Chapter 274 Sun God

The sun is enveloped by boundless blazing heat.


The solar particles swept through and turned into a terrifying storm, which was even more terrifying than the power contained in the sun that was twice as large as before.

The temperature of the sun’s surface alone is as high as tens of thousands of degrees, several times stronger than before.

The core temperature of the sun is even more terrifying.

The real fire of the sun bred in it burns all things, the real sun is shining.

At this time, before a storm of the sun, a powerful figure was sitting side by side.

This person is Liu Qing’s avatar of the Great Sun Demon God, with a terrifying breath, and has achieved amazing transformation and growth under the energy tide.

Strength can be described as unpredictable and outrageous.


There was a violent fluctuation in the solar storm, and there was a terrible breath erupting.

“Is it finally here?”

Da Ri Clone opened his eyes suddenly, and two beams of gods pierced the solar storm.

He saw a wave of powerful energy spreading, shaking the surrounding solar storm, and forcing the sun’s energy back.

I saw a ripple swept across, and light emerged.

A secret realm finally appeared.

The secret realm that I have noticed before is the sun secret realm.

At this time, the sun secret realm is finally about to be born under the second energy tide.

With golden ripples rippling, I vaguely saw the huge palaces inside, exuding the brilliance of the sun.

That is the Temple of the Sun.

This secret realm finally revealed its true colors.

“Hahaha, I, the sun god, finally came back to the world again.”

There was a terrible laugh, which caused the shock of the solar storm.

A terrible solar storm swept through, and various solar particles collided and exploded, producing a devastating energy impact.

However, in front of Dahi Clone, it was like a breeze, without a wave of waves, and all subsided in the hundreds of meters in front of him.

“The sun god?”

Dahi Clone’s eyes narrowed, revealing a sneer.

He looked at it, and in the secret realm, a magnificent temple slowly emerged.

The temple of the sun hidden in the secret realm finally appeared.

And the secret realm melted into the sun, and the huge temple slowly emerged, announcing its coming along with waves of terrible divine power.

The entire interior of the sun suddenly vibrated, and the infinite sun’s power converged, forming a series of sun spots shining in the world.

The earth, the Western gods.


A line of eyes looked at the void sun, feeling that the sun’s rays suddenly became more blazing and dazzling, and the aura became stronger.

“The sun god is awake!”

“The great sun god has finally come.”

“A new era of our gods has arrived.”

“The glory of the gods will illuminate the world again.”

All god-tier races in the West have changed, and all of them feel the energy fluctuations of the powerful sun god.

Represents the appearance of the sun god.

Elves, a group of elves gathered on the royal city.

They looked at the emptiness of the sun, felt the strong sun power, and their complexions were exceptionally solemn.

“Queen, the sun god has appeared.”

“Is our goddess of the moon born?”

Some elves asked solemnly.

The Elf Queen’s expression changed, and she was suddenly overjoyed: “I sensed the breath of the Moon Goddess. That’s right, the Moon God has come.”


Sure enough, on the moon, a powerful storm of energy swept across, and circles of light spread, and the entire moon was enveloped.

I saw the light spread, and a mysterious big tree slowly emerged, exuding crystal light, exuding infinite lunar air.

That is the laurel tree, but the holy thing of the moon god family.

Behind the sacred laurel tree, slices of palaces slowly emerged, immortal air lingered, and the power of the yin continued to condense and condense.

There are large tracts of Lunar Palace, Moon Temple, and a lot of powerful auras.

The Lunar Clan appeared.

“The Lunar Clan, one of the Protoss.”

In the outer space, Liu Qing watched the moon’s direction silently without any movement.

He did not prevent the occurrence of changes on the moon, let alone the huge secret realm, the lunar secret realm that appeared on the moon.

The secret realm belonging to the Lunar Protoss descends.

He wondered whether Chang’e in the Chinese mythology belonged to the Taiyin Protoss?

But now his mind is no longer on the moon, but on the sun.

Because there are two powerful auras erupting on the sun.

