Su Ruxin looked at the extremely bad financial report and was overwhelmed. She murmured,"This is not even profitable. It's completely loss-making. If it continues like this, it may really declare bankruptcy."

At this point, Xiao Jiang pushed the door open and said,"Ruxin, hold a press conference immediately. I have a new product to release."


Su Ruxin thought about her company's current reputation. If she held a press conference now, she would definitely be bombarded by reporters.

Xiao Jiang didn't care:"I know what you are worried about, but I have thought of a way to restore the reputation, provided that you hold this press conference."

"This... okay"

"By the way, I will go to this press conference alone, so you don't have to go."


Su Ruxin thought that Xiao Jiang was doing this to protect her, and a warm feeling suddenly surged in her heart.

Xiao Jiang did not explain too much, but walked straight to the press conference.

After a while

, a large number of reporters gathered at the press conference, but compared with the last time, there were fewer���Those missing reporters were currently interviewing the victims downstairs of the Su Family Skin Care Company.

Xiao Jiang was sitting there alone, facing the group of reporters.

""Why didn't Chairman Su come?" a female reporter asked first.

"She has other things to deal with, and she has no time to deal with you."

Xiao Jiang paused and continued,"Besides, this press conference is a new product launch conference. As the manager of the R&D department, I am enough." As soon as these words came out, the reporters looked very ugly. What does"no time to deal with" mean?

Although they were unhappy, they still had to continue the interview.

The male reporter who had silenced Su Ruxin before stood up again and asked with a smile,"I remember that your company's last product was plagiarized from the Su family's company. Could it be plagiarism this time as well?"

"Plagiarism?" Xiao Jiang sneered contemptuously:"I have only heard of sons taking after their fathers, how can a father take after his son?"

"The key is that this son did not imitate well enough, causing others to have facial ulcers."

He deliberately emphasized the word"son" more.

The man looked slightly unhappy, and then said,"The Su Family Skin Care Company has absolute evidence. Isn't it a bit far-fetched for you to say that?"

"Then why don’t you take a look at the product effects?"


The man couldn't answer for a moment.

If the Su Family Skin Care Company is genuine, then why is the pirated product hundreds of times better than the genuine product?

This is probably a bit unreasonable.

When the man was about to speak, Xiao Jiang decisively said,"You don't have the opportunity to ask questions anymore. Sit down.""

"I am a reporter, and interviewing is my freedom. You have no right to decide!"

"If I remember correctly, you only have one chance to ask questions, and you asked me twice. I have done my best. Do you want to get out?"

Xiao Jiang's eyes were sharp, which made everyone present shudder.

Many reporters shrank their necks, and the male reporter sat down in shame, but he did not dare to refute.

""Manager Xiao, I heard you say that you have a new product to be released. Can you show us its effect?" A slightly fat male reporter quickly stood up and asked.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly and took a small wooden box. After opening it, a refreshing medicinal fragrance immediately filled the entire space.

At this time, a woman with a bandage on her face came up with a dim look.

He did not introduce too much and took off the bandage on the woman's face. He only saw an extremely hideous face with a strand of skin still hanging there.

Some timid people vomited directly on the spot.

"In this case, if I am not mistaken, it should be a patient who used the [Zhongxia Essence]."A girl recognized it immediately. One of her colleagues was interviewing these patients who used the [Zhongxia Essence], and she naturally saw the photos of those patients. It was almost exactly the same as this patient.

When other reporters heard this, they immediately called the photographer who came with them to start taking pictures.

Xiao Jiang applied some of the liquid on the woman's face.

""It's cool and feels quite comfortable." The woman said subconsciously.

In less than fifteen seconds, the clear water-like liquid gradually began to crust over, forming a gray-white mask.

Xiao Jiang looked at the mask and took it off.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and some even rubbed their eyes, some in disbelief.

"Okay, take out the mirror and look at yourself now." Xiao Jiang reminded with a smile.

The woman nodded slightly, and the moment she took out the mirror, her face was full of surprise.

She touched her face that had recovered as before with her right hand, her eyes slightly reddened:"Okay, I didn't expect it to be really healed!"

"Do you want to try our company's [Huayao Essence】?"

"I……"The woman looked at the exact same liquid medicine, hesitated for more than ten seconds, and nodded:"Okay, anyway, my face was also repaired by you."

She took a little [Huayao Essence] and began to apply it on her face.

It took about a few minutes.

She wiped off the liquid medicine, and in a moment, a delicate face as delicate as a baby's skin appeared in front of many reporters.

The magical effect of the new product, at this moment, proved that [Huayao Essence] was not a plagiarism of the so-called [Zhongxia Essence]】

"Manager Xiao, when do you plan to put this new product on the shelves?"

""Wait a while, and I'll make some improvements."

Xiao Jiang said calmly.

Improvement is fake, delay is real.

As long as the magical effect of this product is known, it's fine.

There is no need to put it on the shelves immediately, but to whet the appetite of these customers, so that sales can be increased.

"Okay, this press conference is over."

"However, I have some explosive news that I can reveal to you reporters."

After that

, Xiao Jiang stood up and left. Zhang Xue appeared at the press conference trembling.

When many reporters heard Zhang Xue's words, they were like hungry wolves smelling fresh meat. Their mouths curled up wildly, and they had already thought of hundreds of headlines in their hearts.

Su Ruxin was sitting in the office at the moment, watching this press conference, and her heart was suddenly filled with turbulence.

"Xiao Jiang, you have come up with such a magical product again!"

With her keen business sense, she could feel that once this new product was released, its customers might be able to expand into the medical field.

The key point was that with this press conference alone, the company's reputation would definitely be restored, and even better than before.

At the same time, the reputation of the rival company might hit rock bottom!

Just as she was still in shock, the secretary came in hurriedly and said,"Chairman, the head of the Lu Group in Kyoto Province came in person and said he wanted to discuss a cooperation with you!"

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