After hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Yuan Yichun hesitated for a moment and then his expression gradually became serious.

"Mr. Xiao, I know that you are very good at both Feng Shui and medicine, so I would like to ask you to help me save someone!"

"As long as you can help me save that person, I will give you this Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant."

This Yin-Yang Fish Jade Pendant absorbs a lot of dead energy and is considered a medium-sized magic weapon.

This kind of magic weapon is a treasure that is in short supply. I didn't expect Yuan Yichun to be willing to give it away.

Xiao Jiang asked curiously,"Who are you going to save? You are willing to let me have such a precious thing.""

"My sister!"

When talking about his sister, Yuan Yichun's eyes dimmed a little, and his face was full of guilt.

"Your sister? What symptoms?"

"My sister was born in the Yin time and the lunar calendar, and has a strong ghost-attracting physique. I learned Feng Shui to help her suppress this physique and let her return to a normal life."

"At first, it was exactly as I planned. Under the Feng Shui technique I learned, my sister could no longer sense the presence of ghosts."

When he said this, Yuan Yichun's eyes began to become complicated, with anger and guilt.

After a brief pause, Yuan Yichun continued:"Later, when my sister was 20 years old and studying in college, she fell in love with a man with strong yang energy."

"I thought that the man's strong yang energy could suppress my sister's ghost-absorbing physique, so I didn't ask more questions, but until they got married at the age of 23……"

Xiao Jiang listened to Yuan Yichun's words and basically guessed what was going on. He said calmly,"After the marriage, the man died unexpectedly and became a ghost that haunted your sister and couldn't leave her."

"The most serious thing is that the man used your sister's lifespan to cultivate, and you have no way to expel him?"

Yuan Yichun nodded and smiled bitterly after hearing Xiao Jiang's words:"If I had not agreed to this marriage, my sister would not be like this."

"I promise you this!"

Xiao Jiang agreed to this, not for the Yin-Yang fish jade pendant, but because he wanted to go over and confirm something.

Over there, Yuan Yichun's sister's physique made him think of a certain physique in the world of cultivation.

When Yuan Yichun heard that Xiao Jiang agreed, he immediately laughed and asked hurriedly:"Mr. Xiao, when are you free?"

"Tomorrow at noon"

""Okay, okay, I'll get ready right away!"

Yuan Yichun turned around and left immediately. Zhao Qianwei had already driven over.

Xiao Jiang then left the place in Zhao Qianwei's car.

After returning to his castle, he quickly found an empty room that was very suitable for refining soul magic tools.

"Butler Xu,���No one can enter this room without my permission!"

"Yes, I will definitely tell the maids well!" Butler Xu nodded very seriously.

Immediately, Butler Xu turned around and left, carefully closing the door.

Xiao Jiang sat cross-legged on the ground, and with a light wave of his right hand, the Night Pearl, the Imperial Edict, and several pieces of peach wood that he had just bought in the wood shop.

Under his operation, these pieces of peach wood gradually turned into the shape of bells, suspended in the air.

Xiao Jiang quickly crushed the Night Pearl, and a piece of blue ice jade lay quietly in his hand. This was the Yin Jade.

If the Yin Jade was obtained by a ghost, it could greatly increase the ghost's power. If it was refined into a magic weapon, it would have a great effect on souls.

Under the effect of spiritual energy, a piece of Yin jade less than the size of a palm was split into five pieces, entered into five peach wood bells, and gradually merged into one. The next second.

A series of crisp and pleasant bell sounds resounded throughout the space. This is not over yet. It must be engraved with special runes with golden cinnabar to be completely over.

The imperial edict began to burn in an instant, and some golden cinnabar was extracted and automatically flew to the five peach wood bells.

As the engraving was completed, the five peach wood bells exuded a righteous aura and lingered around Xiao Jiang.

"Not bad, the materials were not wasted."

Xiao Jiang nodded with satisfaction and began to make the final adjustments to the five peach wood bells.

The next day, at noon,

Xiao Jiang was sitting in the castle's living room when Butler Xu came over.

"Master Xiao, Master Yuan has come to see you."

"I understand."

While speaking, Xiao Jiang stood up and left the living room, arguing outside the castle.

The two of them just exchanged a few words and then set off.

About half an hour later,

Xiao Jiang, led by Yuan Yichun, came to a suburban villa in Hong Kong Province.

Just standing outside this villa, Xiao Jiang could feel a cold air coming towards him!

"My sister is right here. Ever since she was entangled by that guy, she has been in a coma for many years. She also emanates a cold aura from her body, which is extremely creepy!"

"No matter what formation I set up, it was useless. I had no choice but to move my sister to this place."

Yuan Yichun was full of helplessness. If his sister was healthy, how could he bear to let her stay in this suburb.

Immediately, he took Xiao Jiang into the villa.

It was obviously noon and the sun was at its peak, but it still looked a little creepy.

The closer you get to Yuan Yichun's sister's room, the stronger the creepy cold becomes.

After pushing open the door, a gust of cold air hits you in the face. A haggard woman with a somewhat morbid beauty lies unconscious on the bed.

All the surrounding furniture is covered with a thick layer of frost, and even a thin layer of ice on the ground.

Rather than saying this is a bedroom, it's better to say that this is a cold storage room.

Xiao Jiang exhaled a breath of white air, came to Yuan Yichun's sister's bed, grabbed his right hand, and put it down again.

Extremely stiff, without a trace of life���Some softness.

If it weren't for the white air that occasionally came out of her nose, one would really think she was dead.

Seeing this, Yuan Yichun hurriedly asked,"Mr. Xiao, is there still a chance for my sister to be saved?"

"First, call out the guy hiding in your sister's body."

While speaking, Xiao Jiang's right hand turned into a sword finger and gently tapped Yuan Yichun's forehead. A stream of pure spiritual energy was injected.

The temperature around seemed to drop a few degrees. Yuan Yichun was already shivering with cold, and a layer of frost hung on her lips.

""Which bastard is disturbing my cultivation again!"

A sharp and piercing voice was heard, and soon after, a soul close to a physical body floated out of Yuan Yichun's sister's body. When

Yuan Yichun saw the man's soul, his eyes were red with anger and he shouted,"Rao Mingda, my sister is so good to you, but you actually want to kill her. I was really blind at the time!"

"It’s my brother-in-law, long time no see!" Rao Mingda said with a sinister smile,"Why, you want to drive me out again?""

"I am your brother-in-law. If Jiyao knew, she would be very sad!"

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