"Yuyu?" Li Yaxian suddenly felt speechless. She was clearly talking about something important, so why did she suddenly bring up Yuyu?

However, she thought that Yuyu was Xiao Jiang's daughter, so she didn't say anything.

"I don't know too much. Manager Xiao, the chairman and your parents took care of Yuyu during your absence. They should know what kind of gifts Yuyu likes."

Li Yaxian answered truthfully.

Although she was Su Ruxin's personal secretary and best friend before, she really didn't know much about Yuyu.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, thinking that it was almost Yuyu's birthday, and he had to think about what gift to give.

Li Yaxian looked at Xiao Jiang's expression, and for a moment, she didn't know how to ask the doubts in her heart.

After a long time.

Xiao Jiang suddenly stood up and said in a light voice:"Don't worry, if Xu Zimo dares to continue like this, he may not be able to hold on for long and will soon retreat!"


"It's very simple. The businessmen in Pan City are not on the same page with him. In five days at most, Xu Zimo will be forced to withdraw from Pan City."

Li Yaxian didn't quite understand Xiao Jiang's almost affirmative words.

In her opinion, Xu Zimo's company is still in a very good condition. It is absolutely impossible to make him announce his withdrawal from Pan City within these five days.

Xiao Jiang did not explain and turned to leave the office.

Li Yaxian looked at Xiao Jiang's back and gradually fell into deep thought.

"Could it be that, as Manager Xiao said, Xu Zimo will leave Pan City within five days?"

Four days passed quickly.

Xu Zimo sat in his office, listening to his secretary's financial statements, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot, extremely ugly.

When the secretary was reporting the recent situation, the more he spoke, the more shocking it became.

In less than half a month, fifteen old Pan City companies declared bankruptcy, six companies secretly transferred half of their assets, and their chairmen disappeared.

In other words, there are now only a few companies left in Pan City.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Zimo, look, this is your plan, not only will you kill your own men, but there will also be a group of guys who will run away in time, and you will be left alone!"

When Xu Can was not suitable, he deliberately stabbed Xu Zimo in the heart with the knife.

Xu Zimo was no longer in the mood to pay attention to Xu Can at this moment. He slowly raised his head and looked at his female secretary with complicated eyes.

"The company has no funds at all?"

"No... no more. The Xu family seems to have stopped helping. If I don’t declare bankruptcy today, I’m afraid……"

The female secretary did not continue.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that if they did not declare bankruptcy, they would most likely owe the bank a large sum of money.

When Xu Zimo heard what the female secretary said, he quickly looked at Xu Can and asked in a cold voice,"Xu Can, tell me the truth, was it you who deliberately asked Grandpa to stop funding?"

"Zimo, I just reported the facts to the Xu family. As for what decision grandpa made, I am not too sure!"

Xu Can shook his head helplessly, with a disgusting smile on his face.

Upon hearing this, the female secretary looked at Xu Can, then at Xu Zimo, and thought to herself: Xu Can is so dark and smart, can Young Master Xu really be his opponent?

Obviously, Xu Zimo's tricks and cleverness are still okay.

However, if compared with Xu Can, there is almost no comparison.

Xu Zimo was unable to refute Xu Can's words for a while, but his face was terribly gloomy.

At this time, a call suddenly came in, and the note was"Grandpa"!

After connecting to his grandfather's phone, Xu Zimo kept defending himself during the call, but it seemed to have no effect.

In the end, he looked at the hung up phone, glared at Xu Can, and threw the phone over.

The phone flew past Xu Can's ear and hit the wall.

Xu Can felt a slight pain in his ear, and the viciousness in his eyes became more intense, but due to Xu Zimo's status, he did not show it.

On the surface, he still looked amiable

"I want to see how you, a fellow, can kill Xiao Jiang. If you can't do anything,"

"I will also report everything to Grandpa!"

After saying that, Xu Zimo turned around and left angrily without any hesitation.

Xu Can tidied his clothes a little, looked at the female secretary beside him, and smiled:"Now, you should declare bankruptcy immediately and secretly transfer all the assets that can be transferred to Qiude City!"

Qiude City is adjacent to Pan City and borders Hong Kong Province. It is considered a key development city in Yanglin Province.

The female secretary hesitated a little when she heard Xu Can's words.

"Mr. Xu, you are about to declare bankruptcy, but you secretly transfer all your assets.……"

Before she could even utter the word"illegal", Xu Can glared at her and said,"What is accounting used for?"

His tone was apparently very calm, but it was filled with a sense of not being able to be disobeyed.

He obviously wanted someone to take the blame.

The female secretary subconsciously hugged the document tightly and nodded vigorously,"Yes, I'll take care of it right away."

After that, she quickly left the office. At the same time, she was also very clear that she was about to serve someone who was several times more terrifying than Xu Zimo.

Although Xu Zimo had a bad temper, all his thoughts were written on his face, so he was not difficult to serve.

Xu Can was a sinister and vicious person who buried his emotions and cruelty under that smiling face. This kind of person was the most terrifying.

"It's just Xiao Jiang. I will make him spit out the same way he ate Pan City. Then grandpa will see that I am the most suitable heir!"

Xu Can never took Xiao Jiang seriously from beginning to end. He thought that Xiao Jiang was at most a little smarter than Xu Zimo.

A little smarter than a mediocre person, but still a mediocre person!

On the other side, in the general manager's office of Su Ruxin Branch, when Li Yaxian was correcting documents, Peng Wenshi rushed in, his face full of excitement

"Peng Wenshi, you are the marketing manager now after all, why are you still so rash in doing things?"

"Is this worthy of the attention of the chairman and manager Xiao?"

Faced with Li Yaxian's reprimand, Peng Wenshi didn't care at all and said bluntly:"Good news, general manager, I have great news that I need to share with you."

"What is the Good News?"

"I just got the news that Xu Zimo's company has officially declared bankruptcy and plans to completely withdraw from Pan City before tomorrow!"

Hearing the news, Li Yaxian stood up subconsciously, and even the pen she was using to correct the documents was almost flattened on the table by her.

"Is everything you said true?"

"It's absolutely true, more real than pearls!"Peng Wenshi nodded affirmatively.

Li Yaxian couldn't help laughing, and after reacting, she hurriedly asked:"By the way, Manager Xiao knows..."

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