Xiao Jiang took out a silver needle, ready to inhibit the spread of toxins and cancer cells. However, just as he was about to insert the needle,

Alec looked at Xiao Jiang with contempt:"I can't even cure cancer, and you, a mere Chinese medicine doctor, want to cure it?"

"To use your Yanxia language, it's simply a fantasy!"

He has been working in the field of cancer for more than 20 years, and has cured many cancer patients and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

He is known as the leader in the field of cancer in the international medical community. Even he is helpless against this guy, so how could he cure the guy in front of him?

Besides, in his eyes, traditional Chinese medicine is a representative of backwardness and dregs, and is not as advanced and powerful as Western medicine.

Using traditional Chinese medicine to treat cancer? It's so funny!

After hearing Alec's words, Mu Anxiang nodded slightly:"Doctor Alec is right, even he can't do anything, how can you save my father, let alone traditional Chinese medicine!"

Mu Anxiang has received Western education since childhood. He is very disdainful of Yanxia's ideas, especially Chinese medicine.

In his eyes, Chinese medicine practitioners are just a group of quacks who use tricks to deceive people.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Ying began to struggle in his heart. He has always been skeptical about his father's words.

Now, after hearing Alec's words, he seems to doubt even more whether Xiao Jiang is really a quack!

Facing doubts, the faint golden light in Xiao Jiang's eyes gradually dissipated. He took back the silver needle and asked,"Do you still want your father to survive?"

"What do you mean by this?"

Mu Anxiang was very unhappy with Xiao Jiang's attitude, and his eyes became sharp.

Xiao Jiang's face was calm, and he said lightly:"Literally, if you don't want your father to survive, I can leave now and will not delay you for a minute."

It was the first time that Mu Anxiang saw someone who dared to be so arrogant in front of him, and his face instantly darkened.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole place fell into silence.

After a moment, Mu Anxiang decisively made a move to expel the guest.

"Now, please leave. We don't welcome blindly arrogant people like you who don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

Xiao Jiang didn't pay attention to Mu Anxiang's words, and reminded him:"Your father has at most one day left, and tonight, he will have a violent cough and then vomit a lot of blood!"

After that, he came to Zhao Qianwei, took Yu Yu, and his eyes fell on Zhao Yuanlong.

"Mr. Zhao, I did come, but the other party didn't trust me, and I had no choice."

"If you need any help in the future, I will still come to help you as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he hugged Yuyu and left the villa.

Zhao Yuanlong shook his head helplessly and looked at Zhao Ying and the others:"You guys missed a great opportunity. Don't blame me, an old man, for not giving you a chance."

"But, you guys drove the opportunity away yourself!"

As he spoke, a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes, and he left on crutches.

Zhao Qianwei couldn't help but shook her head and followed her grandfather's pace.

Faced with this situation, Alec said contemptuously:"It seems that the thinking of your country is still so backward!"

"There is no way, some people's thinking will always remain in the feudal society, and they are willing to believe in the so-called traditional Chinese medicine."

Mu Anxiang shrugged helplessly, his eyes fell on his father on the hospital bed, and asked:"Doctor Alec, is there really no way to cure my dad?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, I will discuss a detailed treatment plan with my group members immediately."

Alec patted his chest and promised.

Mu Anxiang heard these words and felt a little comforted in his heart, and nodded slightly.

On the other side.

Xiao Jiang, who left, hugged Yu Yu, and after leaving the villa, he did not walk towards the airport, but walked towards the beach instead.

"Dad, aren't we going home?" Yu Yu looked at Xiao Jiang with a silly face.

"No, since we finally come to Hong Kong Province, Dad will take you to live in that castle, okay?"

The castle that Xiao Jiang mentioned was naturally the castle that Zhao Yuanlong gave to Yu Yu at Yu Yu's birthday party.

When Yu Yu heard the news, she immediately laughed happily:"That's great, Yu Yu has always wanted to live in a castle!"

"Hehehe, when Yuyu goes back, she can show off to Sister Chuntao and Sister Shuiyue!"

Every little girl has a princess dream, and Yuyu is no exception.

Xiao Jiang smiled dotingly and continued to walk towards the castle while holding Yuyu.

Half an hour later, the two of them had arrived in front of the castle built on the seashore. It must be said that the scale of the castle is very grand.

The series of building materials used are the most advanced materials in the world.

Even the beach in front belongs to the scope of this castle.

Yuyu looked at such a magnificent castle with surprise in her eyes, and pinched her round and chubby cheeks with her little hands.

Feeling a little pain, she turned her head to look at her father

"Dad, Yu Yu is not dreaming!"

"Hahaha, how could I be dreaming? Let's go in."

Xiao Jiang looked at Yu Yu's cute and adorable appearance and couldn't help but gently scratch her little nose!

Yu Yu covered her little nose and looked at Xiao Jiang with a little dissatisfaction, puffing her cheeks.

"Dad, mom said that if the nose is scratched, it will fall off easily. Yuyu doesn't want to be without a nose!"

What did Su Ruxin teach Yuyu?

Xiao Jiang was slightly stunned, then smiled and said,"Okay, okay, then Daddy won't scratch Yuyu's nose in the future!"

As they were talking, they had arrived at the gate of the castle.

Two sturdy and well-equipped security guards at the gate came with a dignified look on their faces and said coldly,"This is not a scenic spot, leave quickly!"

They regarded Xiao Jiang and Yuyu as tourists and wanted to expel them directly.

"I am the master here!" Xiao Jiang said directly.

However, what he got was only the two of them's ruthless ridicule.

"Hahaha, it still belongs to you. Even those foreign royal families don’t have the right to buy it. How can you?"

"That's right, people of such noble status can only stay here temporarily. Look at how poor you, the father and daughter, are, hahaha!"

The two of them really couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xiao Jiang's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a cold voice:"In other words, you won't let us in?"

"Yes, why do you still want to hit me?"One of the bodyguards straightened his chest, took off the stun gun from his waist, and looked sharp.

Another bodyguard said coldly:"Even if you are the owner of this castle, you can't go in now. The royal family of Sakura Country is living in it!"

"Do you think you can afford to provoke them with your status as a low-level person?"

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