Chapter 243 Emperor Tathagata

Dunhuang, Mogao Grottoes.

Known as the Ten Thousand Buddha Caves, Sacred is incomparable to the light of Buddha.

The entire Mogao Grottoes were shrouded in a golden Buddha light, and it seemed to have become a Buddhist kingdom.

Inside, the golden Buddha statues braved the light of the Buddha, as if the light was turned on, and the spirits were alive, exuding a kind of Buddha’s breath.

Moreover, in the main cave of Mogao Grottoes, the Buddha’s light is vast, and the Buddha’s sound is bursting, like a pure land of Buddha, with the figures of Buddhas inside.


Suddenly, a mighty devilish energy swept over, and instantly enveloped the entire Mogao Grottoes, and the sky was covered with darkness.


There was a burst of Buddha’s name in the Buddha’s light, and the golden light was permeating, and the phantom of a big Buddha slowly lifted into the sky, looking solemnly at the billowing demonic energy.

The body of this big Buddha is the largest giant Buddha in Mogao Grottoes. At this moment, it is covered with a layer of golden Buddha light, as if it has come alive, with the burning Buddha light in its eyes.

It saw the arrival of the devilish energy, braved the golden light all over, and immediately opened up a Buddha light defense, and the whole Mogao Grottoes were integrated.


The devilish energy billowed, swept in mighty, turning into a torrent and hitting the Buddha’s light to produce a huge explosion.

The entire Mogao Grottoes were shaking, the Buddha’s sound was bursting, and the devilish energy was surging. The two were actually evenly matched.


With a cold snort, the demonic energy exploded, and a person walked out of Heavenly Demon’s breath. He was strange and handsome. There was a Sacred Buddha light all over his body, but it gave people an evil and strange feeling.

The person who came was the evil Buddha Tathagata.

His goal this time is exactly the Mogao Grottoes in front of him, which has already produced an illusory Buddhist kingdom.

The big Buddha here has developed spirituality and has become a natural big Buddha. If he is given time, he might be transformed and become a real Buddha.

“Amitābha, donor, you are insane.”

The Buddha stared at Emperor Tathagata with scorching eyes, with a serious look on his face.

Emperor Tathagata smiled evilly, raised his hand and pressed, the sky gathered a huge magic hand, palm bred a holy Buddha light, like a Buddha country in his palm.

But this palm is a magical hand, and the magical hand actually bred the kingdom of Buddhism. The overlap of the two gives people a great spiritual impact.


Under the demon’s hand, an immense momentum shrouded, pressing the Buddha’s whole body to tremble, and the original Buddha statue flew directly, sitting down and the lotus flowers bloomed.


The Buddha folded his hands together, sitting on the lotus platform, and greeted him with a palm.

Two palms, a golden Buddha hand, and a dark magic hand, slammed together heavily in the void.


A powerful ray of light erupted over the Mogao Grottoes, with energy raging, and the shock wave produced by the explosion exploded like a nuclear bomb.

A powerful impact rolled up the desert with a radius of tens of miles to hundreds of meters high.

This scene fell in Liu Qing’s eyes.

In fact, he cast his eyes when the evil Buddha was born, and looked at this evil Buddha in surprise.

“Buddha and demons are one, evil Tathagata?”

Liu Qing said to herself, eyes reveal brilliant.

This evil Buddha was stared by him as soon as he was born, and because of this, the emperor Tathagata did not dare to slaughter in China.

Because he faintly sensed that a pair of eyes were watching him, once he wanted to kill him, he felt a deep crisis of Death.

Emperor Tathagata was very confident, so instead of killing a lot, he took a large number of monks and turned them into demon monks to strengthen his own power.

As for Liu Qing, although he saw it, he didn’t stop it.

Without him, this evil Buddha is going to fight in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom. Isn’t it just a show?

Although he had also blown up the Buddha of the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom before, but the other party hid in the Buddha Kingdom, and Liu Qing felt a faint threat when thinking about breaking into the Buddha Kingdom several times.

For the sake of safety, he didn’t break into the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

Now there is an emperor Tathagata coming out, and naturally just use it to try whether the depth of the water in Xitian is deep, and how deep it is just in his interest.

“The world is getting more and more interesting.”

