"Dad!" Yuyu was delighted and ran to Xiao Jiang.

The little girl who was chatting with Yuyu also came over and shouted politely,"Hello, my name is He Chuntao, you can call me Chuntao!"

""Dad, Sister Chuntao helps me a lot in school!" Yu Yu introduced happily.

Xiao Jiang smiled and nodded, and soon noticed:"Your parents, haven't they come yet?"

"My grandfather might still be treating patients in the clinic, so he accidentally forgot about it. He Chuntao seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Clinic? What kind of clinic?"

"Qing Nang Medical Clinic!"

Xiao Jiang heard this clinic and it sounded familiar. After a while, he gradually remembered that this Qing Nang Medical Clinic was the largest Chinese medicine clinic in Jiangling City, or in other words, it was a well-known Chinese medicine clinic in the entire Nanzhou Province!

Its owner, He Lu, was even more famous in the entire Yanxia Chinese medicine community.

"Qingnang Medical Clinic, I'm on my way, do you want me to take you back?"

"Don't bother"

"It's okay, you help me take care of Yuyu at school, I'm just taking you home"

""Okay." He Chuntao did not continue to refuse and followed Xiao Jiang into the car.

Ten minutes later,

Xiao Jiang personally took He Chuntao to the Qingnang Clinic.

As soon as she entered the clinic, she saw a white-haired old man, sweating profusely, giving first aid to a patient with shortness of breath.

"grandfather……"When He Chuntao was about to go over, a pretty girl with a curvy figure stopped her and reminded her in a low voice:"Chuntao, the master is treating the patient, please don't make any noise or you will disturb the master!"

"Sister Yuegui, how long will grandpa need treatment?"

"It's been about an hour, and we still can't control the patient." Du Yuegui looked a little worried.

If the patient's symptoms could not be controlled, her master's reputation might suffer a certain degree of damage.

Xiao Jiang looked at the patient's condition and reminded him:"Needle Shenzang acupoint, Yutang acupoint, Renying acupoint……"

When this sudden voice sounded, everyone looked at him.

Du Yuegui looked at him with displeasure:"Who are you? Don't butt in on matters concerning human life!"

He Chuntao quickly explained:"Sister Yuegui, don't be angry, he is my friend's father."

He Lu, who was treating a patient, heard Xiao Jiang's words, looked at him sideways, shook his head in disdain, and continued to treat the patient with his head down.

Seeing that He Lu ignored him, Xiao Jiang just smiled and shook his head, hugging Yu Yu:"Yu Yu, let's go home!"

"Well, Sister Chuntao, goodbye."Yuyu waved to He Chuntao.

The father and daughter left in the car.

After watching them leave, He Chuntao carefully came to her grandfather and looked at the patient with shortness of breath.

Another half an hour.

He Lu still didn't know where to start. Suddenly, Xiao Jiang's words just appeared in his mind.

Otherwise, try the method of the young man just now?

Looking at the increasingly weak patient, He Lu had no choice but to try it.

He took out the silver needle and felt Xiao Jiang's method. The first needle fell on the Shenzang point, and the second needle fell on the Yutang point...

A few minutes.

The patient who was originally pale and short of breath, now completely recovered, with a ruddy complexion and steady breathing.

""Is it cured?" He Lu couldn't believe it and immediately checked his pulse. He found that the symptoms were not suppressed, but cured directly.

"It's amazing, that person can save a life with just a few words!"

Thinking of his attitude just now, He Lu's face turned red, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

He looked at He Chuntao beside him and asked,"Chuntao, what was the name of the person who sent you back?"

"have no idea"

"Where do you live?"

"I know this. I heard from Yuyu that she lives in an old courtyard in the old city."When

He Lu heard what He Chuntao said, he quickly stood up and said to Du Yuegui,"Yuegui, take care of the patient. I'm going out to take care of something."

"" Oh!"

Du Yuegui watched He Lu and He Chuntao leave, and came to the patient alone, looking at the silver needle that had not been removed yet, and the corresponding position.

She suddenly remembered what Xiao Jiang had just said, and said in shock:"He actually saw the solution at a glance?"

"No, no, no, he looks only a year or two older than me, how could he have such a skill?"

"This must be healed by the master himself."

Du Yuegui nodded, thinking that it was all the credit of her master He Lu, not Xiao Jiang.

On the other side.

Yuyu was playing with her grandmother, and Xiao Jiang was playing chess with Xiao's father.

Xiao's father watched as he was killed again after winning the chess game and had nowhere to escape, and sighed helplessly:"Jiang'er, you have won five or six games in a row, can't you let me have a hand?"

"Dad, didn't you say that you wanted me to do my best? If I dare to give in, I will be looking down on you."

Xiao Jiang shrugged helplessly.


Father Xiao looked at him like this, and for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Just at this moment, He Lu and He Chuntao came in. When

Father Xiao saw He Lu, he immediately stood up and shouted,"Dr. He, why did you come here suddenly?"

"Jiang'er, when I fell from the building, it was Doctor He who passed by and helped me stop the bleeding, which allowed me to live till now!"

He Lu smiled and was about to say something when he suddenly noticed that Father Xiao's legs had grown out.

He clearly remembered that Father Xiao's legs had been amputated by the hospital, so how come they suddenly grew out again?

"Your legs……"

"Oh, my son cured me!"

Speaking of this, Father Xiao's face was full of pride.

He Lu looked at Xiao Jiang, who was drinking tea leisurely, with surprise.

The dead are brought back to life, flesh is turned into bones!

There really is such a medical skill in the world!

He tried hard to suppress his inner surprise and said with a smile:"I came here to find Xiao Jiang!"

"So that's how it is. Then you guys talk first, I'll go make tea!"

After saying that, Father Xiao went to make tea by himself without disturbing them.

He Chuntao also went to play with Yu Yu.

As soon as He Lu sat down, Xiao Jiang smiled faintly and said,"Is he cured?"

"Well, thanks to your help, the patient was brought back from the brink of death."


Lu apologized to Xiao Jiang:"My friend, I'm really sorry for what happened before. I shouldn't have treated you like that!"

"It’s okay, Doctor He, you came to see me because you must have something else!"

"No, no, no, in front of you, I am unworthy of the title of"miracle doctor"!"

He Lu waved his hands in shame, and then said:"I came here this time to do something that I want to entrust to you!"

"Tell me"

"I would like to invite you to represent our Qingnang Medical Clinic to participate in the once-in-a-decade [Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference】!"

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