One of the auras was a sun secret realm in which Da Ri Clone sat, and the appearance of the Sun Temple caught his attention.

“Two secret realms, one is the sun secret realm, and the other…”

Liu Qing’s eyes condensed, and he saw the second secret realm above the sun, where it was steaming, the sun’s rays gathered, and a lot of real fire emerged from the sun.

A huge Golden Crow phantom gathers, constantly devouring a large amount of sun essence.

“Golden Crow secret realm?”

A flash of lightning flashed through Liu Qing’s heart, and he obtained relevant information records from Ya’s database.

Above the sun, there are two secret realm on the bright surface, one is the sun secret realm and the other is the Golden Crow secret realm.

Now the two secret realms are open.

The sun secret realm belongs to the sun god family, and the sun god family appears in it, and a sun god will step out of the secret realm and descend.

However, before the arrival of the sun god, I saw Da Ri clone condensing its own powerful power, and slapped the sun god with a palm.


With one palm down, the secret realm burst, and powerful energy raged.

The sudden change caught the sun god by surprise.

“Asshole, who is it?”

The sun’s spirit was depraved, with long hair braving a raging flame, and a powerful breath exuding from all over his body.

He was wearing a solar armor, holding a sun gun, and his breath was boiling and thunderous.

He had just been attacked once and almost blasted his divine body. How could he not be angry?

“The sun god?” Da Ri clone suddenly sneered, slowly got up, stepped across the flames and entered the secret realm.


As soon as he entered, he was thrust in front of him by a spear of the sun god, but he was pointed at by the avatar, which steadily blocked the opponent’s attack.

“Who are you?” Seeing the incoming person, the sun god’s pupils shrank and scolded angrily.

Behind him, gathered several powerful figures, all belonging to the Sun God Race.

They are the heirs of the sun god, and a group of sun god children braved the flames, blond and blue eyes, surrounded by the fire of the burning sun.

“This is your group of sons?” Dahi clone looked at the nine young people in front of him.

There is also an old man in front, who is the god of the sun.

Nine sons, glowing fiery fire like nine suns, each holding Divine Armament in their hands, looking at him with Killing intent.


“No, he has the breath of the Buddha.”

The sun god frowned and looked at Da Ri clone, revealing a trace of doubt.

“No matter who he is, if you dare to stop our Protoss from being born, you will kill him.”

“Look at him, it’s the face of eastern humans.”


The nine sun gods roared together, and they all violently killed them. They waved the Divine Armament and exploded with divine power.

Facing the attack of the nine god-tiers, Dahi clone was calm and calm.

A cold light flashed in his eyes. The deity meant to kill the sun god race, and instead, become the ruler of the sun.


A big sun slowly appeared in the back of his head, instantly shining brightly, defeating all the power of the nine gods of the sun, and also counter-shocked back.

The explosion exploded in a flash, and the nine figures flew out embarrassedly, vomiting a mouthful of golden blood one after another.

One move, severely damaged the nine sun gods.

These sun god children are equivalent to the strength of the Mahayana period, and they are not enough to see in front of the Da Ri clone.

After the breakthrough of Liu Qing’s deity, the Dahi clone had absolute crushing power in the face of the Mahayana period.


As soon as Da Ri Clone pointed to it, the nine Sun Gods felt their bodies tighten before they fell down, and they instinctively showed a frightened expression.

“Do not…”

“Father God save me…”

Nine God-tier subjugated for help in horror, but unfortunately it was too late.

Bang bang bang…

Almost instantly, all the nine god-tiers shattered, turned into countless pieces and scattered, and were swallowed by the Dahi clone in one bite.


The sun god opened his eyes and was extremely angry. One accidentally witnessed the beheading of his nine sons in front of him.

For a while, the sun god ran away.

“Damn it!”

“The God will never forgive you.”

The sun god ran away, his breath doubled, and he was instantly killed with the sun gun.


A shot penetrated the void and stabbed in front of Dahi Clone.

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