Liu Qing’s eyes were scorching, and he landed at Mogao Grottoes, watching the devilish energy and Buddha’s light intertwined and collided with each other, it was obvious that the Buddha’s light had dimmed a lot.

The Buddha and the demons are one, the emperor Tathagata is really evil and unpredictable, even more powerful, and even has some unknown methods.

His identity and origin are unknown, at least for now, Liu Qing does not know the origin of the other party’s information, where it came from.

According to Ya’s database, he knew the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, but there was never any record of the Evil Buddha Emperor Tathagata, which naturally attracted Liu Qing’s attention.

“It depends on your details.”

Liu Qing hid in the void, silently paying attention to the movement below.

At this time, under Mogao Grottoes, the Buddha’s light was dim.

Emperor Tathagata had a Sacred face, and the black swastika flickered slightly on the center of his eyebrows. A more powerful demon energy burst out suddenly, and the magic wheel behind his head suddenly burst out with Buddha’s light.

“Fudo Mingwang!”

Pressing it with a palm, the void turned into a black immovable king, exuding a dark magical energy, and instantly suppressed it.


The earth shook, and a powerful blow shattered the Buddha’s light, knocking the Buddha back hundreds of meters, and the devastating golden body on his body was actually full of cracks.

The Great Buddha was horrified and felt a deep crisis.

“I would like to enter the Western Heaven and take refuge in Sakyamuni…”

The big Buddha folded his hands together, and a devastating light burst out of his body, and he turned to the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom for help.

Originally, it wanted to nurture by itself. After thousands of years, it became a spirit. It naturally had ambitions. It wanted to become a Buddha and open up a Buddha country.

It’s a pity that I met the Evil Buddha Emperor Tathagata, which is troublesome.

At the moment of Death, he had to turn to the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom for help, which was equivalent to submitting to the Buddha of the Sakyamuni clan and becoming a subordinate Buddha.

This made him very unwilling, but he had to do it.

“Want to ask for help?” Emperor Tathagata smiled contemptuously, his face was strange and evil, and the magic wheel suddenly burst out of endless Buddha light, turning into a round of big sun to crush it down.


With a loud noise, the Great Buddha collapsed, and a group of dazzling origins flew out, wanting to escape from here and go to the Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven.

It’s a pity that a magic hand gently grasped the ball of origin and was held by the emperor Tathagata in the palm of his hand.

“Yes, with this group of Xiantian Buddhism, this Cultivation Base will definitely recover a bit.”

After he finished speaking, he swallowed it, and his breath suddenly rose by a large amount, causing Liu Qing to look at him.

The real strength of this guy must have not recovered.

The Evil Buddha Emperor Tathagata, who is able to resurrect and return, naturally has a powerful ability.

The breath on his body soared, and he quickly converged, and he looked at the empty clouds in an insignificant way.

Emperor Tathagata’s eyes flashed a dignified look, as if he had felt it.

“In this world, there is actually such a strong person?”

He was secretly awe-inspiring in his heart. He was just born, and he wanted to do a great job, but he felt a powerful crisis and didn’t feel reckless.

Sure enough, it feels right, there is still a powerful existence in this world.

“This illusory state of Buddhism can be transformed into the nourishment of this supreme state of Buddhism.”

After finishing talking, Emperor Tathagata pressed it with a palm, and the illusory Buddha kingdom in the entire Mogao Grottoes was captured and merged into the magic wheel of the magic core behind his head.

“Three thousand Buddhas, come back.”

Seeing him grabbing it with one hand, golden Buddha sources flew out of Mogao Grottoes, and he was infiltrated into the bodies of the demon monks behind him.


Heaven and earth faded, Buddha’s light, and devilish energy were intertwined. Three thousand demon monks were transformed one by one, and the Buddha’s light was bursting, and the devilish energy was surging. The two actually balanced.

Soon, a new Buddha and Demon appeared.

Three thousand Buddhas and demons!

“Good means.”

Liu Qing’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the three thousand Buddhas and Demons created behind Emperor Tathagata with admiration, each of which had a Gold Core Cultivation Base.

This is simply creepy, where did the other party come from?


At this time, Emperor Tathagata pointed out again, and light flew into a mural in Mogao Grottoes, and ripples suddenly appeared.

Liu Qing’s eyes condensed, and he took a closer look. It was a flying mural on which the eight flying Celestial Immortals women came to life.

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