Chapter 254: Poor Mirror Demon

Magic City, aristocratic elementary school.

In a single dormitory, Zhou Mengmeng flipped her cell phone boredly.

She skillfully dialed a number with “Handsome Daddy” on it.

“Beep…Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable…”

Hearing the prompt, Zhou Mengmeng murmured dissatisfiedly.

“Damn it, I’ve called it eight hundred times, but it still can’t be connected.”

She muttered to herself, this number was left to her by Liu Qing.

But it happened 800 times, but it couldn’t get through.

She even wondered if Liu Qing had been scammed by Liu Qing and gave her a fake number, otherwise how could she not be able to connect.

In fact, she doesn’t understand. There is a magnetic field covering Kunlun Mountain, and generally speaking, it is impossible to make a phone call.

And now Liu Qing basically doesn’t use the phone, so it’s normal to be unable to get through.

Tick, tick!

At this moment, dripping water came from the bathroom of the dormitory.

Zhou Mengmeng glanced at the bathroom in surprise, but didn’t care, and continued to play with her mobile phone.

But at this time, there was a bloody shadow in the bathroom, which was spreading rapidly throughout the dormitory.

The walls were densely covered with blood stains, like blood vessels crawling all over the room.


Soon, the blood vessel ruptured, and blood leaked from it, and a fishy smell filled the house, making Zhou Mengmeng immediately aware that something was wrong.


A weird sound came from the bathroom, like crying but not crying, and it made people listen to the creeps.

Zhou Mengmeng’s eyes widened, looking at the blood vessels that crawled all over the room, one by one, blood was flowing, almost infiltrating the entire room.

Blood blisters appeared on the wall, and pus and blood were being left. The smell of that fishy smell made people sick and even dizzy.

“Hey… demon?”

Zhou Mengmeng was dumbfounded and quickly reacted.

She jumped up with excitement, picked up a slipper next to her, and stared at the bathroom with bright eyes.

There were bursts of pus and blood, and it kept pouring out gurglingly.

She suddenly kicked and opened the bathroom door.


With a loud noise, the bathroom door was directly torn apart.

What caught my eye was a patch of red pus and blood, which continuously flowed down from the wall, exuding a stench and fishy air.

Zhou Mengmeng’s eyes lighted up, not only was she not afraid of seeing such a scene, but she looked excited.

Most people would definitely faint when seeing such scenes, but she, an eight-year-old girl, is not afraid, but very excited?

This behavior is not right.

“Haha, there really is a demon, great.”

Zhou Mengmeng yelled in excitement, waved her slippers and rushed in.

I saw a mirror hung in the bathroom. At this moment, all the mirrors turned blood red, and the mirror frame was covered with dense blood vessels crawling around.

A blood bowl occupies two-thirds of the mirror, and the mouth opens, revealing rows of sharp fangs, and there is still disgusting mucus.


“Flesh, pink and tender human flesh…”

There was a terrifying sound in the mirror, Demon opened his mouth, and a scarlet tongue licked his mouth, which was covered with sharp barbs.

At first glance, there is no doubt that if it is lightly shaved on a person’s face, a layer of meat will be brought down.

“Wow, it’s really demon.”

Zhou Mengmeng cheered excitedly.

“…” Jing Yao was stunned.

what’s the situation?

Why is this human girl looking excited, shouldn’t it be full of fear?

It seems something is wrong. Is it because the way of playing is wrong and not scary enough?

Or is the human female doll in front of her brain broken, she is a fool?

“Never mind, eat it in one bite.”

The mirror demon couldn’t figure it out, and simply rolled his mouth open, and his tongue quickly pierced Zhou Mengmeng.


The next moment, the scarlet tongue was slapped heavily on the ground by a slipper.

And Zhou Mengmeng went up to the mirror with excitement.

Bang bang bang…

“Wakaka, little demon, look at the shoes…”

Zhou Mengmeng screamed with excitement while he was hitting. The first time he hit Demon, he was a little nervous and excited, and the mirror demon’s face was stunned when he hit Demon for the first time.


