Chapter 290 Sea of ​​Bitterness Demon


A black light broke through the air.

Liu Qing looked stern, and sneered in her heart.

“It’s you who are waiting.”

As soon as the voice fell, he turned around and slapped it with a palm.


The black light burst, and a closer look turned out to be a black thorn, with a terrifying edge.

It’s a pity that Liu Qing slashed out with a palm of her hand.

“You finally showed up.”

Liu Qing, Jiuyou, the two stopped the small broken ship one after another, staring at the strange old man on the ship.

He saw his tattered gray robe hunting and hunting, and there was no wind, and the breath was exuding circle after circle. The Sea of ​​Bitterness was choppy.

“Mortals, Sea of ​​Bitterness will be the place where you will perish forever.”

The old man waved his hands, and the entire Sea of ​​Bitterness slapped.


The Sea of ​​Bitterness boiled, and the boundless waves fell.

“Old ghost, watch me break your demon method.”

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful aura burst out in Liu Qing’s body, the void split open, and the hand of God fell from the sky.


With a palm of his hand, the old man and the boat were directly driven into the boundless Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the huge waves were terrifying.

The big hand shook the entire Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the brilliance of the sky was unstoppable.


Under Sea of ​​Bitterness, a roar came.

Seeing the wooden boat burst, the old man braved a black-gray light all over his body, and a circle of light swept across, smoothing the boiling Sea of ​​Bitterness.

He slowly floated up, standing on top of Sea of ​​Bitterness, and his whole breath continued to rise, as if he had blended into Sea of ​​Bitterness.

“All beings are sinking, Sea of ​​Bitterness is boundless!”

The old man waved his hands and delivered a powerful blow, the secret technique swept across the air, and the entire Sea of ​​Bitterness turned upside down, swallowing Liu Qing and Jiuyou all at once.


Sinking into Sea of ​​Bitterness, Liu Qing and Jiuyou, the two looked serious.

Under the Sea of ​​Bitterness, there are infinite figures hidden, densely packed together, as if sentient beings are sinking into it and unable to escape.

There are countless figures, including humans, creatures, and all kinds of powerful creatures. They even saw some gods and demons sink into it, wailing and struggling.

This scene shocked Liu Qing, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

In this piece of Sea of ​​Bitterness, there are actually infinite souls of sentient beings buried, too many, infinite souls of gods, invisible.

There are two extremes with the empty underworld outside.


“Kill kill kill!”


In the Sea of ​​Bitterness, a roar came, densely packed ghosts, evil spirits, and even countless business ideas flooded towards Liu Qing and Jiuyou.

The two living men fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and all of a sudden, countless ghosts pounced on them.

This scene made the old man grinning.

“Hahaha, sink in, Sea of ​​Bitterness is your home.”

“Tear them apart.”

The old man waved his hand, and the endless Li Ghost roared and rushed forward, constantly biting the bodies of Liu Qing and Jiuyou.

This is to tear the two into pieces.


Liu Qing snorted coldly, a ray of light burst into his body, like a black hole rolling over, constantly devouring the leaping ghost and Devil.

No matter what it was, all that rushed up were shattered and swallowed in.

When the big devouring technique is used, everything can be swallowed and refined.


On the other side, Nine Nethers transformed a Samsara grinding disc, and the six black holes revolved wildly, devouring the boundless will and soul in the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

All beings enter Samsara, and the power of the six realms is obliterated, shattering all souls.

The two have no impact at all, but have obtained unimaginable benefits.

“how come?”

The old man was surprised and angry when he saw the performance of the two.

Originally, I wanted to shred the two and sink directly into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, but I didn’t expect to let the other party directly swallow the infinite Sea of ​​Bitterness will.

The will of sentient beings is swallowed, no matter how strong or weak, it is directly crushed and refined by being sucked into it.

“Damn it!”

The old man roared and pulled his hands, revealing a terrifying face in his chest.

The man’s face was full, and there was endless evil in his eyes.

“Come out and kill them.”

Following the old man’s roar, the face in his chest suddenly struggled, and a roar came out of the old man’s chest.

The next moment, a monster appeared before his eyes.

The monster that emerged from the old man’s body was full of eyes, and that face changed infinitely.

It seems to be a collection of sentient beings, an aggregation of the will of all creatures, exuding a frightening breath.


As it roared, a surge of soul swept.

Liu Qing and Jiuyou both shot at the same time.

“Great Seal Technique!”

“Six Paths of Reincarnation Punch!”

The two erupted, breaking through the heavy soul shocks instantly, and blasted the monster one by one.


With just one move, the monster was blown up.


The exploded monster turned into countless figures and flew out, scattered in a dense number.

The entire Sea of ​​Bitterness set off turbulent waves, the broken monsters, one eye suddenly flew into the Sea of ​​Bitterness, bursting into a terrifying light.

Those eyes suddenly burst out with powerful suction, swallowing the countless figures of sentient beings surrounding them in the Sea of ​​Bitterness one by one.

Almost for an instant, those eyes continued to swell and turned into terrifying eyeballs, full of blood vessels moving.

Evil eyes floated around, surrounding Liu Qing and Jiuyou.


Liu Qing, Jiuyou, the two looked at each other and suddenly shot.


Seeing Liu Qing slammed a fist, an evil eye in front exploded on the spot, turning into countless fleshy foam and scattered in the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Over there, Jiuyou fists waved, Six Paths of Reincarnation fists suppressed everything, shattering one after another weird huge evil eye.

The two made a strong move, exploding the evil eyes, turning into mud and flying away, but they didn’t notice that the flying flesh was invading the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Gradually, all evil eyes were blown up.


At this time, Sea of ​​Bitterness suddenly heard a vibration.

I saw the fragments of the evil eyes that were originally collapsed, turning into blood vessels, and the whole Sea of ​​Bitterness boiled inexplicably.

As the Sea of ​​Bitterness rolled, converged, and squirmed, an extremely huge monster slowly gathered and formed, exuding the breath of the weather.

The old man showed a head just between the eyebrows of the huge monster.

The monster directly swallowed Sea of ​​Bitterness, and it was covered with countless human faces, animals, demons, ghosts, and various creatures struggling and roaring on it.

The whole monster emerged from the Sea of ​​Bitterness and stood there, giving people an incomparably evil aura.


The next moment, the strange stock opened one eye after another, exuding a kind of evil light, bloodshot around.

Alive is a monster with ten thousand eyes.


Liu Qing felt that the countless eyeballs on this monster really made his scalp numb.

“Haha, the body of all beings in this seat is finally made.”

There was a loud laugh, and the old man’s face showed an excited expression on the monster’s head.

He stared at Liu Qing and Jiuyou with excitement, and tens of thousands of terrifying evil eyes shot out a terrifying light.


The light swept across, everything was annihilated, turned into ashes and disappeared.

The terrible light of Death reveals the terrible power that annihilates all things.

Liu Qing and Jiuyou both avoided, but there were too many Death rays, and they were densely covered like a big net.

“Suppress time and space!”

Suddenly, Liu Qing rose into the air, suppressing the surrounding time and space with one hand.

A ripple is rippling, everything is still.

The next moment, Liu Qing flashed through the net of death rays and came to the monster.

I saw an extra gray little clock in his hand.

That is Donghuang Bell!


Liu Qing held the Eastern Emperor Bell and blasted on the monster’s head like lightning.

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