Chapter 264 Nuclear Bomb Strike

Longyuan Pavilion, the atmosphere is heavy and depressing.

“Elder Da Ge, give an order.”

At this time, the old Wu Ge said solemnly.

Everyone looked at the surveillance picture, the three terrifying beasts, leading hundreds of thousands of demon to kill the human city mightily.

Everyone present understands that a choice must be made.

Da Ge was smoking a cigarette and staring at the monitoring screen silently.

“How is the crowd evacuated?”

He asked this sentence first, his expression calm.

“Evacuation has been completed.”

“In that area, we have gradually evacuated a large number of small towns and rural residents as early as before.”

“Nowadays, there is no one within two hundred kilometers.”

Old Wu Ge said solemnly.

The evacuation of personnel was completed, and there was no one there.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when these words came out.

However, Elder Er Ge suddenly reminded: “Looking at the direction of Demon, it is the Licheng a hundred kilometers away. There are more than one million people there. It is too late to evacuate.”

“Moreover, there are two legions stationed there. This battle can only be fought there, or the demon can be eliminated outside the city.”

Hearing what the Elder Er Ge said, everyone was shocked.

They silently looked at Da Ge Lao, let him make the final decision.

Fighting is certain, but how to fight and how to fight can reduce losses and casualties.


The old man squeezed out the cigarette butt and got up suddenly.

Everyone stood up clattering.

I saw Da Ge Lao opened a special small box.

He picked up a phone inside.

“I order, fire!”

A simple and direct command conveyed the past.

“The instruction is received, the verification is complete, and the command is valid!”

At a certain base, countless soldiers are preparing nervously.

Inside the mountain, a huge silo slowly opened, revealing a hideous warhead.

Several other hidden launch bases have also erected missile silos.

“Satellite lock, launch!”

With an order, I saw a huge fire spewing, one after another huge missiles lifted into the air, rushing into the air.

A full ten missiles were launched into the air.

At this moment, countless Chinese people saw the missiles lifted off, and they were shocked one by one.

Major media, television, and radio, are all broadcasting the scene of the demon attack at this time.

The black smoke billowed, Monster Qi soared into the sky, countless demon rushed in, and the terrifying picture deeply shocked everyone.


“That’s a missile!”

“Let me just say, who have we been afraid of in China?”

“It doesn’t matter what you do, demon ghosts, monsters, ghosts and gods, come all the aggressors to get on the ground.”

The Chinese people cheered, and countless people watched the news broadcast with excitement and were extremely excited.

What was even more exciting was that those who saw the missile lift off, all of them recognized what it was.

“Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved.”

“Long live China!”

In the streets and alleys, countless people burst into cheers and shouts.

They could not wait to take part in the battle on the front line by themselves, watching the shocking scenes of missiles throwing Shattering Void naturally felt blood boiled.

What about demon, really deceive me, is China weak?

At this moment, in Licheng, one hundred kilometers away, the three big beasts stopped all together.

“what happened?”

Huntian Yaozun was uncertain and felt a burst of heart palpitations, as if danger was coming.

But the three major fierce beasts looked around and found nothing unusual, and they were a little puzzled.

“I feel a crisis is approaching.”

“Could it be that there are still strong people among humans who can’t be made?”

Thunderbird and Earth Demon spoke one after another, with a surprised expression on their faces.

Huntian Yaozun was silent, his eyes flickered, and he always felt that there was a problem, and the kind of crisis would become stronger and stronger.

Needless to say, there must be some danger approaching.

It looked at the hundreds of thousands of demon army behind it, feeling proud, slapped its chest, and showed a proud look on its face.

“In this era, the gods and demons have fallen, and there is no longer a threat.”

“Humans are a fragile race. Kill them all, raise them in captivity, and use them as our food to create a country of demon.”

“This seat will create the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.”

The Huntian Demon looked up to the sky and roared, shaking in all directions.

The billowing roar shook the clouds and saw a few flares falling from the sky, very fast.

But it didn’t care. It didn’t pay attention at first, but it suddenly woke up when the missiles roared.

“not good!”

Huntian Yaozun’s face suddenly changed, and he waved a huge metal pillar about to hit him.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Several missiles fell into the demon legion, completely covering this area.


