This statement attracted some interest from Xiao Jiang.

"What do you mean by the other three families?"

Mu Anxiang heard Xiao Jiang's words and immediately replied respectfully:"There are five major families in Hong Kong Province, and the strength of the five major families is not much different."

"However, in recent years, Uncle Zhao's Zhao family has developed rapidly and has become the strongest of the five major families. Our Mu family has a good relationship with the Zhao family and has an alliance relationship."

"The other three families are the Zhang family, the Fang family, and the Xiao family. When they saw this situation, they immediately formed an alliance to fight against our two families!"

Xiao Jiang listened to Mu Anxiang's words and almost understood the matter.

If Mu Liang died, the biggest beneficiaries would definitely be those three families.

However, this matter had little to do with him.

"You guys take your time to investigate this matter, I'll leave first, bye."

After saying that.

Xiao Jiang turned and left, Mu Liang immediately asked his son to see Xiao Jiang off.

When leaving the villa, Mu Anxiang looked at Xiao Jiang's back, hesitated for a moment, and said apologetically:"Mr. Xiao, I apologize to you for what I said to you before!"

This time, he was not as arrogant as last time, but apologized very sincerely.

Xiao Jiang just waved his hand, and gradually disappeared from his sight.

Mu Anxiang looked at Xiao Jiang's back, and murmured:"I hope Mr. Xiao, you really won't keep it in mind."

After seeing Xiao Jiang's powerful medical skills, he naturally didn't want to make the relationship between the Mu family and Xiao Jiang awkward. He even hoped that the relationship between Xiao Jiang and the Mu family could be closer.

At the same time, in Hong Kong Province, there were three middle-aged men sitting in a box somewhere. They were none other than the heads of the three major families.

Zhang family head: Zhang Heyi!

Fang family head: Fang Cong!

Xiao family head: Xiao Ruihan!

Fang Cong sat in the middle, tapping the table with his right hand, his eyes gradually becoming solemn.

"Unexpectedly, that old guy Mu Liang was lucky enough that this didn't kill him!"

"Who said it wasn't? I spent a lot of money to buy the poison from Miaojiang. I asked you to dissolve it!"

Xiao Ruihan was so angry that he slapped the table. He was not angry because he was sorry to waste the poison.

Instead, the plan that the three of them had worked so hard to plan for so long was ruined by a young boy. How could he not be angry?

"Originally, as long as we wait for Mu Liang to die, we can take the opportunity to immediately annex his property, and then slowly annex the Zhao family's property!"

"Such a perfect plan was ruined like this, it makes me so angry!"

While speaking, Xiao Ruihan looked at Zhang Heyi and asked,"Old Zhang, have you found out what I asked you to investigate?"

"We have already found out all the information about that young man."

Zhang Heyi showed them a document.

"Xiao Jiang, a native of Nanzhou Province, suddenly disappeared for three years for unknown reasons. He returned three years later and overthrew the number one family in Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province, the Su family!"

"After he took control of Jiangling City, it took him less than a month to take control of the entire Nanzhou Province!"

"Some time ago, he bit off a piece of meat from the Xu family in Jingdu Province. He is a very powerful guy!"

When Zhang Heyi investigated this information, he was shocked. In less than half a year, he completed something that others might not be able to complete in more than ten years. If such a monstrous genius became a member of the Zhao family or the Mu family, it would be an absolute devastating blow to the three families.

Xiao Ruihan and Fang Cong felt a chill on their backs and their hair stood on end after reading the information.

"Is he really only in his twenties? It took him less than half a year to build up such a force!"

When Xiao Ruihan finished speaking, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Fang Cong didn't speak, but fell into thought, tapping the table with his right hand.

After a long time ,

"Recently, that guy named Xu Can from the Xu family, is he looking for us to cooperate with him?"

Fang Cong's words made Zhang Heyi and Xiao Ruihan look at him.

Zhang Heyi even reminded him,"Old Fang, don't be confused. Have you ever seen anyone who cooperated with the Xu family and had a good ending?"

"That's right, it's really dangerous to cooperate with the Xu family. They are like hungry wolves. When you let your guard down, they will devour you!"

Xiao Ruihan didn't have a good impression of the Xu family.

It can be said that the five words"Xu family of Jingdu Province" have completely ruined their reputation in the Yanxia business world.

Anyone with a normal mind would not choose to cooperate with them.

Fang Cong heard their persuasion and did not change his mind. Instead, he persuaded them.

"Nowadays, the Zhao family is becoming more and more powerful, and the Mu family is also supporting them. If we continue like this, our three families will be squeezed out of Hong Kong Province sooner or later!"

"However, cooperating with the Xu family is no less than seeking the skin of a tiger.……"

"Do you want to be driven away by the Zhao family, or do you want to seize this last chance?"

Fang Cong stood up slowly. He saw that the two were still very hesitant, so he planned to give them a strong medicine.

"You two should think clearly. Once Xiao Jiang chooses to help the Zhao family, then the Zhao family will have the support of Nanzhou Province. You should know the consequences."

The consequence is that the Zhao family will grow stronger, and the three families will have no chance of getting the fat piece of meat in Hong Kong Province and will be forced to leave.

After a long time,

Xiao Ruihan slowly stood up and said,"I support cooperation with the Xu family."

"you……"Zhang Heyi saw that both of his partners chose this path, so he could only stand up helplessly and agree.

"Very good, I will inform Xu Can of this news immediately!"

"Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to resist the fierce tiger of the Xu family, you two can rest assured!"

After saying that, Fang Cong quickly left the box.


A few days later, in Qiude City, Yanglin Province, in a conference room of an office building, the cousins Xu Can and Xu Zimo were sitting in the conference room, along with Fang Cong who had come from Hong Kong Province.

Xu Can looked at Fang Cong and laughed,"Hahaha, Mr. Fang is still sensible and persuaded the other two guys to come in.""

"It is our Xu family's honor to cooperate with such a smart person as Mr. Fang!"

Fang Cong naturally enjoyed listening to Xu Can's flattery, and then asked with a smile:"I don't know, Mr. Xu, will you fulfill your promise to me?"

"Hahaha, so Mr. Fang, you are worried about this kind of thing. Don't worry, as long as you sign this contract and let our Xu family swallow up those two families, we will help you deal with the Zhao family."

"Let Mr. Fang become the only person in charge of Hong Kong Province."

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