When she was about to say something, Zhou Gaoyuan came to Xiao Jiang's side, put his right hand on his shoulder and sneered,"You just returned to Jiangling City, you don't have a job yet, right?"

"For Weiwei's sake, I can give you a chance. As long as you kneel on the ground, I will let you work as a cleaner in my company. How about paying you 5,000 a month?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room burst into laughter.

Wu Weiwei even swept away her previous dissatisfaction and looked at Xiao Jiang with a sneer on her face.

"Hahaha, Xiao Jiang, this opportunity is rare, you must seize it!"A boy couldn't help laughing.

Another woman echoed,"There aren't many jobs that pay 5,000 yuan. The key is, I heard that Mr. Zhou's company has a lot of benefits. If I were you, I would have been kneeling on the ground long ago." One by one, they began to completely isolate Xiao Jiang in order to please Zhou Gaoyuan.

Zhou Gaoyuan listened to the words of the people around him with a very proud look on his face, as if telling Xiao Jiang: This is what happens when you offend my sister.

Xiao Jiang's face was calm. He slowly put down the teacup, stood up, and slapped him with his backhand.


The sound of a slap echoed throughout the space.

An obvious slap mark appeared on Zhou Gaoyuan's face, and everyone in the audience was stunned.

Wu Weiwei was the first to react and said angrily,"Xiao Jiang, are you crazy? You even dare to hit my boyfriend. Are you tired of living?"

She came to Zhou Gaoyuan with great distress, stroking his red and swollen cheeks, but she was more panicked inside.

Zhou Gaoyuan gradually reacted, shook his dizzy head, and looked at Xiao Jiang with endless hatred!

Immediately, he roared hysterically:"Xiao Jiang, just wait, I will break your legs and make you crippled for the rest of your life!"

After that, he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The people around him sneered at Xiao Jiang.

Tell me, why provoke the Zhou family when there are so many people to provoke? Isn't this courting death?

Xiao Jiang shook his right hand, continued to sit down with a calm face, and drank tea leisurely, as if nothing had happened.

Dong Gan was a little worried and scared, and advised:"Why don't we admit our mistakes? After all, the Zhou family is not someone we can provoke."

He knew the strength of the Zhou family. They were not something that ordinary people like them could fight against.

For this reason, he was thinking about whether he should apologize.

Xiao Jiang also knew that Dong Gan was thinking about him, but he still shook his head slightly:"No need, this guy doesn't deserve an apology."

"Wait, I'll make you apologize right away, even if you want to!"

Zhou Gaoyuan snorted coldly.

After a long time.

When the atmosphere in the room was strange, the door was kicked open.

"Damn it, whoever dares to mess with Young Master Zhou is totally tired of living!"

Yuan Bei, wearing a neat white suit, hurried in with a group of younger brothers.

Everyone looked at Xiao Jiang with gloating.

Zhou Gaoyuan immediately came to Yuan Bei, pointed at Xiao Jiang, and said angrily:"It's that guy, if you break his hands and legs, I will give you one million!"

"Hahaha, rest assured, Mr. Zhou, I can help you with that guy with thin arms and legs in a minute.……"

After Yuan Bei saw Xiao Jiang's face clearly, he was stunned.

Damn it, how could it be Mr. Xiao? It

's over...

He was so scared that cold sweat broke out on his back, his face turned pale, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

"Yuan Bei, what are you still standing there for? Come on!"

""Fuck you!"

Yuan Bei slapped Zhou Gaoyuan in the face and knocked him to the ground.

Zhou Gaoyuan was like a hamster at the moment, with red and swollen cheeks. He sat on the ground in a daze, not knowing who he was.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he carefully came to Xiao Jiang and forced a smile:"Mr. Xiao, I didn't know that the guy wanted to deal with you!"

Xiao Jiang heard it, without looking up, but asked with a faint smile:"Aren't you going to break my hands and feet?"


Yuan Bei knelt on the ground in fear and hurriedly explained:"No, no, even if you give me a hundred bear hearts and leopard courage, I dare not do anything to you."

He still can't forget the death of Qian Qiu.

I'm afraid that his head will be moved before he even makes a move!

"So, how come you are hanging out with the Zhou family? Oh, are you planning to betray me?"Xiao Jiang glanced at him with a teasing sneer on his face.

Yuan Bei shuddered, and his back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

Zhou Gaoyuan often asked him to beat people up, and he was very generous.

He was also the kind of person who loved money very much, so he was naturally willing to associate with him. As long as Xiao Jiang didn't know about it, it wouldn't be considered a betrayal.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen? He is now regretting it.

"Young Master Xiao, I was wrong, please spare my life, give me another chance, I will never do it again!"

Yuan Bei was so scared that he kowtowed to Xiao Jiang frantically, wishing he could knock through the floor.

Xiao Jiang put down the teacup, slowly stood up, and said in a cold voice:"Well, I'll give you another chance. If you still don't cherish it, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Yes, yes, thank you very much for your kindness, Mr. Xiao!"

Yuan Bei's heart was finally completely relaxed.

After this experience, even if he died, he would never have any contact with anyone related to the Su family again.

After seeing Xiao Jiang leave the box, he slowly got up from the ground and said angrily:"Beat him for me, beat that bastard Zhou Gaoyuan to death!"

"What are you doing? I am the young master of the Zhou family, and my sister is the young lady of the Su family. You dare to hit me, do you want to offend the Su family?"

Zhou Gaoyuan quickly got up and glared at the group of brothers.

The group of brothers were also frightened, and no one dared to take action.

"Damn it, if anyone doesn't do it, I'll shoot him today!"

Yuan Bei decisively pulled out the pistol from his waist.

"Gun...you are breaking the law……"A blind girl suddenly spoke up.

Yuan Bei smiled coldly:"Why, you want to call the police and let those patrolmen come to arrest me?"

As he spoke, he pointed the gun at the girl.

The girl was frightened to death when facing the cold gun, and a foul smell drifted through the space.

The other brothers immediately punched and kicked Zhou Gaoyuan without any mercy!

Yuan Bei looked at this scene indifferently, and said in a cold voice:"Zhou Gaoyuan, you are also a fool. You only know how to hang out in the bar every day, and you don't know the current situation of the Su family."

"In other words, even if your sister were here today, she wouldn’t dare to speak to Mr. Xiao like this!"

"I almost got killed by you!"

Wu Weiwei watched her boyfriend being beaten and hid in the distance, fearing that he would be targeted! Dong Gan looked at this scene and murmured in surprise:"What on earth did Xiao Jiang disappear for three years? Even the underground leader is so afraid of him!"

In the middle of the night, Jiangling First Hospital.

Su Yixiu and Zhou Jing, the couple hurried into an ICU ward.

Zhou Gaoyuan was paralyzed in bed, but he had already woken up.

The doctor explained:"Mr. Zhou, you will probably have to lie in bed for the rest of your life. Your hands and feet are comminuted fractures, and there is no hope of treatment."

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