Chapter 248 Ancient Corpse Demon

Yu Xufeng, Liu Qing who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes.

“Huh, Jiuyou Chuanxin?”

Liu Qing was astonished, quickly absorbed the soul information that came, and immediately understood.


He looked startled, he didn’t even think about it, and his figure disappeared in the same place.

Jiuyou clone found the netherworld, which made him quite surprised.

It is not the so-called Fengdu built by humans before, but a real underworld.

On the other side, send the message to the deity queen.

A powerful aura burst out of Jiu You’s body, a gloomy aura swelled, and ten Yama Faxiangs lay in front of him, watching the carrion corpse on the opposite side vigilantly.

This carrion is not simple, Jiuyou can see through the danger and fear of the other party at a glance.

It is not an ordinary thing, but a real demon corpse, and it is also a demon corpse with extremely powerful origins.

“Ancient corpse demon!”

Jiuyou said something cautiously.

Qin Hongyi’s face changed slightly, and he exclaimed: “Scorpion demon, didn’t it mean that this thing is extinct, and are you sure it is an ancient corpse demon?”

“Interesting, little human beings can actually condense the ten temple Yama Dharma bodies, and can see the heels of this seat.”

The carrion looked surprised at a large number of Jiuyou.

Immediately after turning his eyes, two beams of red awns swept across Qin Hongyi, his eyes lit up.

“Taiyin Underworld, that’s not right, your female baby has a special physique. This seat just lacks a servant girl, so you can stay.”

After speaking, the carrion pointed at the two of them, and a black air swept through, turning into a monstrous torrent.

The devilish energy is rolling, mighty!

“Ten Fang Yama, Yongzhen Jifu!”

Jiuyou used the secret method, and the ten Yama Law bodies all lit up with rays of light, and they blasted the front torrent with one blow.

Hearing the sound of “boom”, the sky torrent collapsed and was directly suppressed by Yama of the Ten Temples.

However, the powerful force turned back, allowing Jiu You to retreated three steps, smashing the countless corpses under his feet.

On the other hand, the corpse demon, full of demon energy, stirred the entire underworld, and its momentum was like a rainbow.

Boom boom boom…

The sky was agitated by the black air, and the boundless ferocious aura gathered and merged into the body of the corpse demon, and the originally decaying body gradually filled up.

At this scene, Qin Hongyi was dumbfounded and pale in amazement.

This thing can actually recover, the decaying body quickly fills up and becomes a complete body, with dense magic patterns flowing on the body surface, Killing intent soaring into the sky.

“What a corpse demon, no wonder it can disrupt the entire underworld.”


As soon as the voice fell, a Daoist shadow appeared quietly and landed beside him.

Seeing the visitor Qin Hongyi’s face was delighted.

“Master…” Qin Hongyi exclaimed with joy.

Liu Qing glanced at her speechlessly, why did she suddenly call his master?

But now is not the time to think about this, the corpse demon in front of him is so arrogant and exudes an awe-inspiring and terrifying aura.

This ancient corpse demon is powerful. Judging from its breath, it definitely exceeds the Mahayana period. It already has the power to kill the immortal demon and kill the ghosts and gods.

No wonder, every time a corpse demon is born, the world will inevitably be in turmoil.

This corpse demon is very powerful, and it is also an ancient corpse demon.

“Another human?”

The corpse demon looked at Liu Qing in surprise, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty light.

It suddenly felt a powerful attraction from Liu Qing, as if only eating its flesh and blood and even soul could achieve amazing growth.

“It’s a physical body, I feel that you can directly transform into a real god and demon after eating it.”

The corpse demon was excited, staring at Liu Qing with fiery eyes, and licked his scarlet tongue.

This guy wants to eat Liu Qing.

“Be careful of this deity.” Jiuyou reminded.

Liu Qing nodded without paying attention, but looked at the corpse demon in front of him in surprise.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a corpse demon. The strength of the corpse demon originated from the ancient times is not trivial.

But even though he felt a bit of danger, Liu Qing was confident that he could suppress the opponent.

It’s just that he was curious, how could there be such a corpse demon here in the underworld.

And looking at the infinite corpses piled up around him, I felt awe-inspiring that the underworld must have had a problem that caused this situation.

