After a long time, Su Hongxuan and Su Yixiu, the grandfather and grandson, gradually reacted.

Su Yixiu was even more frightened and hurriedly said,"Grandpa, what should we do now? The guest of the Xu family actually died in our Jiangling City. How can we explain to Master Xu now?"

Mao Jingwu died in their Jiangling City. No matter who killed him, their Su family must bear some responsibility!

Su Hongxuan's expression was not much better than Su Yixiu's, but he was able to stay calm.

"Tell this matter to Mr. Xu first and let him decide for himself!"

"Xu Shao's anger, our Su family……"

"Shut up, let's deal with this matter like this!"

Su Hongxuan snorted coldly, and ignored Su Yixiu. He immediately looked towards the direction of Xiao Jiang's old courtyard with a fierce look in his eyes.

After a moment, they took Mao Jingwu's body away from here and gradually disappeared into the night.


At the same time, on the other side, in the old courtyard of the Xiao family, when Xiao Jiang just returned to the courtyard, he noticed that his parents and Yu Yu looked gloomy.

""What happened?" Xiao Jiang asked curiously.

Yu Yu's eyes were red at this time. She threw herself into Xiao Jiang's arms and cried,"Dad, is Yu Yu a bad child?"

"Bad kid? My Yuyu is so well behaved, how could she be a bad kid?"

"Then why does the school want Yu Yu if there is no reason for it?"

Xiao Jiang gradually understood and looked at that cute face like a porcelain doll, which was now covered with tears.

He gently wiped away the tears on her face and said with a faint smile:"Yu Yu, don't worry, Dad will take you to school tomorrow, okay?"

"Really?" Yu Yu gradually stopped crying, and looked at her father with big eyes, full of expectation.

Xiao Jiang nodded:"Of course, you go to bed with grandma first, okay?"


Yu Yu followed Xiao's mother into the room.

Xiao Jiang sat next to his father and asked,"Dad, what happened? There are so many schools, but no one wants Yu Yu?"

Xiao's father nodded slightly and said,"We have looked in all the kindergartens in Jiangling City, but unfortunately they are either full of students or the enrollment period has passed!"

"There are also several kindergartens that want to charge us ten times the tuition before they are willing to accept Yu Yu!"

He himself didn't know why the entire Jiangling City kindergarten would target his Yu Yu like this.

Xiao Jiang frowned and then said:"Dad, you should go back and rest first."

"Well, if you can't find one, forget it. Your mother and I can teach what the kindergarten teaches, one-on-one."

Father Xiao smiled faintly and got up and went back to his room.

Xiao Jiang sat alone in the old yard and murmured,"The Su family is busy now, and they probably don't have time to take care of this kind of thing."

After thinking about it, he seemed to know too well why these kindergartens would choose not to accept Yu Yu at the same time.

A few minutes later, he called Lu Liang

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, what can I do for you?"

"Please do me a favor"

"Xiao Shao, just say it directly."

"Help my daughter find the best kindergarten in Gangneung City!"


On the other side of the phone, Lu Liang was completely stunned when he heard Xiao Jiang's words.

He thought it was a big deal, but it was just such a small matter.

"Is there anything inconvenient?"

"No, no, I'll find it for you right away!"

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone,

Lu Deyuan came over and asked,"Liang'er, what does Xiao Shao want to talk to you about?"

"He asked me to help his daughter find a kindergarten in Jiangling City."

"So it's because of this. No matter what, you have to deal with it seriously."

Speaking of this, Lu Deyuan looked serious and continued:"Our Lu family must win over Xiao Shao no matter what!"

Lu Liang nodded in agreement.

Xiao Jiang is like an immortal who has mastered the art of resurrection. Even if he cannot be allowed to join the Lu family, he must be won over.


The next day, in the morning!

Xiao Jiang held Yuyu in his arms and left the Xiao family compound by car.

Yuyu looked up at her father and asked in a baby voice,"Dad, can Yuyu really go to school today?"

"Okay, when did dad ever lie to you?"

"Well, Yu Yu believes in dad!"

Yu Yu did not continue to speak. Her little hand tightly grasped Xiao Jiang's right hand, and she sat there obediently, with a look of expectation on her little face.

Not long after, the father and daughter were at a place called [Jianyi Kindergarten].

This Jianyi Kindergarten is a high-end kindergarten that was just built not long ago in Jiangling City.

Basically, the children who can enroll in this kindergarten are either from rich or noble families.

Therefore, all kinds of luxury cars are parked around, and many rich wives wearing famous brands lead their children into the school.

On the other hand, Xiao Jiang and Yu Yu seemed a little out of place.

Yu Yu did not care about these, and looked at the kindergarten in front of her with great expectation.

Xiao Jiang took Yu Yu and entered the academic affairs office responsible for the admissions office.

When she just came in, she saw a very familiar figure.

It was the fat woman that Su Ruxin met that day.

The fat woman still wore hearing aids in both ears.

Since the last time Xiao Jiang shattered her eardrum, she spent a lot of money to barely repair it, but she also had to rely on hearing aids!

When she saw Xiao Jiang and Yu Yu, she also recognized them at first sight.

"Hey, isn’t this the little bastard? Your grandparents didn’t come, so now they let you, the big bastard, come over?"

"I still say the same thing, if you offend me, I will make you have no books to read in Jiangling City!"

The fat woman looked at Xiao Jiang triumphantly at this moment.

When Xiao Jiang saw her, he remembered at this moment.

It turned out that no school was willing to accept Yu Yu because of this guy

"It turns out that you are the one behind all this."Xiao Jiang said in a cold tone.

The fat woman smiled coldly and said,"Yes, I don't have much power, but I still have some face in all the major schools in Jiangling City."

"As long as I don't let them take your daughter in, they will definitely not dare to take your daughter in!"

As she said that, she glanced at Yu Yu and sneered,"He is really a little bastard!"

"I am a relatively humane person and I am very willing to give you a chance. As long as you are willing to kneel down and kowtow to me three times, I will forgive you and let your daughter enroll in Hushan Kindergarten. How about that?"

"After all, your daughter is such a rubbish, it is only suitable for her to be enrolled in such a rubbish kindergarten!"

Hushan Kindergarten is the kindergarten with the worst teacher resources in Jiangling City, and its reputation is as bad as a cesspool.

This kind of kindergarten is about to close down, and any parent with a normal mind will not send their children to such a school.

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