Xiao Jiang was at the competition venue, and instantly felt the magic circle he had set on Yu Yu being triggered.

Someone touched my daughter!

He quickly looked at Xu Bo and frowned.

Xu Bo also came over at this time and whispered in his ear:"Xiao Jiang, your daughter has been captured by my junior brothers. If you just admit defeat honestly, I might consider letting your daughter go!"

Xiao Jiang listened to these words, his face was cold, and he said coldly:"I will make you regret it!"

"Regret?" Xu Bo sneered,"I guarantee that if you don't admit defeat, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Xiao Jiang ignored Xu Bo and pierced the patient's brow with a needle.

In just a few seconds, the patient's hands began to move, and he tried to open his eyelids, and his breathing became a little faster.

Soon, the patient sat up suddenly, looked around blankly, and muttered,"Where am I?"

He seemed to have had a dream, and when he woke up, he appeared in this place.

A moment later, two or three Taoists came and took these awakened patients away from this place.

""Fuck, this guy named Xiao Jiang is so awesome? He can even save a vegetative state?" A middle-aged man was shocked.

Internationally, vegetative state is also called brain tissue death. Neither Chinese medicine nor Western medicine can cure this condition.

But Xiao Jiang injected a few needles, and in less than a minute, the patient miraculously woke up, just like a normal person.

Another man was also shocked and excited,"If those Western doctors see this, we Chinese medicine practitioners will definitely be internationally famous!"

When everyone was discussing.

He Lu was in high spirits, and seemed not to have noticed the disappearance of Du Yuegui and Yuyu.

Gu Zhengxin's face was flushed, as if he had eaten three pounds of shit and felt uncomfortable and ugly!

On the competition field.

Xu Bo clenched his hands, making a"crunching" sound, looking at Xiao Jiang with a sinister look, and said indifferently:"Xiao Jiang, it's you who don't cherish the opportunity, so don't blame me for being cruel!"

After that, he secretly sent a text message.

The little Taoist priest immediately stepped forward and announced:"The winner of this session, Qingnang Medical Clinic, Xiao Jiang!"

As he said this, he turned around and found that Xiao Jiang had disappeared.

"Huh? Why don't I see Donor Xiao?"


In an abandoned unfinished building somewhere.

Du Yuegui was tied to a pillar, and Yuyu was locked in a small iron cage.

Looking closely, there was some dry animal feces in the cage.

Yuyu curled up there, tears falling down, crying,"Dad, Yuyu wants Dad..."……"

Du Yuegui looked at Yuyu's pitiful appearance and roared:"You four bastards, if you have the guts, come at me, why are you targeting a child like her!"

Ning Tie heard Du Yuegui's words, came in front of her, and sneered:"It's all because of the little girl's father, the ignorant Xiao Jiang"

"Don't worry, as long as Xiao Jiang admits defeat, I will let you two go!"

As he said this, he looked at Du Yuegui's gorgeous appearance, which was far more beautiful than many female stars and internet celebrities on TV.

For a moment, he suddenly had a bad idea, and when he stretched out his right hand towards Du Yuegui,

Du Yuegui suddenly opened her mouth and bit his palm, blood flowing down her red lips.

"Ah——, you stinky bitch, let go, let go quickly!" Ning Tie jumped up and down in pain, and barely pulled his right hand back.

Looking at the teeth marks on the white finger bones, he was immediately furious. He had no evil intentions, he just wanted to beat Du Yuegui into a cripple right now!

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Just as Ning Tie was about to make his move, Hu Wei suddenly shouted,"Senior Brother Ning, Senior Brother Xu just sent a message"

"what news?"

"Xiao Jiang has won, he told you...he told you to break the little girl's hands and feet……"

After Hu Wei finished speaking, he looked up at Ning Tie.

Ning Tie smiled cruelly when he heard this, and looked at Yu Yu with a sidelong glance, saying helplessly:"I don't want to do it either, but your father doesn't care about you at all!"

Then he called Hu Wei and the other two to drag Yu Yu out of the iron cage and press her on a wooden board.

"Bastards, come at me, why do you want to get a little girl, she is only two or three years old, you beasts!"

Du Yuegui wanted to struggle out very much to protect Yuyu, but these guys tied her too tightly.

Even if she tried her best to leave, she couldn't get free.

Ning Tie looked at Du Yuegui coldly and said,"Wait until I deal with this little girl, I will put you in the ICU!"

He has never forgotten the pain just now.

Ten seconds later.

Ning Tie had come to Yuyu's side, holding Yuyu's right arm with his right hand, and sneered:"I'm sorry, I don't want to do this to a little girl like you, but it's a pity that your father didn't cherish the opportunity!"

"When the time comes, you can blame your dad for being too competitive!"

As he was about to crush Yu Yu's right arm, a stone suddenly flew over and pierced through his right arm.

Ning Tie, who lost consciousness and felt the pain, knelt on the ground, covering the wound with his left hand, screaming hysterically:"My right arm, my right arm……"

"Touch my daughter? You are so brave!"Xiao Jiang walked in slowly with his hands behind his back with a gloomy face.

Although Hu Wei was worried, he reacted instantly, grabbed Yu Yu's neck with his right hand, and threatened:"No, don't move, otherwise, I will kill you.……"

"Kneel down!"

Xiao Jiang was like a king, his words were full of unyielding majesty.

Hu Wei and the other two knelt on the ground uncontrollably, cold sweat had already soaked their backs, their faces were filled with fear, and their bodies were trembling.

Yu Yu had just been untied, and she immediately ran to Xiao Jiang's arms. After having support, she burst into tears.


Xiao Jiang patted Yu Yu's back with great concern and comforted her:"It's Dad's fault that I came to save you so late!"

A few minutes later, Yu Yu, perhaps because of her tense nerves, relaxed and fell asleep on Xiao Jiang's shoulder.

Xiao Jiang then let go of Du Yuegui, handed Yu Yu to her carefully, and said:"Take Yu Yu away, the next scene may be a bit bloody"

"I understand."Du Yuegui didn't ask any questions, and quickly left the place with Yuyu in her arms.

Xiao Jiang watched Du Yuegui disappear completely, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he slowly walked to Xu Bo.

He grabbed his neck directly, and lifted Xu Bo up like a chicken.

"Cough cough cough……"Xu Bo coughed a few times and sneered complacently:"Kill me if you have the guts, but you have to think clearly, killing someone means paying with your life!"

"If you don't kill me, I will cripple your daughter when I come out of the patrol station!"

At this point, Xu Bo's smile became even bigger!

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