposite the old Taoist priest and asked,"I don't know, what's the matter, old Taoist priest?"

"I wonder if Mr. Xiao can tell what's wrong with me?" The old Taoist asked with a smile, stroking his white beard.

The old Taoist looked calm, ruddy, and full of vitality, and he didn't seem to have any disease.

Even some professional doctors couldn't tell.

After a simple inspection, Xiao Jiang found that the old Taoist's meridians were blocked, and his internal organs were damaged to varying degrees, and they were all old injuries.

With this kind of successful injury, a normal person would have been lying in bed, hanging on for a breath. But the old Taoist was still able to walk briskly, which showed how strong he was.

"The meridians were blocked, and the internal organs were damaged to varying degrees. It must be that the old Taoist priest had left old injuries when he was fighting with someone!"

When the old Taoist priest heard Xiao Jiang's words, he stroked his beard, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He could see so much with just one glance. It seemed that Master Xiao's medical skills were indeed very superb.

"���Wrong, when I was young, I was also a competitive person. Unfortunately, I got this hidden disease when I was fighting with an enemy!"

"I have consulted numerous doctors, but none of them could cure me. I wonder if Mr. Xiao has any treatment plan?"

The old Taoist priest looked at Xiao Jiang with some expectation.

After becoming the Taoist priest of the Wudang Mountain Taoist Temple, he had no desires or requests, and only wanted to heal this old injury.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly:"Of course there is a way, but it needs to be done step by step. Here is a prescription. Old Taoist priest, please follow the instructions above to get the herbs."

"Four times a day, come to Jiangling City to find me in seven months!"

As he said that, Xiao Jiang casually wrote a prescription and handed it to the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest looked at the medicinal materials on the prescription, which were all common things, and thanked him:"Thank you, Mr. Xiao. If you need our Taoist temple in the future, I will definitely help you with all my strength!"

The favor of Longhushan Taoist Temple is what many major forces in Yanxia dream of, but now it is obtained by Xiao Jiang so easily.

If those major forces knew, they would probably be jealous to death!

Xiao Jiang didn't care and continued to drink tea leisurely.

The old Taoist priest looked at Xiao Jiang's calm appearance, smiled, and said secretly: Mr. Xiao, you will become a great man in the future, and Yanxia is expected to change!

""Master Xiao, I will not continue to bother you here. I will leave first!"

After saying that, the old Taoist priest clasped his fists towards Xiao Jiang and turned to leave.

In the afternoon, Xiao Jiang and his companions had already left Wudang Mountain and returned to Jiangling City.

""Aunt Yuegui, goodbye!" Yuyu waved to Du Yuegui.

Du Yuegui also smiled and touched Yuyu's head, and said with a faint smile:"Next time there is a chance, I will bring Chuntao to play with you!"

""Yeah!" Yu Yu smiled happily.

He Lu looked at Xiao Jiang in front of him and said with a faint smile:"My friend, I will ask someone to send the herbs to your home later in the evening."

"Thanks to my friend, my Qingnang Clinic won the championship of this [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference] and received a plaque. I believe that with this plaque, the business will definitely be much better."

He Lu was still immersed in the joy of winning yesterday.

Xiao Jiang looked at He Lu and smiled without saying a word.

After a while, he took his daughter back to the old courtyard of the Xiao family.

As soon as they returned to the old courtyard, Yuyu began to brag to Xiao's father and mother about her father's amazing performance in the [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference].

Hearing this, the old couple looked at Xiao Jiang in surprise.

Xiao's father picked up Yuyu and laughed:"Hahaha, you are worthy of being my son, you are promising!"

"It's all thanks to me that I gave birth to Jiang'er, otherwise, how could your Xiao family be so successful!"Mother Xiao said half-jokingly

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, you are a great contributor!"

Father Xiao also followed Mother Xiao's words and praised

"Grandpa, where is Yuyu? Yuyu has been cheering for daddy all the time!"Yuyu looked at Father Xiao with anticipation.

"Yuyu is also very good, grandpa kisses her……"

"No, grandpa's beard pricks people, and he has bad breath!"

Yu Yu ran directly into Xiao's mother's arms.

Xiao Jiang looked at such a happy scene and showed a smile from the heart.

In the evening.

An apprentice of the Qingnang Medical Clinic brought all the medicinal materials and said to Xiao Jiang:"Mr. Xiao, this is the medicinal material that the owner asked me to send to you."

Xiao Jiang looked at so many medicinal materials, among which the ten thousand year old spiritual Ganoderma lucidum was obviously obtained by Gu Zhengxin at the auction that day.

It seems that I didn't send it down, and Mr. He accepted it on my behalf, and then gave it to me in Jiangling City.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, after all, it was He Lu's good intention, and he couldn't refuse, so he absorbed these medicinal materials.

Xiao Jiang soon noticed the blood-colored snow lotus. When he picked it up, he was slightly surprised:"Another spiritual medicinal material, and it is much stronger than those two Ganoderma lucidum."

As he said this, he put all the herbs away.

At around eight or nine in the evening, after Xiao Jiang coaxed Yu Yu to sleep, he went to the yard and took out all the herbs.

"I don't know if these herbs are enough to support me to enter the late stage of Yuanying Realm."

When he said this, he sat cross-legged on the ground, and the spiritual energy in his body began to set off the blood-colored snow lotus and the twin ganoderma lucidum, suspending them in the air.

A red mist and a green mist intertwined together and entered Xiao Jiang's body.

As time passed, the two mists gradually thinned, and the blood-colored snow lotus and the twin ganoderma lucidum turned into powder and dispersed with the wind.

Xiao Jiang slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air:"Sure enough, relying solely on swallowing herbs is simply a drop in the bucket and it is impossible to enter the late stage of Yuanying Realm!"

"Forget it. When will I ask Yuan Bei to help me find a house with the most spiritual energy?"

The spiritual energy in the place where the old courtyard of the Xiao family is located is too thin, or even almost non-existent. We must move to another place, otherwise, relying solely on medicinal materials, it will take a long time to break through the tribulation and return to the world of cultivation.

Xiao Jiang slowly got up and returned to his room.

The next day, early in the morning.

After sending Yu Yu to the kindergarten, Xiao Jiang went to the company where he had not reported for a long time.

When he arrived at the door of the company, he saw a large number of girls holding banners, protesting there, causing the company's door to be forced to close.

Xiao Jiang looked at such a scene, frowned, and murmured:"I have only been away for a few days, why did the company suddenly become like this?"

"Manager Xiao, you're back!"

"Luo Qiuyan? Why are you here?"

Luo Qiuyan wore a mask, looked around carefully, and whispered:"Manager Xiao, a lot of things happened during your absence."

"I can’t explain it clearly for a while, I’ll take you into the company through the back door and end it properly."

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