“Come on, become the blood eater of this seat, and contribute your flesh and soul to the transformation of this seat.”

The corpse demon suddenly roared, and his body exploded with boundless devilish energy.


With a flash, the corpse demon slayed three feet in front of him, and his sharp claws slammed against Liu Qing, wanting to be the first to swallow this person.

This human body makes him greedy, and he wants to eat first before talking.

“Hmph!” Liu Qing snorted coldly, greeted him with a punch.

With fists and palms, there was a loud bang, sparks splashed, and a powerful wave of air erupted from the center of the two of them, sweeping across all directions.

There was a rumbling explosion, and the mountains at his feet rolled like cracks, and countless bones were shaken into powder.

The power of the two erupted, both retreated, and the corpse demon flew tens of meters before stopping.

On the other hand, Liu Qing is just a small step retreated, and the judgement is settled.

Seeing Liu Qing’s heart, the corpse demon in front of him is very powerful, but strictly speaking, it is not as good as the Buddha Sakyamuni in the newly born Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

The comparison between the two seems to be a bit weaker.

“The mere corpse demon dare to be presumptuous?” Liu Qing sneered, with some disdain.

This corpse demon is very powerful for others, and even a few Mahayana periods may not be able to deal with it.

But in Liu Qing’s eyes, that’s the case.

He has the power of three thousand demon gods in his body, plus the chaos realm evolves in his body, and every move contains infinite power.


“I’m tearing you apart.”

The corpse demon roared fiercely, obviously angered by Liu Qing’s mockery.


It stomped suddenly, the boundless bone mountain burst, and a bone spear slowly rose from the ground. The jade-black bone spear exuded a light of Heavenly Demon.

“Devil soldier?” Liu Qing narrowed his eyes, and looked at the demon soldier, with a strong aura.

However, it is far from the Xiantian Sword Embryo that I got. If it can be taken, breaking the Sword Embryo will definitely enhance the power of Sword Embryo.

Thinking of this, Xia Chen had a decision, and since he was interested, he grabbed it.


Starting with the bone spear, the corpse demon aura soared three times, and the whole was enveloped in the rolling demon aura, fierce and fierce.


The corpse demon roars fiercely, penetrating through with a bone spear, a powerful blow can even directly destroy a city.

Facing this move, Liu Qing’s expression was cautious, and a faint ray of light appeared between her brows.

“The corpse demon is also a demon, watch me suppress you.”

Liu Qing’s mind turned sharply, thinking of various coping methods, and finally sacrificed something.

It was a copper coffin. The small copper coffin was enlarged at once, and he erected it in front.


The ground exploded, and the bones within a kilometer radius were all shattered into powder, revealing a large pit.

Liu Qing pushed open the copper coffin, revealing a gust of weather, and a colorful glow came out of the coffin and turned towards the corpse demon.

“Roar…” The corpse demon felt a deep crisis, and looked at the copper coffin with horror, his eyes almost staring out.

It actually ignored the backlash and just removed the burst of energy, turned around and ran.

Unfortunately, it wants to run too late.


As soon as the copper coffin was opened, a ray of colorful glow engulfed the corpse demon, and quickly rolled back toward the inside of the copper coffin.


“No, no no, my lord is forgiving, this seat is just a small person…”

The corpse demon roared in horror, and was received by the copper coffin, and closed it in a snap.

This scene made Qin Hongyi dumbfounded, a little stupid and unclear.

The corpse demon, who was still flaunting his might just now, was actually suppressed by Liu Qing with a copper coffin.

Jiuyou was also stunned, looking at the copper coffin suspiciously.

Liu Qing waved his hand, the copper coffin shook slightly, and quickly shrank and flew back to his hand. The Chaos Realm contained in his body slowly allowed the three thousand demon gods to be nurtured for sacrifice.

“Huh, what is this?”

On the bone throne where the corpse demon was, there was a flickering golden light.

Under curiosity, Liu Qing stretched out his hand and took a photo.

A closer look turned out to be a roll of golden paper.

“What is this?”

Qin Hongyi also looked at it in surprise.

Jiuyou frowned slightly, looking at the roll of gold paper, and faintly noticed a trace of Bufan.

Liu Qing felt a little surprised. The gold paper was heavy, with numerous mysterious symbols shining densely on it.

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