Slippers… My dignified mirror demon was beaten with slippers by an eight-year-old human little girl. Daddy is a demon, don’t you want to face it?


Jing Yao was angry and opened his mouth wide and roared.

As a result, a slipper was tucked into its mouth.


Before it was furious, he saw a small pink fist hit his face.

That little fist contained a huge amount of power and punched through the entire bathroom wall.

Including the mirror shattered all at once, looking at the shattered mirror, the mirror demon was completely stunned.

Impossible, the power of this human child is so terrifying?

“Eight steps to catch the cicada!”

“A cannon from the ground!”

Zhou Mengmeng’s figure flickered, like a whirlwind, bashing the mirror with a fist.


There was a loud noise, and the entire bathroom wall was directly destroyed. A powerful punch combined with a strange force and Blood Qi exploded the mirror monster abruptly.


The mirror demon screamed, and Zhou Mengmeng grabbed the broken mirror with both hands and smashed it on the ground. His body leaped, and condescendingly cast a heavy pendant.

“No…” Jing Yao shouted in horror.

With a bang, the ground cracked directly, and the mirror demon exploded into countless pieces like a mass of rotten meat, and those who died could no longer die.

A mirror demon was physically overwhelmed by Zhou Mengmeng, an eight-year-old girl.


The countless blood vessels in the dormitory disappeared quickly, and the room that was originally full of pus and blood disappeared all at once.

“Yeah, I killed a demon!”

Zhou Mengmeng jumped up excitedly looking at the tragic death of the mirror demon.

This is the first time she killed Demon.

Since learning and cultivating the “Ninth Set of Broadcasting Techniques” taught by Liu Qing, Tiantian cultivation has not only cultivated a strange power, but also feels uncomfortable if he doesn’t fight for a day.

But in the Noble Elementary School, fighting is not allowed.

So she can say that after holding back for a long time, she saw demon and upgraded beasts appearing everywhere on the Internet, and all kinds of weird creatures always fantasize about killing demons and slaying demons by themselves.

Unexpectedly, a demon was brought to the door today, which made her excited for a long time.

“Oh, I knew it was a bit lighter. I’m going to kill you so soon, I don’t have to play.”

Zhou Mengmeng suddenly said something annoyed.

This word happened to be heard by a shadow outside the window, his body trembled slightly, the cold air filled the dormitory, and the cold air that had invaded the dormitory quickly receded.

Outside the window, a white figure looked deeply at Zhou Mengmeng in the dormitory, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

“It’s a demon fetus, it’s really amazing.”

The mysterious Baiying muttered to herself, and finally looked at Zhou Mengmeng, and disappeared without a trace of cold air.

The mirror demon just now was actually brought by her. The purpose was to test Zhou Mengmeng’s demon fetus. Now the test is over.

She originally wanted to shoot Mengmeng next week, but every time she wanted to do it, she always had a strong sense of crisis.

It seemed that he would die as soon as he shot it, so he brought a mirror demon to try it out. As a result, the suffocated boy Zhou Mengmeng was beaten up indiscriminately.

The poor mirror demon was physically overwhelmed by Zhou Mengmeng’s fist.

“Huh, what is this?”

Suddenly, Zhou Mengmeng’s eyes lit up and saw a shining thing on the shattered mirror monster.

She picked it up immediately and looked at it curiously.

The movement here naturally alarmed the school. Soon, several teachers from Cultivation Base rushed over.

As an aristocratic elementary school, every student here is precious and precious. If something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble.

“Mengmeng, are you okay?”

A beautiful female teacher rushed over and broke into the dormitory. She saw Zhou Mengmeng standing there, and immediately ran up to check it carefully.

After seeing Zhou Mengmeng all right, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, other teachers arrived one after another, and some guards arrived quickly.

When everyone looked at the broken bathroom and the cracked floor, every teacher was stunned.

“Teacher, I’m fine.”

Zhou Mengmeng smiled brilliantly, and quietly put away the strange spar in her hand.

Several teachers looked at each other, looking at the broken bathroom, and then at Zhou Mengmeng, who looked innocent and innocent, and looked at each other speechlessly.

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