In the void, several missiles disintegrated one after another, and dozens of dense warheads flew out of them, and each warhead dived down at high speed.

Almost instantly, dozens of warheads plunged into the billowing black cloud.


A loud noise, accompanied by dozens of big explosions, engulfed everything in an endless fiery light.

Within a radius of fifty kilometers, it was engulfed by the blazing light, and everything was immediately annihilated and disappeared.

Hundreds of thousands of demon were gasified before they even screamed on the spot.

Nuclear explosion!

The super nuclear explosion exploded, dozens of nuclear bombs exploded directly, and the high temperature produced instantly wiped out more than 100,000 demon.

At this moment, human beings show their own fangs.

The demon is very scary, but it was still directly obliterated under the nuclear bomb. The high temperature of the nuclear bomb exploded and destroyed hundreds of thousands of demon.

Along with the eruption of terrifying light, countless people felt the white light dazzling and couldn’t open their eyes in Licheng, a hundred kilometers away.

The blazing light lit up, like the sun was falling, and it didn’t go out for a long time.

At the moment the nuclear bomb exploded, everything went silent.


A violent explosion followed, resounding through the sky, and the entire city shook violently, forming a major earthquake.

A large number of houses in the city shook, windows shattered, and a powerful shock wave swept across, spreading across a wide range.

On TV and on the Internet, major news broadcasts this live broadcast. The real nuclear strike was shocking.

In addition to shock, still shock!

Countless Chinese people were sluggish and lost their voices collectively. Looking at the true power of the nuclear explosion, they realized that the horror of nuclear bombs simply existed for destruction.

“Sure enough, it was a nuclear explosion.”

“Good fried!”

The next moment, countless people came to wake up and cheered.

Hundreds of thousands of demon received Dongfeng Express from China, and they were collectively annihilated.

When the light dissipated, the huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, creating a halo of air waves that congealed and did not disperse, and the clouds were defeated.



Suddenly, there was a roar in the mushroom cloud, and the roar shook the clouds.

I saw a group of thunderclouds rolling, endless flashes of thunder and lightning, unexpectedly survived the nuclear bomb explosion, incredible.


A hundred-meter-high giant ape roared with extreme anger, his hair was scorched, and he was smoking black smoke, and he actually withstood a nuclear bomb without dying.

Not far away, a huge pangolin drilled out of the ground and stood up, with black smoke on the scales. The scene was roasted at high temperature, but it did not die.

“Damn human!”

The great ape roared and looked at the hundreds of thousands of demon that had been gasified and disappeared, almost mad.

The great ape fell into extreme anger, waved the huge metal pillar, and was about to go wild, but suddenly saw a few things flying above his head.

Upon closer inspection, the giant ape’s eyes protruded and his hair exploded.


With a roar, it was overwhelmed by a blazing light.

Several nuclear bombs exploded at the head, and hydrogen bombs, which were more powerful than the previous nuclear bombs, exploded at the same time.


The light swallowed everything, and the hot light surpassed the core temperature of the sun, instantly engulfing three fierce beasts in it.

At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled again, and the sky fell apart.

The nearby mountains and rivers were directly turned into ashes, and a hot sun exploded, forming a terrible destructive force. When the hydrogen bomb exploded, everything went silent.

The earth quaked, and the city more than 100 kilometers away shook violently, and a large number of stripped windows were directly shattered.

Numerous people suffered severe pain in the stabbed eyes. Fortunately, they became stronger after cultivation, so they did not lose sight on the spot, otherwise they would directly cause spreading injuries.

Despite this, the shock waves generated by the two rounds of nuclear bomb explosions still had a great impact on Licheng, and many people were blown off.

A large amount of air waves and dust rushed straight into the sky, forming a group of larger mushroom clouds that spread out violently, and circles of white clouds shrouded and spread.

That shocking scene represents the ultimate force of mankind, truly proclaiming its existence and deterrence to the demon ghosts.

After half an hour, everything there gradually calmed down.

Everyone looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the sky dumbfounded, and the shock was beyond words.

Excited, excited, shocked!

The eyes of all parties around the world who were paying attention here were collectively silent, and they were deeply shocked for a long time unable to return to their senses.

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