Xiao Jiang looked at the two Ganoderma lucidums carefully again, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Although they are spiritual, they are not very good. However, compared with other medicinal herbs on Earth, they are still very good.

He Lu noticed Xiao Jiang's expression and asked,"My friend, do you also want to take pictures of these two medicinal herbs?"

"I guess so!"

"Gu Zhengxin, that guy, probably won't let you succeed." He Lu glanced at Gu Zhengxin's provocative look and shook his head helplessly.

It is estimated that as long as they dare to bid, Gu Zhengxin will bid without hesitation.

Xiao Jiang shrugged:"It doesn't matter, let him bid."

Just as they were still discussing, the auctioneer saw that the atmosphere was about the same, and slowly said:"These two Ganoderma lucidum, the starting price is 100,000, there is no upper limit!" As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately called out the price, and those who followed the price were naturally in the minority.

The price came to three million in an instant.

Xiao Jiang chose to make a move at this time, slowly raised his right hand and shouted:"Seven million!"

He raised the price by four million in one breath, and the eyes of the people around him all looked at Xiao Jiang, their eyes full of surprise.

A boy in ordinary clothes actually had so much money on him.

Before the auctioneer could react, Gu Zhengxin immediately bid:"Eight million!"

After that, he cast a provocative look at Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang directly ignored his gaze and continued to say:"Nine million!"

"Ten million!"

"Eleven million!"

Gu Zhengxin didn't expect Xiao Jiang to dare to continue to follow him. His face was a little embarrassed, and he murmured:"When did He Lu become so rich?"

""Master, I suspect that man is deliberately raising the price to embarrass you!" The male disciple beside him whispered to remind him. Gu Zhengxin heard his words and chuckled,"No hurry, I want to see how rich this old guy He Lu is."

After that, he continued to bid:"One hundred and twelve million!"

When the price reached twelve million, most of the people present had completely given up.

Xiao Jiang did not raise his hand again after hearing this price.

""My friend, is the money not enough? I still have five million here!" He Lu took out the bank card from his pocket.

Xiao Jiang shook his head and explained:"It's not worth it, the price is far more than the value of the herbs!"

When it was ten million, it was already far more than the value of the two herbs.

There was no need to waste it.

When He Lu heard Xiao Jiang say this, he didn't know what to say.

"Twelve million, all at once!"

"Twelve million, twice!"

"Twelve million, three times!"

"Congratulations to that gentleman for successfully acquiring these two top-grade thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum!"

The auctioneer brought down the hammer very quickly, and he received a considerable commission just from this order.

When Xiao Jiang and He Lu left the auction site, they met Gu Zhengxin who had been waiting outside.

Gu Zhengxin was holding a very delicate large wooden box, and said sarcastically:"He Lu, He Lu, if you were like me at the beginning, how could you have thought that you can't get what you want here today?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this thousand-year-old man is involved in this ten-thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, it would look good even if it is worshipped!"

Xiao Jiang listened to Gu Zhengxin's words and smiled faintly:"Worshipped? Could it be that he doesn't know how to use these two medicinal herbs correctly?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Zhengxin and the disciple he brought with him instantly looked at Xiao Jiang.

Gu Zhengxin pulled a face and said unhappily:"He Lu, is this how you discipline your disciples?"

"The elders are talking, is it his turn to comment?"

He Lu shook his head and said with a smile:"I think so too, but unfortunately my friend's medical skills are better than mine, how dare I be his master?"

"Better than you?" Although Gu Zhengxin didn't like He Lu, he had to admit that He Lu had a strong knowledge of Chinese medicine and was among the top ten in Yanxia.

He said that the young man in front of him was actually better than him in medical skills.

Gu Zhengxin couldn't help but sneered:"He Lu, you are also confused. You said that this young man's medical skills are better than his."

"Then I can cure all diseases in the world!"

After saying that, he left with his disciples.

The male disciple sneered at Xiao Jiang provocatively before leaving.

He Lu said to Xiao Jiang embarrassedly:"My friend, I am really sorry for letting you suffer such injustice."

"It's okay."

How could Xiao Jiang be so petty as to argue with such an ant?

After a while,

Xiao Jiang returned to his room and found Du Yuegui still sitting on the bed reading the Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, but beside him there was an extra copy of Compendium of Materia Medica.》!

"You are so hardworking, it is already half past ten, and you are still reading Chinese medicine books."

Hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Du Yuegui slowly closed the book and said calmly:"I can't let Master down at the [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference]!"

"I hope you won't disappoint the master!"

After saying that,

Du Yuegui got up and left the room.

Xiao Jiang glanced at her sideways, then retracted his gaze, came to the bedside, looked at Yu Yu who was sleeping soundly, and smiled.

He came to the balcony, looked at the stars in the sky, and murmured:"The spiritual energy here is much richer than that in Jiangling City. No wonder the Taoist temple chose to be here!"

As he said that, he sat cross-legged on the balcony and began to absorb the essence of the stars and the spiritual energy.


Three days later, at the Taoist temple on Mount Wudang, representatives from many medical clinics in Yanxia gathered here.

Because of the [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference], the Taoist temple directly blocked Mount Wudang, so that there were basically no tourists today.

In an extremely empty place, there were countless props used for the competition.

Not long after, an old man with white hair and beard, thin figure, holding a whisk, and with a bit of immortal style, walked slowly.

He looked at everyone and smiled gently,"Welcome everyone to participate in this [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference】!"

"The purpose of the exchange meeting is to let everyone learn from him, not to fight to the death!"

"Having said so much, contestants, please step forward!"

In the crowd,

Xiao Jiang stared at the white-haired old man and murmured,"It's really strange. I feel a faint spiritual energy from that man."

"Could it be that there are other cultivators on Earth?"

He Lu looked at Xiao Jiang's expression and explained,"That person is the 100th generation Taoist master of the Wudang Mountain Taoist Temple. He is over 130 years old this year!"

"Not only is he long-lived, but he is also very powerful. Many major forces in Yanxia are vying to please this old master."

Xiao Jiang listened to He Lu's words, nodded slightly, and walked up with Du Yuegui.

He Lu held Yu Yu, and Yu Yu looked at her father and shouted,"Come on, Dad, come on, Aunt Yuegui!"

After a while,

Xiao Jiang and Du Yuegui came to the front.

It must be said that there are many people participating in this competition, more than a hundred people

"The first round of auditions will see the elimination of the herbs in front of you. Only 32 people will advance to the next round if they can accurately identify the herbs in front of you within one stick of incense!"

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