When Yuan Yichun saw this scene, his heart instantly tightened. When he was about to make a move to stop it, one of the peach wood bells instantly emitted a golden light, which shattered the ghost hand and disappeared.

A few seconds later,

Rao Mingda looked at Yuan Yichun with a pleading look and begged,"Brother-in-law, please spare my life for the sake of being Ji Yao's husband!"

"As long as you let me go, I promise that I will never bother Ji Yao again, please!"

However, Yuan Yichun's eyes remained indifferent from beginning to end, and even a little excited.

The guy who had been harming his sister was finally gone.

"Yuan Yichun, I won't let go……"

Rao Mingda knew that Yuan Yichun would not let him go, and was about to say a few harsh words, but before he could finish, he completely collapsed and disappeared.

As Rao Mingda disappeared, the space began to warm up and the surrounding frost began to melt. The haggard Yuan Jiyao seemed to have regained her rosy complexion at this time.

Xiao Jiang took back the five peach wood bells and came to the bedside.

Seeing this, Yuan Yichun laughed excitedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for helping me get rid of this beast. Please accept the Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant!"

Yuan Yichun came to Xiao Jiang's side immediately.

Xiao Jiang waved his hand and said,"Give this jade pendant to your sister to wear. It can cover up her ghost-absorbing physique and restore her to normal!"

"However, my sister is a yin body, and this Yin-Yang fish jade pendant is a yin object. If she wears it, shouldn’t it increase the effect of her ghost-attracting physique?"

People born in the yin time and the lunar calendar contain a strong yin energy, which is why Yuan Jiyao has a ghost-absorbing physique. The

Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant was excavated from an ancient tomb and belongs to the category of Yin objects. Wouldn't it kill Yuan Jiyao to wear it?

Anyway, according to Yuan Yichun's Feng Shui skills for so many years, anyone can wear the Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant, except his sister.

Xiao Jiang heard Yuan Yichun's words and found that there was some truth in them. However, Yuan Jiyao did not have a ghost-absorbing physique.

Instead, it was a very rare dual cultivation physique in the world of cultivation: the Yin Jade Immortal Body!

With this physique, if you practice dual cultivation with it, both of you can get many benefits, and the speed of improving your cultivation will be twice as fast with half the effort! With this physique, even if you don't practice dual cultivation, if you practice alone, it will be twice as fast as ordinary cultivators!

At the same time, this physique will attract many evil spirits, and devour them when you encounter them, and improve your own cultivation.

Therefore, the Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant may not be able to suppress the ghost-absorbing physique, but it can definitely cover up the Yin Jade Immortal Body.

"The Yin-Yang fish has the function of harmonizing yin and yang. This Yin-Yang fish jade pendant is forged with top-grade chalcedony, which can completely cover up your sister's physique."

"Also, your sister needs to replenish her Qi and blood. You know a little bit about Chinese medicine, so you should know how to take care of your sister's body."


Yuan Yichun nodded subconsciously.

Xiao Jiang did not say anything more and turned to leave. He was just curious about Yuan Jiyao and had no interest in her.

Yuan Yichun looked at Xiao Jiang's back, then looked at his sister on the bed. After a brief hesitation, he chose to believe Xiao Jiang's words. He put the Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant on his sister's neck.

When he put it on her just now, the Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant emitted a short white light.

As a Feng Shui master, he soon noticed that the ghosts that had been wandering around were leaving one after another until there was not a single one left.

"Hiss~" Yuan Yichun felt that his knowledge of Feng Shui had been completely overturned, and murmured:"Mr. Xiao, you are really a god. You know all this."

"With Xiao Shao's help, Ji Yao can not only wake up again, but also return to a normal life."

At this point, his eyes were full of gratitude to Xiao Jiang.


After Xiao Jiang left Yuan Jiyao's residence, he received a call from Zhao Ying and immediately went to the company's meeting room.

When he opened the door of the meeting room, he saw Zhao Ying and his daughter, Mu Liang and his son sitting inside. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuanlong and Lu Deyuan were also there.

""Mr. Zhao? Mr. Lu? Why did you two come here suddenly?" Xiao Jiang said, and he found a seat and sat down.

Lu Deyuan smiled and replied,"Mr. Zhao, this guy is in trouble, so I have to come and help."

Although the Lu family cannot completely help the Zhao family, there is no problem in providing financial assistance.

""I will definitely come back if something like this happens to the Zhao family." Zhao Yuanlong smiled.

If possible, he didn't want to leave Jiangling City. Staying in that quiet city is much better than staying in Hong Kong Province.

Xiao Jiang listened to the words of the two elders, nodded slightly, looked at Zhao Ying, and asked:"Why are you calling me here so anxiously? Did something happen?"

"There are indeed two things, and neither of them is good."

After taking a deep breath, Zhao Ying slowly said:"The Xu family has begun to strongly support the three families again, and has even publicly announced that they will fight to the death with our Zhao and Mu families!"

"Many guys in Hong Kong Province, seeing that the three families are developing more and more vigorously, almost all of them have begun to defect to them!"

If this trend continues, Hong Kong Province will sooner or later become a place where the three families have the final say.

Therefore, no matter what, this matter must be curbed, and it must be done as soon as possible.

Xiao Jiang naturally knew the seriousness of the matter. He held his head with his right hand and said lightly:"I will let Nanzhou Province and Pan City of Yanglin Province contain Xu Can so that he has no time to take care of Hong Kong Province."

"Is it true that Mr. Lu can only provide financial assistance?"

Lu Deyuan nodded slightly when he heard this:"Well, the Lu family still has influence in other places, but it does not have much control near Hong Kong Province!"

At the beginning, he did not take action around Hong Kong Province, mainly because the Xu family had already occupied the market there.

Even if he wanted to intervene, it would be a very difficult thing.

There is no way, who told the Lu family to develop too late, and they are not like the Xu family, an old family with a century-old heritage.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly and said:"If I am not mistaken, Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan, they are both engaged in real estate, right?"


"This is easy to do. Just keep throwing money at them. I think Miss Zhao will understand."

Xiao Jiang smiled and looked at Zhao Qianwei.

Zhao Qianwei understood immediately after hearing Xiao Jiang's words.

"Xiao Shao, you want to suppress the market and make them lose money"

"At this time, those fence-sitters will naturally come back when they see this situation."

This method of hurting the enemy by 1,000 and hurting yourself by 800 may be the best method at present.

However, Zhao Qianwei frowned, showing some worry on her face, and continued:"But Fang Cong and others have the help of the Xu family, so they may not lose to us."

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