"The eliminated one is Ning Tie!"

Ning Tie froze in place as soon as the young Taoist priest finished speaking. Not only him, but other audience members were also bewildered.

He Lu felt a little incredible. He was even prepared for Xiao Jiang to be eliminated.

In the end, you tell me that Xiao Jiang actually succeeded in advancing and defeated more than ten prescriptions with just one prescription?

Ning Tie also immediately protested to the old Taoist priest, dissatisfied:"It's impossible. I clearly wrote more than ten prescriptions. How could I lose to his mere prescription?!"

Others immediately looked at the old Taoist priest.

Facing Ning Tie's dissatisfaction, the old Taoist priest smiled kindly and replied:"It's very simple. One third of your group are highly poisonous plants and cannot be used as medicine at all!"

"As long as you write it in, you will fail. The best answer is to write nothing!"

At this moment, everyone finally realized what was going on.

Wow, it turns out that the old master is setting traps in such places. Those Chinese medicine practitioners who have at least three prescriptions all lowered their heads in shame.

He Lu couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

"���"Grandpa, why are you shaking your head?" Yu Yu asked when she saw He Lu suddenly shaking his head.

He Lu smiled bitterly and said,"Nothing, I just feel a little ashamed."

"That's it."Yuyu nodded, and didn't say anything else.

When Ning Tie heard the old Taoist's words, his mind went blank.

After a moment, he gradually reacted, pointed at Xiao Jiang, and asked:"Didn't he also write a prescription, why didn't he get eliminated?"

Logically speaking, they all wrote prescriptions, and there were only a few reasons, but the best answer was no.

In other words, according to principle, Xiao Jiang should at least tie with him, but why did he advance?

"Originally, the best answer was indeed none, but Master Xiao’s medical skills were very good, and he actually used the principle of other medicinal herbs to counteract the poison with poison."

""Come up with a prescription that can nourish the blood, this is the reason for his advancement!"

The old Taoist priest explained it in great detail, and the others also knew it thoroughly.

The way he looked at Xiao Jiang was as if he saw a monster. At the age of about 20, he was recognized by the old Taoist priest, which was enough to show that his medical skills were amazing.

When Ning Tie heard the old Taoist priest's words, he looked at Xiao Jiang unwillingly and said angrily:"You wait, I guarantee that your Qingnang Medical Clinic will not make it to the end!"

After that, he turned around and left angrily.

Among the top sixteen, Du Yuegui and the other four disciples of Zhengxin Medical Clinic were also among them. In the third round, the top sixteen advanced to the quarterfinals, and Xiao Jiang once again entered the quarterfinals with a crushing attitude!

Du Yuegui narrowly defeated his opponent and advanced to the quarterfinals!

In this round, two disciples of Zhengxin Medical Clinic were eliminated. In the fourth round, the quarterfinals advanced to the semifinals. Xiao Jiang and Du Yuegui successfully advanced, and a disciple of Zhengxin Medical Clinic successfully advanced.

In the semifinals, Xiao Jiang did not meet Zhengxin Medical Clinic or Du Yuegui, but met another person

"In the fourth round of the semi-finals, this competition is about acupuncture treatment. Both of your groups have two patients. See who can be more effectively treated and whoever does it will advance successfully!" The first three rounds were all theoretical knowledge of Chinese medicine, and this round is a direct practical test.

When Xiao Jiang faced his opponent, he almost crushed his opponent and successfully entered the finals.

The old Taoist priest stared at Xiao Jiang's back with his deep eyes, stroked his white beard, and asked the old man next to him:"Second Junior Brother, who does this person look like?"

"The illegitimate child you left behind in the mortal world?" The second disciple joked.

Upon hearing this joke, the old Taoist priest just smiled bitterly and said seriously:"I am not kidding you, I am serious. Don't you remember that he misses our Wudang Mountain founder, Zhang Sanfeng?"

"Zhang Sanfeng? No way, although this guy looks kind, he is actually very proud. His personality is totally unlike that of our master!"

"I didn't say character, but the aura he exudes."

When Xiao Jiang entered here, the old Taoist priest had already noticed him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't explain the familiar aura at all.

After leaving the competition venue, Xiao Jiang returned to He Lu.

Yu Yu also threw herself into Xiao Jiang's arms at the first time, and smiled happily:"Dad is so awesome!"

Hearing his daughter's praise, Xiao Jiang also smiled happily and touched her little head.

Next, Xu Bo from Zhengxin Medical Clinic will fight Du Yuegui.

Du Yuegui is not as relaxed as Xiao Jiang. He looked at the patient in front of him with a serious face and was unable to start.

On the other hand, Xu Bo looked relaxed. When he gave the needle, he didn't hesitate at all. When

He Lu saw this scene, he couldn't help but ask Xiao Jiang:"Mr. Xiao, will Yuegui lose this round?"

"Aunt Yuegui, will she really lose?"Yuyu asked with some worry.

After spending these days together, Yuyu has a good impression of Du Yuegui.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly:"I guess so!"

If Du Yuegui had not met Xu Bo, but Xiao Jiang, she might have had a chance to enter the finals.

Unfortunately, it can only be said that her luck was a little worse.

A few minutes later

"The winner of the second group, Xu Bo!"

"It is already evening today, and the finals will be held tomorrow, so please take a rest tonight!"

After the little Taoist priest finished speaking, he turned and left.

Other medical staff also left the Taoist temple one after another.

Du Yuegui came back from the competition venue in a daze, and came to He Lu, saying with shame on his face:"Master, I'm sorry, I disappoint you!"

"It's okay, you are much better than I was back then. I was eliminated in the second round, but you made it directly to the semi-finals, which is quite amazing!"

He Lu treated Du Yuegui as if she were his own daughter and naturally couldn't bear to beat or scold her.

Yuyu pulled Du Yuegui's clothes, took out a candy from her pocket, and comforted her:"Aunt Yuegui, Yuyu has a candy for you."

"Eat candy and you won’t feel so bad!"

"Thank you!" Du Yuegui squatted down, touched Yuyu's little head, and smiled.

Gu Zhengxin came over at this time, glanced at Du Yuegui and Xiao Jiang, and said in a cold voice with disdain:"If you want to win my Zhengxin Medical Clinic, you are still far away!"

Xu Bo even showed a provocative expression to Xiao Jiang, then turned and left.

Yuyu saw their appearance and puffed her cheeks:"Yuyu doesn't like them, they are so annoying!"

"Then dad, help Yuyu teach them a lesson tomorrow."


Xiao Jiang touched Yuyu's little head lovingly, and then picked her up.

At night, in a barbecue restaurant, the five disciples of Zhengxin Medical Clinic gathered together to drink and eat barbecue.

"I wish Brother Xu victory tomorrow!" Ning Tie raised his glass and celebrated in advance.

Xu Bo smiled when he heard Ning Tie's flattery and clinked glasses with him:"Hahaha, then I'll borrow Brother Ning's words!"

Another disciple, however, said with some concern:"Brother Xu, Xiao Jiang is so strong, I'm worried……"

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