"Beat...beat Xu Zimo?" Guo Weicai was stunned. If he beat Xu Zimo, it would be considered as a clear break with the Xu family and would also offend the Xu family.

This was a token of loyalty. If he wanted to gain Xiao Jiang's trust, he had to do this.

After a brief hesitation, he gritted his teeth and said,"Yes, I will arrange this right away.""

"Very good, you can ask people to start decorating now."

Xiao Jiang has freed the group of brothers, and all the restraints on them have been

""Yes!" Guo Weicai looked at his group of younger brothers and immediately ordered,"Didn't you hear Young Master Xiao's order? Hurry up and act!"

The younger brothers immediately took action, first dragging away the guys on the ground, and then dragging Zhuo Hu on the wall down with great effort.

Xiao Jiang did not stay long, he got up and left, passed by Guo Weicai, and reminded him,"I will come to check it in three days!"

"Yes, yes, I will definitely not let you down, Young Master Xiao!" Guo Weicai was frightened and replied hurriedly.

In these three days, in order to complete the renovation of six or seven direct-operated stores, it seems that he has to work day and night.

Maybe he can barely get it out.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang had left, Guo Weicai immediately ordered:"Did you hear that? Young Master Xiao will check it in three days. You guys should make it better for me!"

"From now on, we will work in two shifts, and we cannot rest for even a minute. We will not stop until we die!"

The younger brothers were filled with pain. They used to be with Guo Weicai, eating delicious food, drinking spicy drinks, playing with girls and going to bars!

Now, they have ended up like this, which is harder than working in the factory.

However, they dare not complain. They have seen Xiao Jiang's terrifying methods. They can only work hard and try to finish as soon as possible.

On the other side.

Xiao Jiang deliberately did not return to the hotel. He took a detour and finally came to an underground parking lot.

He stopped in a dim corner with no lights.

"How long do you plan to follow me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jiang slowly turned around and looked behind the cars.

A few seconds later, several figures slowly walked out.

The leading man had a solemn expression on his face, with his right hand on his waist, but thinking of Guo Wei's fate, he had no choice but to put it down, and slightly stepped back with his left foot, and asked:"When did you find us?"

"From where you all gathered below the hotel where I live, these bugs must be yours, right?"

Xiao Jiang threw down seven or eight button-sized bugs.

After he crushed them with one hand, they instantly took off their headphones in pain and covered their buzzing ears!

The leading man gradually reacted, his strength already gathered in his legs, and he said in a cold voice:"In other words, you have already discovered us?"

"Yes, I was a little confused at first. Are you Xu Zimo's people or the Dark Blood Organization's people?"

As he said that, Xiao Jiang walked towards them step by step and said in a calm voice:"Now I can be sure that you are definitely the Dark Blood Organization's people!"

"After all, with Xu Zimo's ability, he couldn't train a group of you guys."

After listening to Xiao Jiang's words and watching him approach step by step, the leading man no longer hesitated and shouted suddenly:"Everyone, retreat immediately and report this news!"

As soon as the voice fell, they immediately turned around and left.

Their physical fitness is not bad, and their running speed is no less than that of a sprinter.

Unfortunately, when they ran only a hundred meters, they saw Xiao Jiang sitting on the front of a car, waiting for them.

The leading man's pupils trembled, and he quickly turned his head to look, and there was no one behind him!

How did he appear there?

So fast?!

"Draw your gun... No, draw your dagger and prepare for hand-to-hand combat!"

The leading man witnessed Guo Weicai's right hand being blown off. In the end, he did not choose to use a pistol, but planned to fight hand-to-hand, so as to find an opportunity and quickly slip away.

After drawing their daggers, they rushed towards Xiao Jiang without hesitation.

After all, they were professional killers, and their combat effectiveness was naturally much stronger than Guo Weicai, the younger brother.

Despite this, in Xiao Jiang's eyes, they were just slightly stronger ants. Ants are ants after all.

In just a few tens of seconds, including the leading man, they all fell to the ground and turned into cold corpses, with an obvious blood mark on their necks.

Xiao Jiang threw away the dagger that was still dripping with blood in his hand, looked at the corpses on the ground coldly, and waved his right hand lightly. These corpses instantly turned into blood mist and dissipated, leaving only clothes and pants.

"【Dark Blood Organization], I want to see what you want to do?"

After saying that, he left the underground parking lot and walked towards the hotel.

Half an hour later, the guys who were squatting in the hotel saw Xiao Jiang return, but did not see his companions return, and all of them frowned.

"Strange, why didn’t the person who was following come back?"

"I don't know, maybe I encountered some trouble and was delayed."

"If they were in danger, they would have sent us a message long ago, so we shouldn't worry about it."

They just thought that the group led by the man had encountered some trouble and didn't come back.

Little did they know that the group led by the man had completely disappeared from the world without even a corpse left.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Guo Weicai worked day and night, and several direct-operated stores were completely completed.

The group of younger brothers almost died of sudden death. They worked day and night, and had almost no rest time except for half an hour for eating.

Xu Zimo learned that Li Yaxian's direct-operated stores were all renovated and only needed to open.

He was so angry that his eyes turned pale. He picked up the vase on the table and threw it to the ground, scaring the female secretary next to him half to death.

"Bastard, that bastard Guo Weicai actually dared to betray me, this heartless beast!"

"Why, why did you wait until they were all finished before telling me about this?"

The female secretary felt Xu Zimo's anger, and after a moment of fear, she explained,"Mr. Xu, I just learned about this news recently!"

"Good, very good, Guo Weicai, this dog, dares to bite me back, I will make him pay a low price!"

Xu Zimo became more and more angry as he spoke, and directly overturned the desk.

The computer screen hit the female secretary's foot, and she subconsciously retracted her foot and closed her eyes.

A few minutes later.

Xu Zimo gradually calmed down his inner anger, sat on the single sofa, rubbed his eyebrows with his right hand, and asked:"Is there any news from the [Dark Blood Organization]?"

"They said that the arrangements have been completed and they can start tomorrow night to completely wipe out Xiao Jiang!"

"Well, I hope they won't let me down again!" As soon as the words fell, a man walked in slowly. Seeing the miserable state of the office, he was slightly shocked. Then he looked at Xu Zimo and said respectfully:"Mr. Xu, Guo Weicai invites you to dinner!"

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