Chapter 262


In the 100,000 mountains, a burst of Monster Qi soars into the sky.

The billowing demon gas pierced through the sky like wolf smoke, stirring all directions, and the atmosphere had penetrated a hole.

The terrifying aura swept across the entire hundred thousand mountains, and countless creatures went mad and roared to the sky.


There is a demon born!

This movement naturally attracted the attention of the Chinese executives.

Satellites mobilized one after another and aimed here.

A large number of drones came quickly to investigate the situation here.

[According to the news from this station, unknown changes occurred in the Shiwan Mountain, and a large number of demons were born. Please evacuate this area as soon as possible. 】

With the great turmoil of Shiwan Dashan, countless demon appeared, causing huge panic, and a large number of residents were forced to evacuate.

There are even residents of large and small towns all migrating to big cities.

One army rushed to the battlefield and blocked the exit of Shiwan Dashan.

A large number of military facilities have been set up here, and a line of defense has been built to form a strong line of defense.

At this time, Long Yuange was discussing this matter nervously.

“Everyone, there are a lot of traces of demon in Shiwan Dashan.”

“Look at it.”

In the conference room, more than a dozen big bosses had serious discussions.

A satellite projection was playing in front of them, showing the situation of Shiwan Dashan.

Judging from the images taken by the satellite, the Shiwan Dashan Mountain was enveloped by a magical energy, and Monster Qi soared into the sky.

Those demon auras rose up into the sky like wolf smoke, stirring up all directions and causing great turmoil.

A large number of creatures, upgraded beasts, were eroded by the aura of demon, becoming more violent and fierce.

“The situation is urgent. Evacuate the residents of the surrounding towns immediately.”

With an order from Elder Dage, the large troops set out, constantly evacuating the masses, evacuating the residents of nearby cities and towns, and evacuating one by one.

There are a large number of demon gatherings here, and the situation is getting more and more serious, and it is very likely that a big battle will occur.

You have to prepare in advance, otherwise it will cause huge casualties if war starts.


With a roar, a terrible breath erupted in the 100,000 Dashan Mountain, which actually shattered a satellite directly.

The picture flashed, almost causing damage to other satellites, causing everyone present to sink in their hearts.


Elder Wu Ge looked at the fluctuations and disturbances in the satellite image, and saw that black clouds and fog continued to spread outside on the image.

Among them, blood-colored, yellow aura stirred the situation and caused great changes.


In the mountains, there was a loud roar, and Monster Qi rolled and shook.

The terrible change shocked everyone.

Under the drone shooting, a muffled noise suddenly came from the mountain, and the earth roared, as if some monster was running.

Boom, boom, boom…

The forest shook, and the devilish energy rolled in.

A behemoth rushed out of the mountain and stood on the top of the mountain. The body that reached a height of one hundred meters exudes a tyrannical atmosphere.

“Great ape?”

There was a sound of inhalation in the Longyuan Pavilion.

The big guys took a breath and looked at the huge giant ape that appeared in the picture, all black hair and windless dancing, exuding a Heavenly Demon gas.

He is fierce and arrogant.

“I’m back.”

The great ape suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, making a deafening sound.

It has a hideous face and roars loudly, shaking the mountains and forests like thunder.

The terrible breath shook the sky, and the fierce aura swept through, and countless people could not breathe.

A terrible beast appeared.


Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound from the mountain, and the giant ape turned around and looked at it.

I saw a thundercloud rolling in, densely intertwined and coiled around, and vaguely saw a huge body swept across the sky with thunderclouds.

“Thunderbird, are you also resurrected?”

The great ape uttered a word, and the voice spread from all sides.

In the thundercloud, there was a terrifying big bird hidden all over, full of thunder and lightning, and thunder snakes surrounded the body, and the feathers lit up with thunder lights.

This is a terrifying thunderbird with a mighty momentum.

“Hahaha, isn’t your Huntian Demon Venerable also resurrected?”

There was a blast from the thundercloud, revealing three huge bird heads, each of which was the size of a millstone, and dense thunder and lightning surged in his eyes.

This thunderbird is extremely terrifying.

And that great ape was equally terrifying, and the two big beasts actually gathered together.

“This body is so bad, this seat has only recovered one ten thousandth of its strength.”

The great ape, that is, the Huntian Demon Venerable touched his chest with some dissatisfaction, and was very dissatisfied with this body.

“Come on, this is not a junk bird. It will take a long time for the strength to return to its peak state.”

Thunderbird said with a sorrowful expression.


As he was talking, suddenly a mountain in the distance exploded, and a Daoist shadow flew out of it.

The two fierce beasts looked at each other, staring straight at the Daoist shadow.

“Huh, Huntian, Thunder Monster, you two are actually resurrected?”

The visitor looked at Huntian Demon Venerable and Thunderbird in surprise, obviously they knew each other.

Huntian Yaozun looked at the other party, the ten-meter-high body could not be compared with his body, but the breath was not weak at all.

This guy, covered with strange scales, has a huge tail, and the sharp tail is shining with metallic light.

“Are you an earth demon?” Huntian Yaozun suddenly thought of something.

The earth demon nodded with a smile on his face and said: “Yes, it is this seat, the Demon Venerable Chaotic Sky, I didn’t expect you to be there for tens of thousands of years.”

“It’s a pity that the body of this one who won the house is too bad. A pangolin is weak and pitiful. It seems that I should find a chance to get a strong body.”

The Demon said dissatisfiedly.

The three big beasts gathered together, and the three breaths were extremely powerful and terrifying, exuding a terrifying demon aura, fierce and powerful, shocking all directions.

“Very well, since you are all awake, then our plan can be realized.”

The Huntian Demon Venerable was surrounded by fierce aura, as soon as the voice fell, a huge metal pillar appeared directly in his hand.


The black metal pillar fell on the ground and exploded a mountain. The heavy force made people frighten.

“Fortunately, the weapons in this seat are still there.”

Hun Tian Yao Zun said with a relieved smile.

The demons on the side twisted their necks and grinned and said, “Huntian, let’s talk, what are your plans? I just want to find a large number of humans for snacks.”

“Yes, for tens of thousands of years, I have not tasted the flesh and blood of human beings for a long time, and I almost forgot the taste.”

Thunderbird said loudly, and all three heads twisted together, looking extremely fierce and violent.

It can’t wait to taste the taste of human beings.

“No hurry, the deity senses a lot of human aura.”

Huntian Demon Sovereign smirked and said: “The three of us gather a group of demon first, and then attack the human city, letting our subordinates take the lead.”


The other two giants agreed.


“The group of demons listen to the order!”

“Swallow mankind with the ancestors.”

A roar spread across the mountains and forests, and countless upgraded creatures roared in response, all of them transformed into countless demons after being eroded by the aura of demon.

These demons have become more ferocious and terrifying. They are not upgraded ordinary creatures, but more ferocious demons.


In the forest riots, countless demons, large and small, rushed out. For a while, the beasts roared with ferocious aura.

“Kill, flatten the human city, and enjoy carnival.”

Hun Tian Yao Zun waved his beater, and the countless demon gathered behind him roared and swept across the sky Monster Qi, killing the human city outside.

A giant ape with a height of one hundred meters, a three-headed thunderbird with a wingspan of over one hundred meters, a powerful pangolin with a height of ten meters, and three big beasts led countless demons to the human city.

For a time, the world was in an uproar.

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