Chapter 292 Big Karma Technique

Big Karma technique, one of the Secret Techniques of the Dao.


Liu Qing did not hesitate, and directly extracted this secret technique.

A wave of majestic and mysterious information poured in, and the mysteries about the great Karma technique merged into the sea of ​​knowledge one by one, turning into a mysterious rune.


A hundred causes must have results, it is Karma.


At this moment, know the sea.

Countless densely packed strange silk threads flickered, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, and countless phantom shadows came into view.

Each line represents a creature, flowers and trees, human beings, all living beings, and even gods, demons, and demons cannot escape the Karma cycle.

In Liu Qing’s eyes, every creature and every action will give birth to countless Karma lines and produce countless results.

A person, taking a step, saying a word, or even doing an action will produce countless Karma lines, each line represents a cause and a result.

Karma Avenue contains countless mysteries.

Liu Qing was immersed in Insight for a while, saw countless Karma lines, and saw different results caused by countless factors.

I even saw a large number of non-existent Karma lines, but extended to the depths of the endlessly distant Netherworld.

Countless Karma threads are densely and densely extended to the emptiness, as if there is a mysterious force that is controlling the Karma cycle of all living beings.

Analyzing the true understanding of the Dao continuously, comprehending the Karma Dao.

A mysterious rune gradually condenses, and the main rune flashes.

As the comprehension deepened, Liu Qing became more and more aware that there was a more mysterious and greater power on top of Karma.

It seemed to vaguely caught a trace of the secret behind Karma.

No living beings can escape Karma’s involvement, like a thread connecting the unknown land.

While Liu Qing was constantly comprehending and pursuing the mystery behind him, he gradually peeled off the mystery of Karma and touched a trace of mysterious things.


Karma rune flickered, and mysterious rays of light flowed, as if it didn’t exist, but it really existed in the world.

At this moment, Liu Qing was in a trance and saw a vast and unknown river, which was vast and unpredictable, and there was a strong spiritual shock.

At a glance, people sink into it, unable to extricate themselves from it, unable to escape.

Whether it is myth, science, materialism, or idealism, they cannot escape the law of Karma.

“Karma, destiny?”

Liu Qing’s mind was shaken, and he grasped a trace of Karma Avenue’s true meaning in a daze.

Karma, involving a trace of fate, is part of fate.

But not all, Karma, not destiny, but a part of destiny.

This shocked Liu Qing’s heart. The deeper he understood, the more he felt the entanglement and horror between Karma and fate.

I saw a trace of fate from Karma, but unfortunately, I couldn’t grasp it and couldn’t touch it.

Liu Qing realized that it was a long time, but it was only a momentary thing outside.

As he woke up, the whole breath became a little mysterious, a mysterious breath permeated, as if the person was still that person, but it was a little different.

Karma Avenue is really mysterious.

And it also touched a part of the Avenue of Destiny, making Liu Qing particularly shocked, feeling in her heart that as long as Karma Avenue is understood to the extreme, one can glimpse the essence of destiny.

The Jiuyou clone’s expression on the side moved, and suddenly received the insight that belongs to Karma Avenue from the main body Liu Qing, and his heart was shaken.

The insights from Karma Avenue made him climb straight up in his understanding of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation naturally appeared behind him.

The breath of the two is constantly changing, and the Karma lines above their heads are constantly entangled.

Liu Qing’s eyes were bright, and there were runes flowing in order, and he saw the Karma lines on his body, corresponding to countless things.

Seeing this, he had an inexplicable impulse in his heart, wanting to cut off these Karma lines.

However, there are too many Karma threads on him, one by one intertwined, densely packed, like a mess.

This is terrifying.

Looking at these Karma lines, Liu Qing is one head and two big.

Most of the Karma threads are entangled because he taught countless magic secrets and derived countless Karma threads.

The largest and thickest Karma lines, one connected to Miao Qingqing in Jiuli City, after all, as his first woman in this world, Karma was involved.

There is also one belonging to Little Sister, which also has Karma implicated.

There are other Karma threads, large and small, densely entangled in a mass, connected in his soul.

These Karma threads are like chains of order entangled with the will of the soul, unable to escape, and it feels like a shackle.

He even had the urge to cut off all the Karma lines, but he forbeared it, with an instinct in his heart. If he did so, it would definitely cause a great shock and even produce unknown consequences.

The Karma line can’t be cut if you want to cut it. If you are careless, it will affect your whole body, and even produce unpredictable consequences.

After comprehending the Avenue of Karma, Liu Qing truly understood the power and strangeness of Karma.

And he suddenly saw the previous Sea of ​​Bitterness, which was actually connected by a secret Karma line, going deep into the unknown.

“My deity, I sensed a Samsara breath in the depths of the underworld.”

At this moment, Jiuyou clone suddenly said something.

Liu Qing regained consciousness and looked at the dark world in front of him. He couldn’t see anything, only the endless desolation and silence.

In the depths of the underworld, there is a breath of Samsara.

He naturally noticed it and understood the meaning of Jiuyou.

“Let’s go, go and see.”

Liu Qing thought about it and left immediately and walked towards the depths of the underworld in front of him.

The two entered the depths of the underworld one after another.

The more you go in, the more you feel a trace of ominousness, with unknown dangers lingering in your heart.

I don’t know how long I walked, through heavy fog.

Liu Qing and Jiuyou finally came to a terrifying place.

There are countless fragments floating here, and there is a lot of horror.

Layer after layer of fragments appeared in front of us.

Take a closer look, isn’t this the eighteenth floor of The Underworld?

Actually came to the eighteenth floor The Underworld.

“My deity, there is danger below.”

Jiu You said cautiously.

Liu Qing didn’t speak, countless runes flashed in his eyes, and the avenue runes were intertwined, constantly looking into the depths of The Underworld.

I saw that in the depths of The Underworld, strange chains of order were entangled, trapping something.

He vaguely sensed the power of Samsara, an ancient existence.

“Under Samsara, things are suppressed.”

“Is it the rebellious god mentioned in the memory of the old ghost?”

Countless thoughts flashed in Liu Qing’s mind.


He and Jiuyou looked at each other and seemed to understand something.

In the depths of The Underworld, under Samsara, the so-called rebellion is suppressed, which may be related to the immortal.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Liu Qing must enter the exploration.

“There is a crisis hidden below this, the force of order locks it here, the road is imprisoned, Heavenly Dao collapses, and Samsara twists.”

Liu Qing checked for a while, feeling a little heavy in her heart.

This place is very tricky and there are hidden dangers.

Even if he wanted to step in, it was dangerous, so Liu Qing seemed very cautious and didn’t rush into it.

Because the underworld was completely destroyed, it was the only place where Samsara’s power existed, or something terrible was suppressed.

He suspected it was related to immortals, and even more to something related to the previous mythical age.

Several times, Liu Qing wanted to step inside, but the Heavenly Dao body in his body sent warnings again and again, realizing that there was a great danger inside.

“My deity, there are unknown dangers hidden here, don’t go in.”

Jiuyou reminded with a serious expression.

“Here, let me step into it. If there is danger, the deity can resurrect me.”

After that, a party of Six Paths of Reincarnation emerged behind Jiuyou, stepping into the ruined The Underworld.


As soon as I entered, I saw the eighteenth floor of the ruined The Underworld shook together, and then a mighty force swept over it.

The expressions of Liu Qing and Jiuyou suddenly changed.

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