Chapter 228

The collision of the two wills shook the surrounding sea water.

Not counting the Dragon Palace, there is another deep-sea civilized city hidden under this trench, and inside it is a deep-sea race.

The man in front of him is a strong man in the deep sea race, and may even be the one with the most powerful status.

Seeing this, Liu Qing was relieved, as long as there is not too much power, it is not a problem.

I am afraid that there are some Mahayana masters hidden in the other civilized race. It seems that there should be no masters, otherwise the seal would have been broken long ago.

“Damn, you ignore this king?”

The man yelled and looked very angry.

As the sea king of deep sea civilization, he is respected by strength and status. He has never thought that he will be ignored by others, and his proud heart is naturally not angry.

“I am the sea king of the deep sea clan, who are you, report your name.”

The man in the light curtain approached the seal and stared at Liu Qing through the light curtain, with cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Liu Qing glanced at him, disdainfully said: “Aquaman? Are you the most powerful existence of the Deep Sea clan?”

“If this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about.”

After speaking, Liu Qing pointed directly on the light curtain.


Before the sea king could react, he felt a powerful will hit his body fiercely through the light curtain, vomiting blood instantly, exploding a blood hole in his chest.

He was severely wounded again, wounded and wounded, and almost died.

Liu Qing unexpectedly saw that he was not dead yet.

I have to say that the sealing power in front of him is still very powerful, blocking most of his power, and only a part of it passes through.

“Damn it, this king will never end with you.”

The sea king roared furiously, his body lit up with blue light, his injury was quickly repaired, and he recovered in a blink of an eye.

I saw him bursting out rays of light suddenly, the weakened seal suddenly fluctuated rapidly, and the light flashed back to its original strength.

The seal was restored.

Hai Wang actually took the initiative to repair the seal, which made Liu Qing quite surprised.

This guy actually repaired the seal and didn’t want to come out?

In fact, he frightened the Sea King, and almost died after being hit hard in the two fights. Naturally, the Sea King of the Deep Sea clan inside was frightened.

Under fear, the originally destroyed seal was directly repaired, Liu Qing was isolated from the outside, and the scene of the light flashing under the trench disappeared.

Only a hazy light film enveloped the entire trench, which was perfectly sealed.


Liu Qing was a little speechless, looking at the repaired seal, she felt depressed in her heart.

You said how good it is for people to break the seal well, and now they ran out to scare the other party, but they didn’t dare to come out and even took the initiative to repair the seal.

What is this called?

Seeing this, Liu Qing shook his head, raised his hand to gather a powerful force, and the terrifying energy fluctuation made the sea king who was repairing the seal full of horror.

“not good.”

Sea King yelled in horror, and suddenly took out a faint blue bead and crushed it.

The beads shattered, and only a powerful blue light spread, and with a hum, the entire deep-sea city was shrouded in light, and it shrank quickly in an instant.

“Escape…” The Sea King yelled in horror, the light shrank and turned into a streamer and sank into the bottom of the sea, and even the entire deep-sea city disappeared.

Outside, Liu Qing gathered his entire body Cultivation Base and punched the light curtain with a punch.


Hearing an explosion, the entire light curtain was torn apart and exploded with a punch.

The powerful fist punched through the trench, shattered and collapsed a large part of the trench, sweeping the infinite breath under the trench.


The next moment, hundreds of millions of seawater swept in, and the entire trench was crushed in an instant.

But Liu Qing broke the seal defense, only to find that the deep-sea city that originally existed inside had disappeared. He was surprised for a while.

“Hey, there is room for fluctuations.”

Liu Qing’s expression shrank, and she felt a wave of spatial fluctuations.

He didn’t even think about raising his hand to point.


The submarine space burst, and a finger of light pierced through the void and blasted on a blob of blue light, which suddenly produced a shocking explosion.


“This king remembers you.”

There were screams in the void, and then the blue light disappeared without a trace. Liu Qing couldn’t even track it.

The other party had a secret treasure and ran away, and even took the entire deep-sea city away, which really surprised him and surprised him.

“I didn’t expect to be able to run.”

Liu Qing stood in front of the broken trench, looking at the completely destroyed trench, without the previous deep-sea city below.

The sea king of the deep sea clan had some means, and he ran away simply and neatly, and could also escape with a deep sea city.

I have to say that he is still a little capable, of course, no matter how he escapes, he will still be in the ocean.

It’s just that it’s not easy to find it. This guy was obviously frightened by Liu Qing’s severe injury.

“Forget it, I’ll kill it when I meet it in the future, the Deep Sea clan should have a lot of treasures.”

After Liu Qing finished speaking, shook his head and turned back to Black Tortoise.

“My deity, I feel that there are other treasures hidden under the trench.”

At this moment, Shui Xing stared at the Mariana Trench with scorching eyes, his tone affirmative.

“Oh, are you sure?”

Liu Qing also glanced at him unexpectedly, looking thoughtfully at the huge trench in front of him.

This is just a small part of the entire trench.

“Yes, I sensed a kind of spiritual wave that fits me.”

The avatar of Shuihang answered truthfully.

Liu Qing thought for a while and said: “If this is the case, then you go and be careful yourself.”

“Don’t worry about this deity.”

Shui Xing clone nodded, and then rushed into the huge trench ahead with Black Tortoise, looking for treasures.

There are endless treasures hidden in the deep sea, but it is difficult for humans to come in and develop it.

After the revival of Spiritual Qi, the resources in the entire ocean have doubled several times, and a large number of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures have been derived, and there are even some rare treasures.

Let Shui Xing clone go to the deep sea for treasure hunting naturally.

And Liu Qing watched for a while, then turned and shook, and the person had disappeared into the deep sea.

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