Chapter 285

Longyuan Pavilion, the atmosphere is tense.

The ten Mahayana masters were fidgeting, their faces solemn.

Even though the twelve China Pavilion elders sitting in front of them, Cultivation Base is not strong at all, but no one dares to underestimate it.

Because they were suppressed by the message from their ancestors just now.

The news shook their hearts like thunder, and they almost fell to the ground.

The twelve Loose Immortals, who were directly suppressed in the void, how could they not be surprised?

Therefore, the ten Mahayana masters at this moment did not dare to show arrogant expressions at all, let alone stand high.

Mortal, there are absolute powerhouses in charge.

The old Twelve Pavilions in front of him are the high-levels of China, and the old gods are sitting there.

In fact, they don’t know how to deal with these ancient Sect forces that suddenly emerged in front of them.

Is it a fight or a tie?

Of course, they are more inclined to peaceful development and do not want to conflict. After all, that would be a lot of blood and sacrifice.

At present, China has finally stabilized and is in a stage of rapid development. Too much war and casualties will outweigh the gains.

But they still have some confidence.

After all, I have already contacted Liu Qing, who is currently the only strong man behind the scenes of China.

After getting an affirmative reply, all Shijige had a good idea and knew what to do.

“Everyone, there is a legal system between the world and the world.”

After a long silence, Da Ge finally broke the silence.

In a word, the atmosphere on the scene immediately relaxed.

Just talk.

The ten Mahayana masters squeezed in a cold sweat, and felt terrified.

Twelve Loose Immortals have been suppressed, they must have no bottom.

If people really start fighting, maybe the strong man behind them directly suppresses them, or even destroys the sects and traditions behind them.

It’s all right now, no need to fight depending on the situation.

Tai Xuan cave sky is a lesson from the past.

In the Great Hall, all the other Sect cultivators were extremely quiet, sitting there upright, not daring to say anything.

It is enough to wait for ten Mahayana masters to discuss with each other.

How to get along is a big problem.

“We know that we will abide by the rules of the world.”

Speaking for the first Mahayana man.

He said affirmatively: “This time, we are all born into the world, and we don’t want to interfere with anything in the world, let alone disturb the laws of the world.”

“We only hope to be able to select some disciples from the world, hoping to allow us to spread our own traditions.”

This is what they mean, and it is the key to the message sent by the ancestors of Loose Immortals behind them.

Just choose disciples in the world.

Elder Twelve Pavilion glanced at each other and exchanged glances.

There is a strong man behind them, it is Liu Qing, who seems to have suppressed the strong man from the other side according to the situation, so that these high-ranking cultivators bow their heads.

Old Da Ge breathed a sigh of relief and calmly said, “Of course, as long as you don’t violate China’s laws, you can spread your own traditions at will.”

“In China, whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, or all major cultivating sects, all must abide by national laws.”

“One more thing, since you want to select disciples, you must send someone to sit in the world, maintain the righteousness of the world, and protect the peace of one side.”

Da Ge Lao slowly stated the own conditions.

The two parties started the first negotiation, discussing the next exchange and contact process, and formulating some current rules and regulations.

In order to limit the balance, we must not act recklessly, and even maintain the stability and prosperity of China. If this is not possible, it is impossible to allow them to choose any disciples here.

Just kidding, you don’t want to give anything, just like recruiting disciples in China and wanting to eat.

Don’t talk about the Futian Hollow Immortal Cultivation School, what Transcendent is refined, above the mortal, transcendence and so on.

China is now popularizing cultivation by the whole people, and in the future, everyone will be like a dragon, and the potential of a total of more than one billion people will be cultivated together.

Once it grows up in the future, what kind of fairy gate, what blessing heaven and earth, any cultivation Sect sect will not be an opponent.

Not to mention, when the whole Chinese people grow up, there will be an army of countless cultivators, and the Chinese military and civilians are united. Who can shake it?

At that time, everyone in China is like a dragon, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddhas shall destroy the Buddhas.

Therefore, the only difference now is time development.

All parties, Sect’s birth and entry into the WTO, cannot be prevented, unless you are cruel to destroy everything, so the best way is to get along with each other in peace.

As long as you are strong enough, any Sect Cultivation School must respect China.

After some discussions, the two sides reached a preliminary agreement soon.


In space, I saw an agreement between the two parties.

Liu Qing smiled slightly and looked at the Twelve Loose Immortals with a nervous look in front of them.

“Well, from now on, you will take control of all parties in China and protect one party. If there is a violation, there will be a punishment.”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand away from the imprisonment.

Twelve Loose Immortals regained their freedom, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, senior!”

“We are willing to protect the safety of one party.”

Twelve Loose Immortals agreed without hesitation, it won’t work if you don’t agree.

After all, the person in front of him was too powerful and easily suppressed Twelve Loose Immortals.

Whoever dares to resist, maybe The next moment will be beheaded and die.

Those who can cultivate to the level of Loose Immortals are all old monsters who have lived for many years. Who would think that their lives would be too long?

Twelve Loose Immortals was horrified, and felt a few powerful wills swept over here, and there was a huge will on the sun that flashed away.

There are also a few powerful auras on the earth. A Sword intent comes from Shushan, and a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation will lock them in.

Even with Liu Qing, the same terrifying powerhouse in front of him, Twelve Loose Immortals didn’t dare to resist a little bit of resistance.

too frightening.

There are so many terrifying powerhouses in the world?

“Go ahead.”

Liu Qing waved her hand, turned and disappeared in a flash.

Only twelve Loose Immortals were left standing in the sky, looking at each other, taking a breath of cold air.


“so horrible!”

“The auras just now are not weak at all. Loose Immortals.”

“Could it be that there is still such a peak powerhouse in the world?”

Twelve Loose Immortals trembled in awe in their hearts.

At this moment, on the moon, there are several vague figures watching them.

“It’s those who cultivate immortals.”

“And it’s Loose Immortals.”

“Those immortals are not weaker than the existence of gods and demons.”

“This clan comes from Houtian cultivation. They don’t want to become gods. They only cultivate themselves and become immortals comparable to gods and demons.”

“They are defined as rebellious against God.”

“In the last era of mythology, the immortal was extinct and the immortal road was cut off.”

“In this era, no fairy will be born.”

On the moon, the cold figures communicated silently.

In the core of the moon, a vague figure appeared in the crystal coffin, looking at Liu Qing’s figure without saying a word.

The man gave her a powerful threat.

“At dusk of the gods, the myth has fallen.”

“Once, the mighty Heavenly Emperor also sealed the gods and angered the god-tier tribes, which led to the disaster of extinction and the end of the myth.”

“Xianlu was cut off at that time.”

“The world of mountains and seas, a secret that has buried several mythological ages, will eventually be unearthed.”

“Fairies, a group of rebels, gods are never allowed to exist.”


After finishing this vague figure, he let out a faint sigh and slowly disappeared.

More than just the moon, China’s Futian cave appeared.

The god-tier tribes of the West, some gods and demons are always paying attention to the every move of the East China.

They all seem to be waiting for an opportunity.

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